Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Malik M. Lloyd at Asman gallery

NBC's Asman Gallery presents, GOOD MEDICINE - A solo exhibition featuring the art of Malik M. 

Mr. Lloyd is the founder of FIND ART information bank and was one of the artists featured in the 100 Artists of Washington, DC book.
Malik's artwork explores the African–American historical and religious experience. His overarching intent is to "create artwork that examines relationships between history's truth, unearthed by contemporary scholars of African decent, and it's detrimental, but more accepted falsehoods, perpetuated for centuries – this falsification of history is so pervasive, that it remains the dominant historical narrative taught in schools and provided in the media". He uses his artwork to promote awareness of these historical inaccuracies. 
Asman Gallery
4001 Nebraska Ave., NW
Washington, DC. 

Reception: September 8, 12. Time: 5 – 7pm. 
Works on exhibition until September 22. 

Note: NBC's Channel 4 is a secured building. Visitors to the exhibition need to be placed on visitors list in advance of entering building by emailing names to The gallery is available to visitors, Monday – Friday, from 5pm to 8pm. Saturday and Sunday, 12noon to 5pm.  

Monday, September 03, 2012

The Worst Art Restoration Mistakes of All Time

So now we all know what not to do when restoring great works of art. Don't go into a church in Spain and try to touch up a century-old fresco if all your attempts at art so far have ended with people asking you what you're painting. But it turns out that even professionals can screw up horribly when it comes to art restoration. Here's how art restoration screwups can lead to impromptu nose-jobs, cracked paintings, or sand-blasted sculptures. 
 (Via) Read the whole article here.

On Identity in the Arts: What Does It Mean to be Latino?

Those of you who know me well, and those of you who know me through my writing, know that one of my pet peeves is the usage of "labels" to box people and art, or art and people, into easily distinguishable categories.

One such label is the American invention of the Hispanic (now apparently not a PC term because technically it includes two European nationalities) or Latino label to pass for ethnicity and often and always wrongly for race.

What does that mean in art? And what does it mean to "Latino" artists? Does it mean anything?

If you want to hear my opinion on the subject then start by penciling in October 11, 2012, where starting at 5PM I will be presenting a lecture titled "On Identity in the Arts: What Does It Mean to be Latino?" at Montgomery College in Silver Spring, MD.

Prepare to understand why us "Latinos" are often as confused by the use of this term as the rest of the world.

Directions here.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Collecting Art

The Role of Art Fairs in Building a Contemporary Collection 
Thursday, September 13, 6:30-7:30pm
Location: UBS Financial Services, 1501 K Street, NW, Washington, DC
This event is free but registration is required, email to register
Fernando Silva Pinto, Washington Correspondent for TV Globo, moderates this panel discussion with collector Dani Levinas, curator Joanna Marsh (Smithsonian American Art Museum), and gallerist Amy Raehse (Goya Contemporary). The participants will discuss their experiences with art fairs, tips for negotiating them, and the role they play in building a contemporary collection.
Organized by Washington Project for the Arts in partnership with UBS Financial Services, Inc., this forum is part of a series of stimulating conversations on current art concepts and trends, which give artists, curators, and collectors an opportunity to gain insight on new directions in contemporary art.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

(e)merge needs volunteers

(e)merge art fair is looking for energetic, efficient volunteers to assist with various aspects of the  fair. No experience is necessary, but knowledge of the art field or experience with art events is preferred. This is a valuable experience for anyone involved with or  interested in contemporary art. 

(e)merge will take place at the Capitol Skyline Hotel October 4-7, 2012. 

Volunteers will be invited to an orientation at the hotel prior to the event. Whether you want to assist for a day, or for the duration of the art fair, dedicated volunteers are essential to the success of the fair and deeply appreciated. 

If interested or have any questions please contact Irene Clouthier at

2nd Thursday Art Night: Fall for the Arts in Old Town

WHAT:              2nd Thursday Art Night: Fall for the Arts

WHEN:             Thursday, September 13, 6-9pm

WHERE:           Torpedo Factory Art Center, 105 N. Union St., Alexandria, VA 22314


INFO:      ; 703-838-4565

DESCRIPTION: Browse open studios, interact with artists, enjoy live music, refreshments, and special activities at this free monthly event! Celebrate Target Gallery’s silver anniversary at the reception for 25: Target Gallery Celebrates 25 Years, and then commemorate the occasion by creating your own button using images from the gallery’s past exhibitions. Attend the exhibition reception for Microcosms and the All-Media Membership Show in The Art League Gallery. View artwork from this year’s Visiting Artist Program at the reception for Synergy in Site 2 & 3 Galleries.

Special Reception to celebrate Target Gallery’s 25th Anniversary
From 6-8pm, celebrate Target Gallery’s silver anniversary at the reception for 25: Target Gallery Celebrates 25 Years, an all-media exhibition featuring work that responds to world events that have occurred over the past twenty-five years. Stick around for a special presentation at 7pm featuring a gallery talk by the show’s juror, J.W. Mahoney, followed by birthday cake and sparkling wine.

The Art League Gallery Reception
From 6:30-8pm, The Art League Gallery hosts the reception for Theresa Esterlund’s solo show, Microcosm, and the All-Media Membership Exhibit with an awards ceremony at 7:30pm.

Live Music by Tedd Baker
Enjoy live music by acclaimed saxophonist Tedd Baker.
Synergy: Artwork from the TFAA’s 2012 Visiting Artist Program
Visit Site 2 & 3 Galleries for the reception for Synergy, an exhibition of work created by artists from the Torpedo Factory Artist Association’s 2012 Visiting Artist Program.

DIY Button Making
In conjunction with the reception for 25, visitors are invited to create their own button using images from up-cycling postcards from Target Gallery’s past exhibitions.

About 2nd Thursday Art Night: 2nd Thursday Art Night is a free monthly event held on the second Thursday of each month at the Torpedo Factory Art Center. Visitors are invited to browse open studios, interact with artists, and enjoy refreshments while taking part in special monthly programming and activities.

Visit for more information about 2nd Thursday Art Night and this month’s special activities.

Torpedo Factory Art Center

82 Artist Studios – 6 Galleries
The Art League School – Alexandria Archaeology Museum
Gift Shop – CafĂ© by Bread & Chocolate

Open Daily 10 am – 6 pm, Open Thursdays until 9 pm
On the Waterfront in Old Town Alexandria
105 N. Union St., Alexandria, VA 22314