Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What to do this Saturday?

The Washington Glass School is having their Holiday Open House on Saturday, December 15th, 2012.  The opening is around Noon, through 5:00pm on Saturday. 

As I've noted many times before, this is one of my favorite places to do some Christmas shopping for special people! What better present than original art?
DMV uberstar artist Tim Tate
Works by DMV uberstar artist Tim Tate will be available.
The artists and instructors of the glass school will be exhibiting artworks.
Beautiful works by Syl Mathis will be on exhibit and for sale!
Get yourself a Sean Hennessey - his work is hot, hot, hot!
Metal artist Chris Shea will be there with his stunning forged iron work
The WGS invites the community to visit and experience a unique DC area arts venue. And there's more: the adjacent studios - Red Dirt and Flux Studios will also be open - a great chance to see whats going on in the very vibrant Gateway Arts District!
Check out Nancy Donnelly's colorful artwork.

See ya there! 
Holiday Open House and Sale
Saturday, December
15, 2012, from Noon til 5 pm.

Washington Glass School
3700 Otis Street

Mount Rainier, MD 20712

Monday, December 10, 2012

The wake effect begins

I've described the art fair "wake effect" (wake in the sense of the wake that a ship leaves behind when it moves through the water) as a significant reason to attend and be present at art fairs: all the good stuff that happens "after" the fair is over and because of the fair.

First wake effect: Vogue magazine editors saw Cirenaica Moreira's work at Aqua and now we've been notified that they will be doing a feature article on her and her work in the near future!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Aqua: The Last Day

100,000 Eyes by Jeannette L. Herrera, represented by Alida Anderson Art ProjectsSunday, being the last day of the fair, is usually a dreadful day - especially bad if you've had a bad fair and now have to face the brutal realities of packing out, the harsh dance of loading artwork on double parked vans, trucks and cars along one of the world's worst traffic streets...

But this art fair has been a great one, and that always makes things - even packing and loading - a little better to swallow. I am also lucky to have had the help of several DMV artists (and their spouses) plus my hard working intern, to make this Sunday pack-out the best one ever.

My cool intern even managed to dance the gallery van into a primo loading spot, once we were ready to haul back and load the van for the drive back to the DMV.

Between my last report on mid Saturday and tonight, sales continued to be brisk, as we sold two nice Jeannette L. Herrera paintings, two of British artist Simon Monk paintings, one more of my video drawings and several other "regular" drawings as well as three paintings by the ubertalented DMV artist Judith Peck.

We also sold a cool Andrew Wodzianski painting as the DMV's leading performancer/interdisciplinary artist returns to painting.

And a last minute sale of a glass piece by the DMV's first green artist, Erwin Timmers, to a Canadian gallery owner, finished what is easily the best (as far as fun and sales) art fair that I have ever done.

Thank you to all the DMV area artists and collectors and dealers who dropped by to say hello during these hectic and fun days.

The gallery intern is driving the van back, we're home safe and now time to think about the New York fairs early next year!

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Aqua Day Three

Last night the major score was achieved by DMV artist Cory Oberndorfer, who managed to sell about 19 of his "Donut" series paintings

Corey Oberndorfer paintings of donuts

Yep! That many... I also sold my "T-Subucula Deus" video piece to an art critic from Canada plus about eight more regular drawings through the night.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello

Friday, December 07, 2012

What are they watching?

These ladies sitting by the hot tub at Aqua...

Are all watching this:

Performance at AQUA ART FAIR 2012

Performance at AQUA ART FAIR 2012

We'll never forget!

Aqua Day Two

Good day at Aqua Art Fair yesterday and decent crowds all day long... also a steady stream of DMV artists stopping by to say hello.
Super talented and hard working gallery intern Audrey Wilson (one of the bennies of being our gallery intern is that you get to bring artwork to the fairs) sold her biggest glass piece - Yay! It went to a New York art collector.
Also sold a Dulce Pinzon photo - the very last proof piece of her fabulous iconic image from her Superheros series, my largest video piece (remember "Artist Worshiping at the Altar of Modern Art"?), a Cory Oberndorfer donut painting and several of my regular drawings.
It's interesting to me that three of my personal sales have gone to other gallery owners; more on that later.

As I've discussed before, there are other perks of doing an art fair - what I call the "wake effect" -- on opening night I connected a major university's museum director with the owner of the vintage Korda photographs of the psychopath Che Guevara - they will be exhibited at the museum in the near future and also become part of a new history course on the Argentinean adventurer.

Also met a NYC art center director who connected me with an unlikely art collector couple (unlikely in the sense that they are known to collect Asian art), who are refocusing their attention on collecting Cuban art and plan to open a museum space in the Big Apple focused on Cuban art; more on that later.

A well-known art collector who owns my work (and who is on the "Top 100 Art Collectors in the World" list, and who bought another one of my pieces on VIP night) also connected me with a young guy who is building a new boutique hotel in the Miami area. Apparently the art collector is the money behind the scheme, as the hotel development young guy was directed to work with me to ensure that the project had real artwork instead of "hotel art"; we traded business cards and chatted about "hotelism" and "real art for hotels."