Saturday, December 15, 2012

Zero Dark Thirty

As I've noted before, I am not really sure why I continue to get passes to many press previews of movies, but every once in a while, I do have the time and interest to go see one ahead of time and I saw Zero Dark Thirty and came away entertained, but as usual disappointed as to how Hollywood distorts historical events in order to make a film... ahhh... entertaining.

My basic issue with Zero Dark Thirty, and almost every single Hollywood movie allegedly representing a historical event, is that I am a pedantic Virgo, who tends to over notice little "wrong" things about celluloid history... little things such as a military ribbon out of place, an uncovered salute from a sailor, a wrong line.

To start, the very start of the movie is made up and never happened. But even before the start of the movie I have an issue.

"How can you have an issue before the movie starts, Lenster? ", you ask.

The title is wrong.

No one in the military says "Zero Dark Thirty."  The statement used to depict a very early hour in the day is "O Dark Thirty" -- "O" as in the letter; not "Zero" -- and I understand that this may confuse some folks who never served, but if I'm going to be pedantic, then I might as well start with an erroneous title.

Back to the start of the movie.

There were only three people terrorists who were water boarded by the CIA in their effort to gather intelligence from the bad guys (and thousands of US military people as part of the Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) school - at least when I was in, being water boarded was part of the school curriculum); the dude being water boarded in the movie was not one of them, so why make that up?

That's two strikes already, and we're not even finished the first few minutes of the film, but Hollywood has already seeded suspicion about nearly everything that follows and that bugs the pedantic me.

The vast left wing nut house is going bananas over this film because it thinks that it is too flattering to the CIA, to the US Government, to whatever... they also rightly complain about perceived historical inaccuracies (although I didn't recall any such complaints on equally intellectually dishonest efforts such as Oliver Stone's "W" or Michael Moore's pick any documentary).

As a work of historical fiction, the film was splendid in its entertainment factor... and Hollywood will tell you that it is a "film and not a documentary." The problem is that a lot more people will see this film, and take it for a full, true story, than will ever read the actual facts about the OBL hunt.

Art Purchase Awards

Heading out to hand out some art purchase awards from the Prince George's County Arts and Cultural Heritage Division... congrats to Robert W Kincheloe, Ric Garcia and Celestine Ranney-Howes!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Aqua Pics from ABMB

Simon Monk Superheros in bags at Aqua Art Fair, Miami 2012

Carol Goldberg reception tomorrow

Addison/Ripley Fine Art

NT9, 2011, acrylic on canvs, with pulverized glass, 84 x 72 inches
NT9, 2011, acrylic on canvas, with pulverized glass, 84 x 72 inches
paintings & sculptures
December 7, 2012 - January 11, 2013


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

When governments fund art...

Government support of the arts allows art to become definable by the state. That is, if the government is going to give tax breaks, grants, or funding to organizations or businesses that sell art, they have to define what art is. 
Read the whole piece by Lauren Galik by clicking here.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Art2Art Auction


Online bidding of featured artwork in the show ends at 10 p.m. on December 20, 2012. Click here to visit the website.

All proceeds from artwork sales will support the DC Collaborative’s flagship program, Arts for Every Student, which provides arts experiences for 30,000 DC public school and public charter school students each year to attend Washington’s world-class art and cultural institutions.

What to do this Saturday?

The Washington Glass School is having their Holiday Open House on Saturday, December 15th, 2012.  The opening is around Noon, through 5:00pm on Saturday. 

As I've noted many times before, this is one of my favorite places to do some Christmas shopping for special people! What better present than original art?
DMV uberstar artist Tim Tate
Works by DMV uberstar artist Tim Tate will be available.
The artists and instructors of the glass school will be exhibiting artworks.
Beautiful works by Syl Mathis will be on exhibit and for sale!
Get yourself a Sean Hennessey - his work is hot, hot, hot!
Metal artist Chris Shea will be there with his stunning forged iron work
The WGS invites the community to visit and experience a unique DC area arts venue. And there's more: the adjacent studios - Red Dirt and Flux Studios will also be open - a great chance to see whats going on in the very vibrant Gateway Arts District!
Check out Nancy Donnelly's colorful artwork.

See ya there! 
Holiday Open House and Sale
Saturday, December
15, 2012, from Noon til 5 pm.

Washington Glass School
3700 Otis Street

Mount Rainier, MD 20712