Are you from PG County and in Artomatic this year?
Department of Parks and Recreation know. They might buy your art.
Department of Parks and Recreation in Prince George's County continues
to support the arts in their County - Read on:
We are annoucing our intention to
make significant purchases of artwork by Prince George's County artists
at this year's Artomatic. Our County artists have long played an active,
vital role in the regional art community, and have traditionally had a
strong presence in Artomatic- the region's largest art festival. Through
this art purchase program, it is our intention to highlight, showcase,
and promote Prince George's artists, so that attention to their work is
equal to their talent and impact on enriching the lives of our
communities. It is also our intention to demonstrate the long-term
benefit of supporting and showcasing Prince George's artists by using
these purchases to build our collection of County artists' work and to
display their artworks in our public facilities.
What can you do to have your artwork considered?
First, you must be 18 years of age or older and live, work, study, or maintain your art studio in Prince George's County, Maryland.
Second, you have to let us know who you are and where your space is within Artomatic. Call the Brentwood Arts Exchange, at (301) 277-2863 or email Phil Davis, Acting Director of the Brentwood Arts Exchange, at
Make sure you let us know why you qualify as a Prince George's artist
(live here, work here, etc.). Make sure you give is your contact info so
we can get in touch if your artwork is selected.
we will provide you with a small, yet easily visible, label that
declares you a "Prince George's Artist." Put the label up in your space
so it's easy for us to see throughout the duration of Artomatic as we
make purchases. Identifying yourself as Prince George's artist during
Artomatic will not only help us find your artwork, but also builds
solidarity among County artists and reaffirms the County's reputation as
a creative community and source of exceptional artistic talent.