Monday, November 05, 2012

Residencies for Artists


The Saison Foundation / Residence in Morishita Studio. Research residencies for artists and arts administrators, i.e. producers, program directors and curators, engaged in contemporary theater and dance. Japan.
Deadline: November 8, 2012

Arteles Residency Program Finland 2013.
Deadline: November 9, 2012

ArtFunkl, based in Manchester,UK is delighted to offer another opportunity in the Scribus series of Residencies for writers or digital media artists. UK.
Deadline: November 12, 2012

Est-Nord-Est, résidence d’artistes/Appel de dossiers 2013/Artistes en résidence. Canada.
Deadline: November 15, 2012

The Jan van Eyck Academie is an international post-academic art institute that offers space to ambitions, plans and work of artists, designers, writers, curators, thinkers. Maastricht (NL).
Deadline: November 15, 2012

Gastatelier Gasmesserhaus: The studio community AZB Arbeitsgemeinschaft Zurcher Bildhauer has invented this temporay studio for sculptors and installations or 3D workers. CH.
Deadline: November 15, 2012

Mexican & European Media Artists in Residence Exchange EMARE MEX 2012-2013, The European Media Art Network.
Deadline: November 15, 2012

As a multiplex cultural arts center, Incheon Art Platform (IAP) is based on artists-in-residency programs. It hosts exhibitions, performances and concerts all over the year and runs various events and educational programs for general public. South Korea.
Deadline: November 15, 2012

The Civitella Ranieri Foundation will provide the two selected UNESCO-Aschberg Laureates with an apartment, work space, and two meals six days per week for a six-week residency. Only through the Unesco Aschberg bursaries for artists it is possible to send an application. Italy.
Deadline: November 15, 2012

360 XOCHI QUETZAL is a new, free artist residency located in Chapala, Mexico on the shores of the largest lake in Mexico where artists and writers will find inspiration from the stunning views of mountains, lake and sunsets. Mexico.
Deadline: November 17, 2012

Arquetopia Art Production Artist Residency – Oaxaca and Puebla, Mexico – Jan/Feb 2013.
Deadline: November 18, 2012

2013 Master Artists-in-Residence Schedule at Atlantic Center for the Arts, Residency #148, February 18–March 10
Deadline: November 18, 2012

Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto is a non-profit organisation endorsed by the region of Piedmont, Northern Italy. Since 1998, Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto has run the UNIDEE in Residence International Programme. UNIDEE takes part in the 2013 programme of the UNESCO Aschberg bursaries for visual artists. Read more about this stipend and how to apply here. Deadline for the UNESCO Aschberg: 18 November. Italy.
Deadline: November 18, 2012

Maumau artist-in-residence programme in Turkey.
Deadline: November 19, 2012

Join TRACTOR! Residency for creative professionals from all the fields of : Visual Arts, Media Art, Music & Sound, Performing Arts, Design, Architecture, Literature, Research. Slovenia.
Deadline: November 19, 2012

TWS Aoyama:Creator-in-Residence provides a truly diverse range of opportunities for exchange for people of age or gender, and working in any genre. Japan.
Deadline: November 20, 2012

International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC): the residency programme is one of the initiatives of the International Centre of Graphic Arts aimed at integrating, supporting and developing the work of cultural operators within the artistic and institutional dimensions in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Deadline: November 20, 2012

The NPO BEPPU PROJECT is opening an International Artist in Residence program for artists in the music field and the contemporary art field (visual arts and performing arts). Japan.
Deadline: November 23, 2012

The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center: Bellagio creative arts residencies are for composers, novelists, journalists, playwrights, poets, video/filmmakers and visual artists. The Center typically offers one-month stays for no more than 3-5 individual artists at a time. Italy.
Deadline: November 30, 2012

CACIS - Forn de la cal:  The center hosts visual arts projects, performing arts, performance, thinking, land- and site-specific art as well as research projects on sustainability and nature preservation. The residence has the basic conditions for research and study. Spain.
Deadline: November 30, 2012

The Digital Arts Studios’ residency programme aims to encourage and support new and established artists in the creation of innovative, challenging and experimental new work by providing a creative hub with access to multiple facilities and resources. UK.
Deadline: November 30, 2012

Cyprus College of Art: The Cornaro Residencies 2013, 3 Month Artists Residencies. The fee for a three month stay (15 February to 15 May 2013) is 1000 euro, which pays for basic single room youth hostel style accommodation (shared washing and cooking facilities), studio space and tutorial assistance in either Lempa (Paphos) or Larnaca. Cyprus.
Deadline: asap.

Halka Art Project invites artists and researchers for Spring 2013 term Residency Programme in Istanbul. Turkey.
Deadline: December 31, 2012

Applications to Nes Artist Residency may be submitted at any time (open call). Iceland.
Deadline: Anytime

McColl Center for Visual Art's residency program: ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE + ENVIRONMENTAL ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE. USA.
Deadline: Anytime

Artist in Residency Program, Shanghai @ The Swatch Art Peace Hotel, Shanghai, China.
Deadline: Anytime.

Chinese Arts Centre: The Whisper Residency gives you a taster session of Breathe, being able to live and work within the residency space but for 1 month. Manchester, UK.
Deadline: Anytime.

Spark Box Studio’s Artist Residency Program provides live/work space to accommodate both emerging and professional printmakers, photographers, painters, illustrators, curators and writers. Canada.
Deadline: Ongoing

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Dexter screws up again...

Remember a few years ago when I got pissed because one of my favorite TV shows - Showtime's Dexter - got the Cuban dialect all wrong, and then screwed up even bigger when it assumed that Cubans are just Mexicans with a different name and assumed that Cubans ate burritos.

The latest episode of Dexter fucks up again, but manages to offend two Latin American people at once... first, when referring to Colombian criminals, in a scene it spells their nationality (on a police whiteboard) as "Columbians."

I guess Showtime doesn't know the difference between criminals from the District of Columbia and criminals from the fucking country known as Colombia; the people from there are known as "Colombians" to everyone on this planet but to the ignorant, uneducated writers from Dexter.

The second cultural and ignorant offense is (once again) dealing with the "Cuban food" roach coach that feeds Miami's best.

Evidence of Showtime's Dexter lack of cultural sensitivity

In this latest episode, I noticed that the sign on the roach coach spells out "Cucina Cubana" which is an interesting mixture (and misspelling) of the Italian (not Spanish) word for "kitchen" or "Cucina" and the real Spanish word for "kitchen" or "Cocina."

An "u" instead of an "o" makes a big cultural difference and the Dexter crew really needs to hire someone who lives in Miami and stop going by what Hollywood idiots pass for Miami.

Dear Dexter writers (or whoever is in charge of this fucking inept roach coach part in the series):
(a) there's no such thing as "burritos" in Cuban food and
(b) "Cucina" is Italian - NOT Spanish!

Makes my head hurt.

In just a couple of days...

Two more days and all those divisive, nasty, caustic, gagging, hateful, and dogmatic political postings by some of my FB friends will end...

I wish.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

New art gallery to open

Grand Opening of a new art gallery
“Gallery de Fabbio”
Saturday, December 1st 2012, from 1-8 PM pm at-

10007 Kinross Ave.,
Silver Spring, MD 20901
301. 593. 5507

Jobs in the Arts

Several nice job openings at the Guggenheim in NYC. Check it out here.

Want more art jobs? See below:
Various job opportunities at the Guggenheim Museum: NYC, USA.
Deadline: asap.
Current available positions at The Museum of Modern Art, MOMA NYC: NYC, USA.Deadline: asap.

Current available positions at The Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC. USA.
Deadline: asap.

Current available positions at the TATE. UK.
Deadline: asap.

Current available positions at Christie's. Worldwide.
Deadline: asap.

SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art) current Opportunities. USA.
Deadline: asap.

The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute offers a broad range of career opportunities. USA.
Deadline: asap.

Victoria and Albert Museum: View current vacancies and apply online.
Deadline: asap.

University of Glasgow, College of Arts: View current vacancies and apply online.
Deadline: asap.

University of Cambridge Museums (UCM): View current vacancies and apply online.
Deadline: asap.

Cincinnati Artswave current Job Opportunities. USA.
Deadline: asap.

Association of Midwest Museums current Job Opportunities. USA.
Deadline: asap.

School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Current Full-time Faculty Positions. USA.
Deadline: asap.

New York Foundation for the Arts: Jobs in the Arts, current vacancies. USA.
Deadline: asap.

Marketing and PR Coordinator at de Cordova Sculpture Park and Museum. Interested candidates should send their resumes with cover letters and salary requirement, by email to . USA, MA, Lincoln.
Deadline: asap.

Das Badische Landesmuseum, eines der bedeutendsten kunst- und kulturgeschichtlichen Museen Deutschlands, sucht zum 1.1.2013 eine(n) Mitarbeiter(in) für das Referat PR und Marketing in Vollzeit befristet bis 31.12.2014. Germany.
Deadline: November 12, 2012

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste: im Departement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung, Forschungsschwerpunkt Transdisziplinarität suchen wir für das Forschungsprojekt „Size Matters. CH.
Deadline: November 12, 2012

National Galleries of Scotland: Assistant Curator (Maternity Cover) - (NMS12/273) Scotland.
Deadline: November 12, 2012

Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery: Conservation Project Manager (Staffordshire Hoard) UK.
Deadline: November 14, 2012

Herzog & de Neuron: Das Communications - Team sucht per sofort oder nach Vereinbarung für mindestens ein Jahr einen engagierten und motivierten Praktikanten (m/w) am Hauptsitz in Basel. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung unter Angabe der Referenznummer B12-6. CH.
Deadline: asap.

Tate: Assistant Curator, Collections International Art. UK.
Deadline: November 15, 2012

Leiter/in Institut für Theorie (ith), 100 % - Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. CH.
Deadline: November 15, 2012

Lund Humphries, long-established publishers of illustrated art books with a particular reputation within Modern British Art, are seeking an experienced Project Manager to join their Editorial and Production team. UK.
Deadline: November 16, 2012

An der Hochschule für Künste Bremen ist in direkter Anbindung zum Rektorat zum nächstmőglichen Zeitpunkt die Stelle einer/eines wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiters für Forschungsfőrderung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (Kennziffer DL 12/06) mit der Hälfte der regelmässigen wőchentlichen Arbeitszeit einer/eines Vollbeschäftigten (zunächst) befristet bis zum 30.09.2014 zu besetzen. Germany.
Deadline: November 16, 2012

The Dacorum Heritage Trust is an Accredited Museum based at The Museum Store in Berkhamsted, with collections covering the Borough of Dacorum. The Curator will continue to run this small, but busy museum service, assisted by an Assistant Curator and a large group of volunteers. A job description and application form can be obtained by emailing: Finance Manger . UK.
Deadline: November 16, 2012

Das Landesmuseum Württemberg sucht zum 1. Februar 2013 eine/einen Pädagogin/ Pädagogen im Bereich Kulturvermittlung in Teilzeit (50%). Germany.
Deadline: November 16, 2012

Cubitt Gallery is looking for a manager. One of the UK’s most established artist-run spaces,  renowned for its programme of innovative and challenging exhibitions. Please note that there is no curatorial element within the role. UK.
Deadline: November 19, 2012

Die Prof. Hans Jürgen Kallmann-Stiftung sucht für das Prof. Hans Jürgen Kallmann-Museum in Vollzeit eine/n Museumsleiter/in. Germany.
Deadline: November 19, 2012

Director of Education at Young At Art Museum, USA, FL, Davie.
Deadline: asap.

Das Schweizerische Institut für Kunstwissenschaft (SIK-ISEA) sucht für seinen Hauptsitz in Zürich ab Anfang Januar 2013 eine Praktikantin / einen Praktikanten für das Schweizerische Kunstarchiv (6 Monate zu 50%). CH.
Deadline: November 20, 2012

Open Eye Gallery is looking for a new Director to lead the organisation through what promises to be one of the most exciting periods in its history. UK.
Deadline: November 22, 2012

Das Kunsthaus Zürich sucht sucht eine Ausstellungskuratorin / einen Ausstellungskurator. CH.
Deadline: November 23, 2012

Derby Museums are looking for an Assistant Exhibitions Officer. UK.
Deadline: November 23, 2012

Chinese Arts Centre is looking for a curator. In the coming months, we will be recruiting new positions to join the team. UK.
Deadline: November 23, 2012

Center for Curatorial Studies and Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College (CCS Bard) seeks Director of Graduate Program. Candidates must have an advanced postgraduate degree (M.A., M.F.A, or Ph.D.) in a field pertinent to the graduate program, close familiarity with the contemporary visual arts and current curatorial and exhibition practice, and significant experience teaching at the graduate level.Applicants must submit a letter of interest including salary expectations and c.v. by email only to USA.
Deadline: asap.

OSLO10, the independent exhibition space for contemporary art in Basel, is looking for a curatorial team for the period from April 1st, 2013, to March 30th, 2015. CH.
Deadline: November 30, 2012

The Otago Museum is seeking an outstanding Director/Chief Executive to lead this well-established and popular museum who will enhance its reputation both locally and internationally. Dunedin, New Zealand.
Deadline: November 30, 2012

Die Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung in München sucht ab 01. Januar 2013 eine/n Ausstellungskurator/in. Germany.
Deadline: November 30, 2012

Université de Lausanne: la section d'histoire de l'art de la Faculté des Lettres met au concours un poste de: Première assistante ou Premier assistant en histoire de l'art de la période contemporaine (XIXe-XXIe siècle). Référence no: 2723. CH.
Deadline: November 30, 2012

CCA Wattis seeks new Director: Screening begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. USA.
Deadline: asap.

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC): Full-time Faculty Position, Art Historian, North American Art, 1865–1945. USA.
Deadline: December 1, 2012

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago MCA Chicago. USA.
Deadline: December 1, 2012

The School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in the history of modern and/or contemporary art, at the rank of assistant professor. USA.
Deadline: December 2, 2012

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC): Full-time Faculty in Sculpture. USA.
Deadline: December 14, 2012

Mardin Artuklu University is looking for an additional staff member to teach classes in Turkish. Although a preference would be shown to applicants with a background in Modern, Early Modern or Medieval European Art, all specialisms will be considered. To apply, please send a CV with the names and contact details of two referees to Dr. Elif Keser-Kayaalp (Chair): Turkey.
Deadline: December 31, 2012

An der Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien ist die Stelle eines / einer Universitätsprofessors/Universitätsprofessorin für Kunstgeschichte Asiens zu besetzen. Austria.
Deadline: January 4, 2013[backPid]=11881&cHash=4b16cfebf25c8d55c84bbce7065b377a

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC): Full-time Faculty Position in Architecture. USA.
Deadline: January 4, 2013

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC): Full-time Faculty in Fiber and Material Studies. USA.
Deadline: January 7, 2013

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC): Full-time Faculty in Painting and Drawing. USA.
Deadline: January 7, 2013

The Department of Fine Arts and Art History at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon, invites applications for the Mary Fox Whittlesey Visiting Professorship in the fields of Art History, Art Theory, Studio Arts, Performance Art and/or Music for a non-renewable period of one year, starting September 1, 2013. Lebanon.
Deadline: January 15, 2012

Marjorie Susman Curatorial Fellowship at The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA). USA.
Deadline: January 31, 2013

Das Kunstmuseum Luzern bietet laufend Kunstwissenschaftliche Praktika (80-100%). Geeignet sind Bewerberinnen und Bewerber mit abgeschlossenem (oder, in Ausnahmefällen, sich im Abschluss befindlichem) Kunstgeschichtsstudium an einer Schweizer Universität. Switzerland.
Deadline: Anytime.

Opportunity for Latino Artists

Entry Deadline:  November 18, 2012

Call For Entries: Converging Cultures: Works by Latino Artists

September 6–October 4, 2013

Entries must be submitted via email.  Instructions are contained in the exhibition prospectus.
Click here to download the exhibition prospectus.
Click here to download the entry form.

What Is The Best Miami Fair For Emerging Artists?

 What is the best Miami fair for discovering emerging art and emerging artists? In my highly educated opinion, and after visiting almost all Miami art fairs for the last 8-10 years or so, I recommend that you vote for Aqua in this poll being conducted by New American Paintings:
In a little over a month people will be flocking to Miami to visit countless art fairs. Everyone has their favorites, based on a countless number of criteria. New American Paintings In my prides itself on helping expose the work of hundreds of new emerging artists each year. We continue to serve as a publication that allows its readers to discover new artistic talent in each issue. Not surprisingly, we feel a good art fair should also be a place where art-lovers can have that same sense of discovery.

Our poll question is simple; What is the Best Miami Fair for Emerging Art? Think about which fair consistently gives you that sense of discovery. We have gathered a list of fairs that have been regular attractions during this important week of December. Of these, which one best answers this question?