Friday, November 16, 2012

Support Chickenhead!

Jessica Rose is one of the young artists that I am helping to mentor through Strathmore's highly successful mentoring project. She has created a children's book and now needs a little bit of our combined help to assist her into the next phase. See her note below:
My first children's book "Chickenhead" is nearing the home stretch! In preparation for its completion, I've launched a short, ambitious campaign to fund a limited initial print run, to get the book into the hands of prospective publishers and enthusiastic readers.


Go to the campaign page to learn more about the book (and what you can get for supporting it)!: 

Even if you can't support me financially, HELP ME BY SPREADING THE WORD! Follow the BLOG and share it on Facebook!

Thank you so much for your support!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

At the Mansion

Opening Reception
Tuesday, November 20
7:00 - 9:00PM

Forget about fifty shades—the magic of grayscale is infinite! From white to black and back again, the art of Grayscale explores the connection of grayscale images to the past and their meaning in the present, and addresses viewers’ ability to ascribe color to a black and white image by assessing the intensity of light that is different for every color.

The Mansion at Strathmore
10701 Rockville Pike
North Bethesda, MD 20852-3224

Exhibition Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 10AM-4PM
Wednesday - 10AM-9PM
Saturday - 10AM-3PM
Closed Sunday

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Opportunity for Latino Artists

Entry Deadline:  November 18, 2012 (might be extended)

Call For Entries: Converging Cultures: Works by Latino Artists

September 6–October 4, 2013

I will be one of two jurors for this show...

Entries must be submitted via email.  Instructions are contained in the exhibition prospectus.
Click here to download the exhibition prospectus.
Click here to download the entry form.

This Thursday: Do This!

Kind of a Big Deal...

Opportunity for Latino Artists

Entry Deadline:  November 18, 2012

Call For Entries: Converging Cultures: Works by Latino Artists

September 6–October 4, 2013

Entries must be submitted via email.  Instructions are contained in the exhibition prospectus.
Click here to download the exhibition prospectus.
Click here to download the entry form.