Friday, July 27, 2012

Wanna go to an opening tomorrow?


WHO:         BlackRock Center for the Arts
WHAT        An exhibit with works by Robert Stuart Cohen, Elissa Farrow-Savos and Fierce Sonia
WHERE:    Main Gallery at BlackRock, 12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown, MD
RECEPTION:  Saturday, July 28 5:30 -7:30 pm
WHEN:      Wednesday, July 25-Saturday, August 18, Mon-Fri 10:00-5:00; Closed Sat & Sun
PRICE:        Admission is free
CONTACT: Gallery phone is 301-528-2260, website is

Take a cool and inspiring break this summer at BlackRock’s Main Gallery where work by Robert Stuart Cohen, Elissa Farrow-Savos, and Fierce Sonia is on exhibit July 25-August 18, 2012.  Pieces on display include mixed media, sculpture, photographs and acrylics. Hours are Monday-Friday 10:00-5:00. There is an Artist Reception on Saturday, July 28 from 5:30-7:30, which, like the exhibit, is free and open to the public.

About the Artists and Their Work

Robert Stuart Cohen finds painting to be “a process of discovery, in which working with change, matters of perception and color is essential.”  He likes to combine multiple canvases and a variety of techniques, believing “differences working together are beautiful...a new energy emerges and relationships continue to surprise and overlap.”  Cohen taught for more than 30 years at Montgomery College in Rockville and is now a full-time artist. View his gallery online at

Elissa Farrow-Savos tells stories through her sculpture, “each a narrative of some woman somewhere, and every woman everywhere.” She uses common themes, such as physical, emotional, and spiritual burdens, connections lost and found, love and anger, dignity and strength. She incorporates rusty chains, weathered wood, decaying bones, abandoned objects, and scraps of fabric – the debris of life, lived. Says Farrow-Savos, “My women are the same, they show their scars and wear them proudly because after all, they make a good story, if nothing else.”
Fierce Sonia explores digital and traditional photographic processes in her “Paper Dolls” works. “Paper Dolls” is a series of narrative figurative self-portraits. Sonia combines her photography with collage and painting mediums to construct “an outward expression of an inner fantasy world.”

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Little Keithock Farmhouse

Little Keithock Farmhouse, Near Brechin, Angus, Scotland, charcoal and conte by F. Lennox Campello, 1990
Little Keithock Farmhouse, Near Brechin, Angus, Scotland
One of the most influential times of my life were the years that I lived in Scotland (1989-1992). Above is a drawing that I did in 1990 of the farmhouse where I used the live. This haunting (and haunted) place was built in  1681 and there was even an older dovecot right next to it. Its farm fields were adjacent to the Brechin Golf Club, which I think is the second or third oldest golf playing ground in the world.
In fact, the dovecot next to it was so much older (built in 1534), that it merited an entry in the Scottish Ordnance Map as an "antiquity," not an easy thing in Europe's most ancient nation.

Anyway, the farmhouse had a beautiful garden, which was surrounded by a tall stone wall. One day, one of the trucks that used the dirt road that ran in front of the house, and led to the nearby potato and turnip fields, lost control, and slammed into the wall, destroying a couple of feet of wall.

A couple of days later, another truck dumped a small pile of new rocks, and soon afterwards an elderly gent showed up, and using nothing but a small hammer, began to rebuild the wall. He re-used the old rocks that had been disturbed by the accident, as well as some of the new ones.

Slowly but surely, over a few days, the wall was rebuilt before my eyes. When it was done, other than the fact that the moss on the stones had been re-arranged, it was impossible to tell that an accident had happened. A year later, the moss was back everywhere and no visual evidence that a chunk of the wall was "new" existed.

Opportunity for Artists

Holy Cross Hospital: Call for Entries

The Community Art Gallery at Holy Cross Hospital seeks local artists to exhibit work-specifically art with strong ties to the Holy Cross mission and community.

The application deadline is August 10, and exhibition period is from September 2012 through August 2013. Four to eight exhibitors will be selected. For additional entry info and specifications, contact Christian Payne at 301-754-7920 or

Simon Bolivar's reconstructed 3-D face

 Here's the face of the man named Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte y Blanco (July 24, 1783 – December 17, 1830), known to most of the world as Simón Bolívar, and also as the man who kicked the Spaniards out of most of the Americas and led Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia to independence.

Brutish thug Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez recently commissioned and just released this 3D portrait of the Bolivar face.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

MSAC Awards

The Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) Individual Artist Awards (IAA) Program awards grants to Maryland artists through an anonymous, competitive process that encourages the pursuit of artistic excellence throughout the state.

The Program is administered by the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation (MAAF) and the deadline to apply is July 27, 2012. Awards will be announced in February of 2013.  
The 2013 Individual Artist Award application is open for Maryland individual artists practicing within these disciplines:        
  • Fiction
  • Theater: Solo Performance  
  • Visual Arts: Media/Digital/Electronic Arts 
  • Visual Arts: Painting  
  • Visual Arts: Works on Paper     

For detailed eligibility instructions and guidelines, please review the FY 2013 Individual Artist Award Guidelines.  

Applications must be submitted through CueRate, the electronic grant application system. To apply, visit the MAAF web site and follow the CueRate instructions. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Robert T. Cole at Zenith

Zenith Galleryest. 1978
Celebrating 34 Years
ZENITH GALLERY at Eleven Eleven Pennsylvania Ave, NW

Sculpture, Furniture and Wall Reliefs by Robert T. Cole
MEET THE ARTIST RECEPTION: Wednesday, July 25, 5:00 - 8:00 PM
At: 1111 Pennsylvania Ave NW, WDC 20004 (12th & Penn NW)
 images, Cole 
Robert Cole has been a major part of the U Street Renaissance and his sculptures can be seen across the DC Metropolitan area.  Some of his commissioned work includes sculptures for the Washington Area Metro Transit Authority at the Naylor Road Metro stop, the Gaithersburg Maryland Humane Society, Jair Lynch Development Partners & AHD Inc. in Washington DC, Bowie State University, and The Washington Post.
Cole's art has earned him recognition not only in our nation's capital but also in Italy where he won the Lorenzo IL Magnifico award for his sculpture at the 2003 Florence Biennale.
1111 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC, 20004 (12th & Penn, NW)
Open Daily 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
(weekends the entrance is on 12th Street; please knock on the door to be let in.)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Art scammer

Kathryn Delahunty ( is an art scammer and he/she has been emailing DMV area artists today...

See this link.