Saturday, October 06, 2012


Depending on your relationship to the powers that be, Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange rank among either the brightest angels or the darkest demons of contemporary life. Harnessing the power of the internet to blow the virtual whistle on corruption around the world, Wikileaks demonstrated, if nothing else, how much tougher it is to cover up wrongdoing in the age of social media and self-publication. Now, ArtLeaks looks to shine the same spotlight on corruption specifically in the world of art, which they see as a power struggle between rich buyers and institutions and the creators and everyday workers with little sway or pay. Bursting onto a scene desperate for a savior, can ArtLeaks be the Wikileaks of the art world?
Read the entire piece by Bob Duggan here.

Friday, October 05, 2012

WaPo looks at (e)merge

Lavanya Ramanathan has a really excellent review here and Michael O'Sullivan has some great photos here. I'll be there tomorrow and review will be up NLT Sunday morning.

(e)merge art fair opened yesterday in Washington DC

The (e)merge art fair opened yesterday and runs through Sunday, October 7th at the Capitol Skyline Hotel in Washington, DC. The fair features new talent presented by an international mix of 80 exhibitors showing art from 152 artists from 24 countries.

(e)merge combines an exhibition platform for galleries and nonprofit spaces with that for vetted projects by unrepresented artists. Both platforms present new works by emerging artists in performance, installation, painting, sculpture, and video on multiple levels of the hotel.


(e)merge will present panel discussions on performance art and arts funding at 2pm on Friday and Saturday afternoons. The fair will also include artist performances, interactive works, large-scale installations, and special projects.


Thursday, October 4: 7pm - 11pm
Preview Opening Party and Concert by Thievery Corp with Eric Hilton
Friday, October 5: 12pm - 7pm
Saturday, October 6: 12pm - 7pm
Sunday, October 7: 12pm - 5pm

The Capitol Skyline Hotel
Washington, DC

Campello on TV

Vanessa CampelloIf you watch the new CBS series "Vegas" - look out for my daughter Vanessa Campello -- she's a recurring extra on the show (she plays the receptionist)... yay!

And she's also a recurring extra on "The Mentalist."

36 Hour Live Performance at (e)merge starts at 5AM

Andrew Wodzianski at (e)merge art fair

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Ownership rights

Read this and then do what you think is right.

DC Fine Art Photography Fair

The DC Fine Art Photography Fair will feature 15 established fine art photography galleries from across the United States, with representative samples from their gallery inventories. An extraordinary range of photographs, from 19th century images to cutting-edge contemporary visions, will be on display and available for purchase.

Friday, October 5, 2012: Opening Night Preview 6:30-8:30pm (By Invitation Only)
Saturday, October 6, 2012: Open to the Public 12pm – 7pm
Sunday, October 7, 2012: Open to the Public 11am – 5pm

Saturday, October 6, 11am–12pm: Panel Discussion "On Collecting Photography" (Panel will include George Hemphill.)

The fair is FREE and open to the public.

Former Residence of the Ambassador of Spain
2801 16th Street, NW, Washington DC 20009
call 202.986.0105 for more information