Friday, May 04, 2012

Supermoon tomorrow!

Get your cameras and peepers ready: the full Moon will be up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than others during the year. The reason for this phenomenon is that the Moon becomes full on its closest approach to Earth on May 5, 2012, also known as the perigee full Moon, and Cinco de Mayo Luna in Mexico (I made that up).

Geek details here.

Thumbs down!

Subject: The Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards
Date: Thu, 3 May 2012 09:21:49 -0400

Dear Artist,

On behalf of the Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District and the 2012 Trawick Prize Jury, I would like to thank you for entering The Trawick Prize:  Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards.  Our panel of jurors was honored to have the opportunity to review the creative and exciting work from a vast selection of area artists.

We received entries from more than 350 artists and the jury spent numerous hours reviewing images before making some very complicated decisions. We truly appreciate your time and talent; however, your work was not selected.

As a reminder, the jury consisted of Dawn Gavin, artist and Associate Professor in Drawing and Foundations at the University of Maryland, College Park; B. Kelly Gordon, Associate Curator at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden; and N. Elizabeth Schlatter, Deputy Director and Curator of Exhibitions at the university of Richmond Museums.

We thank you for your interest and hope you will consider applying to next year’s competition when a different panel of judges will select the finalists and winners of The Trawick Prize.  Additionally, if you are a painter, we encourage you to apply to the Bethesda Painting Awards next year, where a distinguished panel of judges will also award $14,000 to select regional painters.

We wish you the best of luck in your future artistic endeavors.


Catriona Fraser
The Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards
 And I will apply again next year... because they are right: new panel equals new set of eyes,

Open Studios Next Saturday

On May 12th, over 120 Gateway Arts District Artists will open their studios to the public. Visitors are invited to interact one-on-one with local artists, see their work, and explore their studios, during this annual event. To learn more, visit

Produced by the Gateway Community Development Corporation, Open Studio Tour is the premier arts event of the Gateway Arts District. This year's tour features:
   LOVE, LOSS & LIPSTICK:  Caryl Burtner & Taliaferro Logan
 Saturday, May 12, 2012, 12 Noon - 5 pm - Opening Reception & Tour After Party, 5:30 - 8 pm

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Taking a chance

 Los Angeles conceptual artist John Baldessari discusses how he brought slides of his early text paintings from gallery to gallery all over Manhattan and faced rejection at each one, until Michael Findlay offered him a place in a group show - which was the artist’s first ever New York showing and his second gallery show ever!
“The problem for any dealer is to be the first person to take a chance on an artist,” Mr. Baldessari said. “Most dealers wait for someone else to take a chance and then they poach from the other gallery. It’s very difficult to go out on a limb for an untested artist..."
 -  John Baldessari
Details here.


I recently had the honor and pleasure of reviewing a lot of gorgeous artwork for the Capitol Hill Art League's May juried competition. As usual, this is hard but rewarding work.

 The opening reception for this exhibition and my juror's talk is
on Saturday May 12 with an opening party 5-7pm and the juror's talk at 5:30pm.

The award winners are:

First Place:  Sonia Robed, Jacqueline Saunders,   Watercolor 
Second Place: Candice No. 100, John Reef, Pigment PrintThird Place: Slumber Party, Fierce Sonia, Photo on Acrylic
Fourth Place: Koan Run, Latex on Wood, Patricia Goslee

Honorable Mention Awards:
Galadi, Russ McIntosh, Digital Photo Illustration
Birth of an Island, Tati Valle-Riestra, Watercolor

Sonia Robed, Watercolor by Jacqueline Saunders

Candice No. 100, Pigment Print by John Reef

Slumber Party, Photo on Acrylic by Fierce Sonia

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Juror's Comments

The Business of Art Workshop

The Business of Art Workshop –  A Professional Development Series for Visual Artists
Panel Presentation: The Inside and Out of Creating a Great Art Portfolio
Saturday, May 5, 2012; 3-5pm

Join Tosha Grantham, Philippa Hughes, Christina Marsh and John Yeh as they discuss what makes a portfolio great and not-so-great. Hear what makes them look twice or not at all, what they've seen that works, and where trends are going. Discussion to be moderated by Alonzo Davis.

Advance Registration Required
SMARTlink #883815

Brentwood Arts Exchange - exchanging ideas through art.
A Facility of the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission
@ Gateway Arts Center
3901 Rhode Island Avenue
Brentwood, MD 20722
301-277-2863/ tty. 301-446-6802