Thursday, March 14, 2013

The place to be on Saturday!

I can tell that this is gonna be big!

Art Underground will celebrate its launch on Saturday, March 16 with an open house and free mega paint-off hosted by ArtJamz from 6pm – 10pm at 2100 Crystal Drive. This event will be an energetic opportunity for the public to get a taste of the newest arts and cultural destination in the area with tours of brand new artist studios (Studios Underground) the Gallery Underground curated by the Arlington Artists Alliance, music, beverages, and snacks. Stop by and you can also catch Synetic’s latest installment of its famous silent Shakespeare series, The Tempest, at 8 PM (visit for tickets).

The Crystal City Business Improvement District (BID), in partnership with Vornado/Charles E. Smith and the Arlington Artists Alliance (AAA), is transforming five blocks of Crystal City’s interior retail space into a vibrant arts and cultural destination with galleries, studios, interactive exhibits and activities, performance and classroom spaces, and a host of special events. This effort will create a powerful new incubator for the arts that will further activate and support Crystal City businesses and retail by attracting additional exposure, visitation, business and opportunities.

Art Underground is a collection of arts programming that will initially include:
  • Studios Underground: an outlet for local artists to create, practice and showcase their talents while providing an engaging cultural experience for area residents, employees, visitors and guests.
  • Gallery Underground (formerly the Northern Virginia Art Center): a showcase of original artwork by regional artists with monthly rotating exhibits to excite the imagination, stimulate creativity, and encourage repeat visitation.
  • FotoWalk Underground: in partnership with FotoDC, FotoWalk is a yearlong, 1000-foot, 150-image gallery that changes every six months.
  • Synetic Theater: the premier American physical theater, fusing dynamic art forms – such as text, drama, movement, acrobatics, dance and music.
  • Special Events: Art Underground will host and present ongoing activities and events, including monthly ArtJamz sessions.

Details here.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The first American Pope!

Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum; habemus Papam:
Eminentissimum ac Reverendissimum Dominum,
Dominum Georgium Marium
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Bergoglio
qui sibi nomen imposuit Franciscum.
American in the true meaning of the word (which means "from The Americas") as Argentina's Jorge Mario Bergoglio becomes the first Pope from the New World!

This is a win-win situation for the Church... an Italian from Argentina, which is essentially the New World's version of Italy anyway... brilliant! An Italian Pope from the New World!

The son of an Italian immigrant to Argentina, the new Pope seems like a really good guy for both of those who endorse the Church's dogma as well as those who appreciate a socially active Pope.

An a Jesuit! WOW! That even harder to believe than a Pope who wasn't born in Europe! If my memory serves me right, the only other Jesuit ever offered the Papacy declined it.

And the last Spanish speaking Pope was the Borgia Pope... cough, cough...

And by the way... his name is Pope Francis (and not Ignatius as a good Jesuit would have chosen... which is of itself an interesting sign) and NOT Francis The First as nincompoop talking heads on TV keep saying... he's the first Pope named Francis - not the first King named Francis.... otherwise the announcement would have been:  qui sibi nomen imposuit Franciscum Primum.

This is what happens when Latin gets dropped from being taught in schools.

My best to the 266th Pope!

Vaya Pana!

Bring your ideas

Artomatic Happy Hour - Focus on Music

On Thursday March 28, 2013 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM join new Board Member Jerry Hergenreder to discuss strategies for the presentation of music within the next Artomatic

Bring your ideas and suggestions. 

Old Dominion Brewhouse
1219 9th Street, NW
Washington, DC, 20001

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

International artists residencies in the US and abroad.

On Wednesday March 13, 2013, from 5:00-7.30 PM, join members of the Washington Glass School, Flux Studios and invited guests for a roundtable discussion at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery about international artists residencies in the US and abroad. 
Register now!

702 8th St NW
Washington, DC, DC 20068
(202) 872-3396

35 Years of Zenith

Zenith Gallery is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year - in gallery years that's like 350 years! Join them at the celebration of their anniversary!
Join Us for a Celebration of Our 35th Anniversary 
Zenith Gallery at the
Sculpture Space at Eleven Eleven Pennsylvania Avenue 

"The Best of All Worlds ... Modern and Traditional Art" 
The Sculpture of Paul Martin Wolff and Oil Paintings by Bradley Stevens  
MEET THE ARTISTS RECEPTION: Wednesday, March 13, 5:30 - 8:00 PM 
SHOW DATES: Now through April 27, 2013  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Country & Western Ahmadinejad

A snowy wet Washington, DC area drive finds a Country & Western marriage between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Jerry Jeff Walker.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

ESB at night

Empire State Building at night