What the hell was that opening all about? Was I the only one who thought it was rather unintelligible? And that opinion is coming from someone who lived in the UK for a few years...

What were those guys (dressed like the
Monopoly guy) in the top hats supposed to be?
Jitterbugging nurses and doctors?And the scary huge puppets being taken down by the dozens of Mary Poppins (who looked like giant flies coming down)... and what about that giant creepy baby!
Interesting that the Scottish kids sang an anti-English song (
Flower of Scotland)... the ahh... National Anthem of England's pesky Celtic Northern neighbor...
Cool part: When the Olympic rings lit up and rained fire... did anyone notice that one of the rings was sort of "leaking" fire for a bit while all the others had stopped?
Awright... the Queen's entrance was cool too...and that bit with 007 eclipsed the robotic Chinese opening four years ago. And Mr. Bean (
Blackadder!!!!) was really funny in that subtle English way
I am a big McCartney fan, but... has Sir Paul become the duty "closer" for anything British (or big name musical)? Didn't we just see him doing the same skit for the Queen's 1000th Jubilee?
And after
Kobe and LeBron made the comments about this team being better than the dream team, they better not get surprised by Spain, or Argentina, or some Eastern European country...
I'm just saying... cough, cough...