Friday, May 25, 2012

Art Scam Alert

A DMV area painter recently received the below art scam email - this is a new twist:

From: Murphy Lawrence <>
Date: Fri, May 25, 2012 at 5:31 AM

Dear Sir/Ma,

I got your email through the employment database. In the past,
 you either posted your resume online or applied for a job that was
similar to the one that I am hiring for.

I am looking for someone who can handle my personal and business
errands during his or her spare time.
I need your service because I am constantly traveling abroad  on
business. I own an Art Gallery that specializes in international art.

Your Responsibilities are below.

1.   Receive my mail and correspondences. Drop them off at the post
office or shipping center.

2.   Pay my bills on my behalf and sit for delivery at home.

4.  When you get my mail or package, you would mail all items  to
where I want them shipped. .All expenses and shipping charges will be
covered by me.

The contents of the packages are mostly art materials and paintings.
In addition, there will be clothing I need for business and personal
letters. No heavy packages are ever delivered!

I would love to meet  with you to discuss this job in more detail,
but I am currently away on business to Taiwan.  If you decide to
accept the position, please read the employment requirements listed


A. You Must be a honest human.

B.  Your Work hour ls only for 15 and 20hrs a month

C  You must be able to check your email 3 to 4 times daily


In closing, I have a couple of questions for you.
First, If I were to mail you money to do my shopping plus an upfront
payment for your service, where would you want it mailed to?
Second, how would  you like for your  name appear on the money or check?
Maybe you can provide me with the following details below










 Bank Name(for direct deposit of some payments):

Mark Jenkins on Artomatic

The WaPo's Galleries art critic, Mark Jenkins (I wonder how many times people confuse the two DC-based Mark Jenkinses in the DMV art world?) has a really good piece on Artomatic - read it here

James George on AOM

Arlington Examiner's James George with an AOM focus piece on Greg Minah. Read it here

B&W Beach Ball

A Stunning Collection - HeART Art 2012 Dazzles!

Black and White Beach Ball 2012 - Sunday, June 3, 5-8 pm
heart art - victor letonoff
The 2012 HeART of the Community Art Auction will be featured at the Black and White Beach Ball on June 3. The stunning collection of art by 25 artists can be previewed online. Proxy bidding is available for those who cannot attend the event.

View HeART Curators and Artists
Preview HeART Art and Artists
Read More about HeART 2012 (by Sondra Arkin)
Purchase Black and White Ball Tickets

The Black and White Beach Ball is hosted by CAMP Rehoboth and our presenting sponsor PNC Wealth Management.

Black and White Beach Ball 2012
Sunday, June 3, 5-8 pm
Clear Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore Avenue
Open Bar and Food by Plate Catering 
Auctioneer: Lorne Crawford
Dress: Black and White Casual
Tickets: $75. Tickets are limited and may be purchased online or by calling 302-227-5620.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

American Contemporary Art Magazine

The May issue has a DC article plus three gallery reviews.

Read it here.

Jury Duty

Deadline: June 30, 2012

Later this year I will be honored to jury RSVP 2012 for The New Wilmington Arts Association. They support the careers of artists by providing opportunities for uncensored experimentation, professional presentation, and critical dialogue and RSVP is their annual juried exhibition open to all artists and media.

You can download the prospectus here - hurry and do not leave it to the last minute!

Ebner on Artomatic

Juliette Ebner has a piece in the Washington Blade: read it here