Friday, June 08, 2012

RSVP: Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: June 30, 2012

Later this year I will be honored to jury RSVP 2012 for The New Wilmington Arts Association. They support the careers of artists by providing opportunities for uncensored experimentation, professional presentation, and critical dialogue and RSVP is their annual juried exhibition open to all artists and media.

You can download the prospectus here - hurry and do not leave it to the last minute!

Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Art of Prostitution

I get dozens of news releases from all over the world on a daily basis - This one is one of the most unusual ones...

From what I can gather from the below press release, some Polish female artists - who are also prostitutes - are upset that some women from the Ukraine are preparing to rain on their parade (the sex providers are expecting to make some good Euros during the coming EURO 2012 event in Poland.
EURO 2012 with prostitutions!
UEFA welcome to our gates!
Welcome to Poland for EURO 2012!


Euro 2012 is unique occasion for us women to earn some extra money on sex-tourism! Many Polish women count on these profits and can't wait foreign football fans. Generally we earn less, usually we get worse job. Many of us bring up children alone, so Euro is a great opportunity for us. It is a chance to earn extra money and in many cases an opportunity to break the fall.

As female artists, whose income from the art is too low to be able to maintain itself, we look forward to this opportunity too. Therefore, we disagree with the action of Ukrainian feminists Femen who protest against prostitution during Euro - also in Poland! If they want to rebel, they can do it at home in the Ukraine! Poland is our territory!

We do not believe, moreover, that selling bodies is worse and more humiliating kind of prostitution than the one practiced every day by some artists supporting correct ideologies - in exchange for fame, and money. We prefer to be prostitutes dealing bodies then becoming artists from the first rows of the art whores system - selling their artistic freedom!

Therefore, we vote for prostitution in Reality - and against prostitution in ART! Therefore we urge all the feminists during the time of Euro 2012 to stay in the kitchen and let Polish girls earn some money!

On the occasion of EURO 2012, we also created our own Euro 2012 mascot. This is the eight-foot sculpture of an anonymous figure - "Prince X", inspired by the work of renowned sculptor Constantin Brancusi, showing substantial male genitals - the symbol of our prosperity.
Details and loads more salacious pics here. We stand in full Solidarity with our Polish sisters!

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Kickstarter Plug

You constant readers know that I don't plug these very often, but I should probably start doing it so regularly for the really interesting ones (and here comes another couple of dozen emails a day!) ... BUT here's a really good one!

Click here.

Painting into Sculpture

Painting into Sculpture is an exhibition (at Marlboro Gallery at Prince George's Community College curated by John Anderson) of "painting that embraces the physical space beyond the rectangle. The featured work explores the terrain where painting becomes sculptural through various methodologies: stacking panels, activating negative space, stripping the medium from the support, using objects that function as paint, shaping the canvas, and reducing the brush stroke to an object."

Featured artists include Dennis Dake, Don Kimes, J.T. Kirkland, Donald Martiny, Eugene Markowski, Kris Scheifele, and Dan Tulk.

I'm looking forward to checking out Don Martiny's paintings, which I am told are pretty spectacular.

The exhibition runs June 4 – July 19, with a reception June 28, 6:30 – 8:30 P.M.

Gallery Hours
9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Monday – Thursday
9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Friday
Contact: John Anderson, guest curator,
Or Tom Berault, Gallery Curator,

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Mysterious snake appears in painting of Queen Elizabeth I

A late 16th century portrait of Queen Elizabeth I has reveled over time and degradation that she was originally depicted holding a coiled serpent in her hand instead of the innocuous nosegay she holds now. 
  Read all about it here.

Artists Opportunity

Mid Atlantic Competition

Deadline for Submissions: August 3, 2012

October 9 – November 2, 2012
Public Reception: Sunday, October 14, from 2-4pm

The 2012 Hoyt Mid Atlantic Juried Art Exhibition showcases artists from the Mid Atlantic Region: Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Viginia and Washington, DC.

Juror:  Yours Truly

Monday, June 04, 2012

Corcoran on the move?

From the Corcoran:
Dear colleagues,

In this moment, it is important to the Corcoran to communicate recent institutional news with those closest to us. Please find a message from Harry Hopper, chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Fred Bollerer, director and president, enclosed [read it here]. The statement has been issued following a Board decision this evening and regarding the future of the Corcoran.