The Business of Art Workshop – A Professional Development Series for Visual Artists
Panel Presentation: The Inside and Out of Creating a Great Art Portfolio
Saturday, May 5, 2012; 3-5pm
Join Tosha Grantham, Philippa Hughes, Christina Marsh and John Yeh
as they discuss what makes a portfolio great and not-so-great. Hear
what makes them look twice or not at all, what they've seen that works,
and where trends are going. Discussion to be moderated by Alonzo Davis.
Advance Registration Required
SMARTlink #883815
Brentwood Arts Exchange - exchanging ideas through art.
A Facility of the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission
@ Gateway Arts Center
3901 Rhode Island Avenue
Brentwood, MD 20722
301-277-2863/ tty. 301-446-6802