Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wanda Jackson reviews "Under The Influence"

The Sentinel's Wanda Jackson pops in with a nice review of the "Under The Influence" show that I recently curated for Prince George's County. See the review here.

A nice surprise is also coming to some of the selected artists: The county is going to buy several of the works for the PG County Art Collection... names later!

Opportunity for Artists

BlackRock Center for the Arts
Call to Artists 2014
BlackRock Center For the Arts is accepting entries for exhibits January - December 2014.

You can download the prospectus by clicking the link to the right or go to

Friday, December 21, 2012
Entry Fee:
$35 check or money order made payable to BlackRock Center for the Arts
Open to all artists 18 years and over residing in  Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC. 
Special Consideration:
Artists who are willing to conduct a lecture or workshop for a BlackRock standard fee will receive special consideration during the selection process.    
About the Gallery
BlackRock Center for the Arts gallery is 1500 square feet of gallery space.  Its high white walls and beautiful windows allows in just the right amount of natural light. We take pride in the outstanding artists we have exhibited over the years, which have been reviewed by Claudia Rousseau, Lenny Campello, and other art critics in the area.


The Call to Artists is open to all artists residing in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC over the age of 18 for original artwork only. All work must be ready for sale and to be presented in a professional manner to the public at the time of delivery. (See Terms for Exhibit for details.) Pedestals are available for three-dimensional work.

Selection Process

This call will cover exhibits in the Gallery from January to December 2014. An exhibit may include one applicant or a combination of applicants, based on the judgment of jurors (i.e., 1 or 2 wall artists may be combined with a pedestal artist). A jury will select the artists and create eight exhibits to be included in the exhibit year. This season, the jury panel is comprised of Lenny Campello (artist, writer, blogger), Marsha Staiger (artist, Torpedo Factory), and Tim Tate (artist, Washington Glass School). In addition, the panel will have an alternate juror, Krista Bradley (Executive Director of BlackRock).
Gallery Panorama
Send to:
BlackRock Center for the Arts
Call to Artist
12901 Town Commons Drive
Germantown, MD 20874


Gallery Manager

All correspondance by e-mail, no phone calls please.

Superman will be at Aqua next week

This is a detail of "Superman" by the very talented NYC artist Carla Goldberg. This brilliant mixed media sculpture will be part of the "Superheros and Super Villains" exhibition at Aqua Art Fair in Miami Beach next week - room 116!

Superman by Carla Goldberg - Aqua Art Fair, Miami Beach

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New gallery's grand opening is this week

Grand Opening of a new art gallery
“Gallery de Fabbio”
Saturday, December 1st 2012, from 1-8 PM pm at-

10007 Kinross Ave.,
Silver Spring, MD 20901
301. 593. 5507

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

At Aqua next week

This is "Peter Parker" by British artist Simon Monk (oil and alkyd on wood panel), which is one of the artists that I curated into the "Superheros and Super Villains" exhibition in room 116 of the Aqua Art Fair in Miami Beach next week!

Simon Monk - represented by Alida Anderson Art Projects, Washington, DC
"Peter Parker" by Simon Monk

Monday, November 26, 2012

Alexa Meade

DMV area uberartist Alexa Meade has been busy lately... she's been traveling a lot recently for art - painting Gotye in Australia, meetings in Tokyo, presenting her work at the Wired Magazine Conference in London, doing a show in Zurich...

She's now back home and debuting a new body of work this week which she made with friend/performance artist Sheila Vand. You can see it here.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The curious case of the art fair model

For years I have been proselytizing about art galleries and art fairs and artists and art fairs. In a nutshell my gospel is simple: if you are a 21st century artist (or gallery) and you're not in Miami in December, then your business model is hopelessly bound to the meager crumbs of your local area and the random shot from your Internet website.

I know the costs are brutal, and that leaves a lot of galleries out of the equation in round one; but there are techniques and processes and approaches to diluting the "cost shock" - much like a cooperative gallery dilutes the huge odds against a gallery staying open more than a year by spreading out the costs amongst its members. In the last few years I have been hired by almost a dozen art centers, coop art galleries and even some commercial art galleries to advise them on how to approach the daunting task of "going to the fair" - to this date, ALL of them are returning to art fairs after their first, second or third fair -- All of them.

And that leads me to highlight that there is a most curious effect that I've been observing over the last few years.

In spite of the horrible economy, and in spite of the current administration's dated academic approaches to kick-starting the economy (and if it doesn't work, whatever it is, we blame Bush), and in spite of the threat of a financial doomsday with no happy ending no matter who wins (the who being the left wing or the right wing, with the rest of us caught in the middle)... in spite of all that... in my own empirical experience, and in talking to dozens of my fellow art dealers, it seems as though art fairs are doing OK.

Want empirical evidence Lenster?

Here locally, (e)merge has survived the most dire of predictions of the local art buying market and will return in 2013, stronger than ever. In Miami, this year there will be a record number of art fairs - even some of the top dogs (such as Art Miami) are so flooded with applicants that they've quietly started a second fair under a new name - all together there will be about 26 art fairs going on at once all over the Miami/Miami Beach region - 26!

The people who run Pulse also run the Affordable Art Fairs, and they're expanding to a bunch of new cities; DC was one of the cities on the draft list, and they came, explored, talked to a lot of people and decided that the DMV is not a viable market, but Seattle is.

But the biggest surprise of all (in my learned opinion) is the fact that a record number of DMV galleries and DMV area artists are heading south to the most Cuban of non-Cuban cities in the world next week to sell art and expose themselves to art!

If the mountain doesn't come to Mohamm ahhh... Monet, then Monet will come to the mountain.

We're heading to the Aqua Art Fair next week - if you want some free passes, drop me an email.