Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bring your ideas

Artomatic Happy Hour - Focus on Music

On Thursday March 28, 2013 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM join new Board Member Jerry Hergenreder to discuss strategies for the presentation of music within the next Artomatic

Bring your ideas and suggestions. 

Old Dominion Brewhouse
1219 9th Street, NW
Washington, DC, 20001

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

International artists residencies in the US and abroad.

On Wednesday March 13, 2013, from 5:00-7.30 PM, join members of the Washington Glass School, Flux Studios and invited guests for a roundtable discussion at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery about international artists residencies in the US and abroad. 
Register now!

702 8th St NW
Washington, DC, DC 20068
(202) 872-3396

35 Years of Zenith

Zenith Gallery is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year - in gallery years that's like 350 years! Join them at the celebration of their anniversary!
Join Us for a Celebration of Our 35th Anniversary 
Zenith Gallery at the
Sculpture Space at Eleven Eleven Pennsylvania Avenue 

"The Best of All Worlds ... Modern and Traditional Art" 
The Sculpture of Paul Martin Wolff and Oil Paintings by Bradley Stevens  
MEET THE ARTISTS RECEPTION: Wednesday, March 13, 5:30 - 8:00 PM 
SHOW DATES: Now through April 27, 2013  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Country & Western Ahmadinejad

A snowy wet Washington, DC area drive finds a Country & Western marriage between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Jerry Jeff Walker.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

ESB at night

Empire State Building at night

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Walk around Scope

I came in early today to re-hang the booth, as I had taken everything down last night just in case new leaks sprung. In any event, I then had time to walk around the fair a bit... here are some images:

One of my favorite pieces - seen at Parlor Gallery from Ashbury Park, NJ
A rare sighting of glass, from Sophia Collier Gallery, Sausalito, CA
Seen at Aicon Gallery, NYC and London
Seen at Allegra LaViola Gallery, NYC... cough, cough
Seen at La Lanta Gallery, Bangkok
Artomaticky wall from Fred Torres Collaborations, NYC
Seen at Weldon Arts, Brooklyn
What looked like colored felt wrapped around foam core to reproduce Van Gogh's works... just sayin'
Spectacular self-contained video sculpture by Marck, showing at Lich Feld Gallery, Basel
The usual gorgeous light work at Baltimore's C. Grimaldis Gallery
Self contained video sculptures by Gabriel Barcia-Colombo at Muriel Guepin Gallery, Brooklyn

Friday, March 08, 2013

Rain, slush, snow and leaks

The snow storm arrived in New York overnight and this city responded beautifully... I walked several blocks from my hotel to the Scope Art Fair and the most dangerous event proved to be the New Yorkers with huge umbrellas and looking down to avoid the fierce cold wind as a slushly snow fell... as a result of the Venturi effect caused by the tall buildings, there were very fierce winds at every corner as well.

When I was a kid in Brooklyn, my high school was in Long Island City in Queens, and I used to spend over an hour in the subway going to High School... I am sure that we had school "snow days" back then. but frankly, I don't remember ever been off from school because of snow.

When I got to Scope I discovered that the the old post office's roof had been leaking above my neighbor's space (Fitzroy Knox from New York) and the two pretty gallerists were bravely securing work as the Scope crew attacked the problem.

And I must give kudos to the Scope crew.

As I stood watching them tarp over the leaks and then build a roof under the leaking area, I was thinking to myself "These union guys are really on the ball here... they might just give some of these New York unions a good name if they are not careful..."

Later I found out that these were not the union guys responding to the barely avoided disaster, but in fact the Scope crew, and they deserve a superbly earned "Well Done!"

The Scope director (Sonja Hofstetter) was on the spot and working the issue, and the tall good looking guy (who looks a little like a young Jim Carey) in charge of the work crew, was so nit picky about making sure that it was a perfect job, that even after the space had been re-roofed, he actually had a guy come over and tape  the edges and re-paint the whole thing.

In cases like this, the response of an art fair's crew to unplanned close calls like this is the key to avoiding disaster and these guys had half a dozen people on the job right away and it showed in the manner and professionalism with which they responded and the final solution to the problem.

Later on I found out that the skinny guy directing the response to the leak is in fact the owner of Scope (Alexis Hubshman), which makes this an even cooler response, as there's nothing like a hands-on boss who gets his hands dirty to make things happen.

Check out the picture to the left - these guys essentially re-roofed the leaky area and made it look good.

Great job Scopers!