Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Things that make me go Uh?

As a former rock-throwing liberal who's evolved into a social progressive and a fiscal conservative, and thus feels more relaxed now as a registered independent voter who's seldom seduced by the dogma of both nutty ends of our major parties, I went to vote today knowing that as a registered independent I would not be able to cast my vote in Maryland for either the Democrats or Republican candidates for anything.

"What party sir?", asked the nice lady at the voting station. I told her that I was an independent.

"Then you are aware that you'll only be voting for the Board of Education candidates?" she added.

"I know," I responded.

"Some people have been surprised and upset by that," she expanded as she handed me the plastic card with an embedded chip in it.

"Why?" I asked. "It was clear to me that as a registered independent, Maryland is one of those states that doesn't allow us to vote for Democrats or Republicans during the primaries."

She looked at me, almost expecting me to figure out the great illogical consequence of what I would figure out next.

And I did.

"But wait!" I almost shouted, and the nice old lady behind me in line jumped back a little. "Why can't I vote for independent candidates?" I looked at her, already knowing that she had heard this song before.

"Doesn't make sense does it?" she sighed. "People have been complaining all day."

What's up with that Maryland?

And yet another art scammer!

I've started a conversation with this rip-off master:

To: lennycampello@hotmail.com
Subject: ArtFile Online: Asere Si o No? 2009 Charcoal on Paper 19 x 48 inches
From: dr.jamesgreene@yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 10:55:28 -0400

Morning,I would love to purchase Asere Si o No? 2009, Charcoal on Paper 19 x 48 inches ,please get back to me with details..I appreciate your prompt response


And my response

From: Lenny Campello
Subject: RE: ArtFile Online: Asere Si o No? 2009 Charcoal on Paper 19 x 48 inches
To: dr.jamesgreene@yahoo.com
Date: Friday, March 30, 2012, 12:52 AM

Dr. Greene,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I was about to be evicted from my home due to lack of money to pay my rent... this will allow my six daughters and I to stay here 2-3 more months.... I have shown your email to my landlord and he's allowing me to complete this sale and then pay him for the overdue rent.

What details do you need?

Blessings to you and your family.


And he responds in turn

Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 03:34:34 -0700
From: dr.jamesgreene@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: ArtFile Online: Asere Si o No? 2009 Charcoal on Paper 19 x 48 inches
To: lennycampello@hotmail.com

you havent even told me the price and how you want payment made..kindly get back to me with those,thanks

So, I then lead him on more:

From: lennycampello@hotmail.com
To: dr.jamesgreene@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: ArtFile Online: Asere Si o No? 2009 Charcoal on Paper 19 x 48 inches
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 20:21:29 +0000

Dr. Greene,

How I hate to sully the transaction of art with talk of money... but I must pay my rent... I hope you understand.

Will you be paying for shipping fees? Where will I be shipping this wondrous creation of mine?

My six daughters, my landlord and I send you blessings.


Monday, April 02, 2012

Art Scam Alert

Here's the text and email address of the would be scammer:

Morning,I am interested in buying your True Believer 2009 Charcoal and Colored Pencils on Paper 24 x 14 inches ,i would like to know how payment would be made,and the price you listed for it.have a nice day..I appreciate your prompt response


Sunday, April 01, 2012

You know I'm gonna go see this show...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Dmitry Volkov

I know that this blog is all about the visual arts, but recently I had the pleasure to be invited to and then astounded by, a private cello performance by a very young and immensely talented cellist that had a profound impact upon me.

Winner of the 2009 Carlos Prieto International Cello Competition, cellist Dmitry Volkov performs solo concerts across the Globe. Mr. Volkov won First Prize in the Midland-Odessa Symphony National Young Artist Competition (2011), the Heifetz Institute of Music Concerto Competition (2009), and the Togliatti International Competition for Strings, (2002), as well as Second Prize in the Teacher and Student International Competition (2003). Having graduated from the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory in the studio of Natalia Shakhovskaya in 2011, he is pursuing an Artist Diploma at the Peabody Institute in the studio of Amit Peled.

Volkov's talent is undeniable, but I think that it is his passion for the music that he makes that will set him apart and make him an important star in the vastly gifted firmament of contemporary classical music.

As I sat there watching his impossibly long fingers dance all over the cello, I was thinking to myself how mankind continuously replenishes itself with ever more advanced talent, always pushing the line a little further along the unquantifiable "it" that makes us open out mouths and minds in wonder.

Volkov is about to embark on a tour of Mexico; check out his website here.

Friday, March 30, 2012

O'Steen on Caldwell

Danielle O'Steen reviews Colby Caldwell's two concurrent exhibitions in DC - read that review here.

This dual-solo show event(s) has got to be a first for me and for the DMV in general: one artist having two individual shows at the same time in two separate individually owned, independent commercial fine arts galleries.

Caldwell is one of the artists in my 100 Artists of Washington, DC book.

Way to go Colby!

WaPo announces the new guy in charge of Arts coverage

John Temple, former editor and publisher of the Rocky Mountain News, has been hired by the WaPo as a managing editor.

Temple will oversee the areas that focus on the WaPo's local DMV audience, including its Metro section, sports and arts coverage.

DC Art News welcomes Temple to the area, and if he ever wants to listen to the DMV's number one expert on how the WaPo can improve its local arts coverage, the beer is on me.