Saturday, November 10, 2012

Aurelio con Camiseta

Aurelio con Camiseta, 2012 by Cirenaica Moreira
Aurelio con Camiseta
Photograph by Cirenaica Moreira
Mariana Primera by Cirenaica Moreira
Mariana Primera
Photograph by Cirenaica Moreira

Happy Birthday Devil Dogs!

A happy 237th birthday to the United States Marine Corps, with many of whom I had the honor to serve when I was in the Navy. That's me below with two Leathenecks in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983.

Lenny Campello in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983

Friday, November 09, 2012

Heading to Australia

Their first fight: The Lilith and Eve
Their first fight: The Lilith and Eve
Watercolor on Paper, 10 x 14 framed to 16 x 20 inches

Soon to be part of the collection of Monash University in Victoria, Australia...

Wanna go to an opening tomorrow?

“Evidence” by Lori Anne Boocks

EXHIBITION DATES: October 31 - November 24, 2012
First Friday Reception: Nov. 2, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Opening Reception: Nov. 10, 4 – 6 PM

WHERE: Studio Gallery, 2108 R Street N.W. Washington, DC 20008 
Backwards Words by Lori Anne BoocksLori Anne Boocks's solo show at Studio Gallery is a dynamic exploration of the power of stories and memory. In her acrylic paintings, she renders text in expressive charcoal and forces the personal to become universal. Words are rehashed, reworked, and stripped down to the bone then built up again. Layers of color are added and partially removed to become a lens through which she shares her cache of stories and invites viewers to reflect upon their own.

By documenting the past, she is gathering evidence: Evidence to describe what a memory looks like and how it changes over time. Evidence from the little crime scenes of our lives and the things we walk away from—or the things we can't. Through these works, Boocks offers visible proof of the significance of the many moments that make up our lives while questioning her own remembrance of events.

Lori Anne Boocks received her BFA from Old Dominion University. Her work is included in private collections in the Metro DC area, California, and beyond. Recent solo and group shows include the University of Maryland University College, Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, Maryland Federation of Art, and Adah Rose Gallery.

For more information about Lori Anne Boocks visit:

Jobs in the Arts

Several very nice job openings at MoMA in New York. Check them out here.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Win a Painting!

Hillyer Art Space
Hillyer Art Space EventsHillyer Art Space ExhibitionsHillyer Art Space Venue RentalHillyer Art Space Online StoreDonate to Hillyer Art Space
Please help International Arts & Artists by filling out an anonymous four-question survey. By gathering basic demographic information about Hillyer's visitors, IA&A can better assess our reach to diverse groups throughout the area.
All participants will be entered to win an original painting by Patricia Goslee, a local DC artist and Hillyer Art Space Artist Advisory Committee member. Survey Monkey will supply IA&A with a list of survey participants but individual survey information will remain anonymous and private.

They appreciate your support!
9 Hillyer Court NW, Washington, DC 20008

Gallery Hours:
Mon 12-5   // Tues-Fri 12-6  // Sat 12-5
and by appointment

Opportunity for Latino Artists

Entry Deadline:  November 18, 2012

Call For Entries: Converging Cultures: Works by Latino Artists

September 6–October 4, 2013

Entries must be submitted via email.  Instructions are contained in the exhibition prospectus.
Click here to download the exhibition prospectus.
Click here to download the entry form.