Tuesday, September 18, 2012

For tomorrow

Wanna know how to tell it apart? Then check out this panel of curators, academics, artists and critics:

1. John James Anderson, Art Critic for the Washington City Paper, Egghead Professor and a really good Artist

2. Bill Dunlap, Artist, Critic for WETA Around Town show, Curator

3. Harriet Lesser, Curator, Strathmore Center for the Arts and Artist

4. Michael O'Sullivan, Visual Arts and Film Critic for the Washington Post

P.S. Please bring your own examples too!

September 19, 2012 7-8:30 p.m.
Hillyer International Art and Artists
9 Hillyer Court
Washington DC 20008
Free and Open to All

Monday, September 17, 2012

EPA blows it...

In what can be best described as one of the stupidest "you really blew it, dude" emails of recent times, the Environmental Protection Agency yesterday sent an e-mail to its staffers on the issue of National Hispanic Heritage Month.

The EPA's email stepped on its own crank twice:

1.  It contained passages about Hispanic culture apparently copied word-for-word from Buzzle.com. This is perhaps an indication that the author of the email is either a emerging Bidenist or a graduate of the New York Times' Jason Blair School of Journalism.

2. More offensive to the people being honored this month, was that the email also contained an image of the murdering, hemophobic, racist, psychopath known as Che Guevara. The same Guevara who referred to Mexicans as "a band of illiterate Indians” and noted that “The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”

According to the WaPo: "The EPA gave Buzzfeed the typical response to such matters: it was the fault of a staffer, no supervisor approved it, the underling has apologized, etc., etc" - That's what you call modern leadership qualities... throw the GS4 who wrote the email under the bus... it wasn't my fault... no one approved that...

Makes my head hurt.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bad Art / Good Art

Wanna know how to tell it apart? Then check out this panel of curators, academics, artists and critics:

1. John James Anderson, Art Critic for the Washington City Paper, Egghead Professor and a really good Artist

2. Bill Dunlap, Artist, Critic for WETA Around Town show, Curator

3. Harriet Lesser, Curator, Strathmore Center for the Arts and Artist

4. Michael O'Sullivan, Visual Arts and Film Critic for the Washington Post

P.S. Please bring your own examples too!

September 19, 2012 7-8:30 p.m.
Hillyer International Art and Artists
9 Hillyer Court
Washington DC 20008
Free and Open to All

Opportunity for Latino Artists

Entry Deadline:  November 18, 2012

Call For Entries: Converging Cultures: Works by Latino Artists

September 6–October 4, 2013

Entries must be submitted via email.  Instructions are contained in the exhibition prospectus.
Click here to download the exhibition prospectus.
Click here to download the entry form.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Opportunity for Portrait Artists

Deadline: Monday, October 8, 2012 at 5pm

All portrait artists 18 years or older residing in Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, and Delaware are invited to enter ArtSpace Herndon's 4th Annual Expressions Portrait Competition to compete for cash prizes.  
Up to 25 finalists will be selected from the entries to exhibit in the Post Gallery at ArtSpace Herndon in November.  The prize winners will be announced at the exhibit reception.

This year's judge is Kurt Schwarz.  Kurt Schwarz is a portrait and still life painter whose reputation for exceptional use of color has earned accolades. He earned an MFA from George Washington University and teaches at the Loudoun Academy of the Arts and The Art League in Alexandria.     

Please review the complete prospectus for all the rules, dates, and other information.  
Click here for the full prospectus and to enter online!

Friday, September 14, 2012

WPA Artists' Directory: Tonite!

EARLY BIRD DEADLINE: September 14, 2012, 5:00pm
FINAL DEADLINE: October 12, 2012, 5:00pm

Published bi-annually, this four-color, 8½ x 5½ inch directory is the definitive listing of established and emerging contemporary artists throughout the Washington region. It is widely used by galleries, curators, art consultants, and art patrons. Copies are distributed to selected art critics and other members of the press, and to museums both within and outside of the region. The 2013 - 2014 Artist Directory will be published in the spring of 2013, and will be available for sale on the WPA website and at select area retail locations at the price of $9.95.

Each participating artist will be featured on a full page (8½ x ½ inches). The page will include the artist's name, a color digital image of their work, their studio address and phone number, email address, web address, categories to describe their work and studio practice, and their gallery affiliation.

All current WPA members are eligible for publication in the Artist Directory. There is an additional participation fee that includes a copy of the Artist Directory. Participants who submit before September 14, 2012 can pay a discounted early registration fee of $65. After September 14, the registration fee increases to $75. The final registration deadline is October 12, 2012. No submissions will be accepted after this date. 

Registration for the 2013 - 2014 Artist Directory will be handled exclusively through WPA's website.

Each participating artist can upload one image to be featured on their page. Images must be submitted as .eps or .tif files in CMYK format. They must be 300dpi and as close as possible to, but no smaller than 6 inches on the longest side. If you have any questions regarding the 2013 - 2014 Artist Directory or any issues with registration, please contact Christopher Cunetto, Membership Manager, at ccunetto@wpadc.org or 202-234-7103 x 2.



Deadline: Monday September 17th @ 11:59PST

Great Exposure
$26,000 in Cash Prizes
Winning images exhibited at FotoWeek Central during the Festival, November 9-18


Single Images
Photo Books