Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sen. Dick Durbin: The Taxman

 "If you take a walk...
I'll tax your feet...
   - Lennon & McCartney
For many years, large national corporate retailers, big business and many hungry state tax collectors have hoped for new Internet sales tax collection policy. They want Congress to pass a federal law that would allow tax agents from one state to enforce their sales tax laws on retailers based in other states, even when a business is based thousands of miles away. Nearly everyone that I know opposes this misguided idea that goes against everything that the Internet stands for, and I (like millions of others worldwide) believe that small businesses selling via the Internet should only be subject to the tax laws of the states in which they operate.

The news from Capitol Hill is clear and just like the economy... it's grim.

Internet sales tax supporters are convinced that 2013 is their year, and they are determined to pass a new Internet sales tax bill when our out of control "tax everything" Congress (that refuses to face real financial austerity) tackles "corporate tax reform" in spite of the fact that "corporate" and the millions of small American businesses that operate on the Internet seldom share the same anything.

In December, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), the misguided idiot who smells more and more sources to suck money out of the economy and is the sponsor of Internet sales tax legislation, publicly announced that he had a commitment from the Senate Finance Committee to "take it up early next year and move it to the floor."  Why Durbin wants to lead an effort to bleed more and more taxes is something between himself and his big money donors...

Your opinion matters. If you oppose giving state tax collectors new powers to impose and enforce out-of-state sales tax burdens on small businesses that sell via the Internet, now is the time to make your voice heard.

This is not a Republican or Democrat issue - but an issue that deals with the freedom of the worldwide web and the never-ending appetite for some Democrats in Congress to try to tax any and everything that moves.

Take the time to email, call or write to your two Senators and your Congress person... feel free to use, edit and adapt the letter below, but DO SOMETHING!

Dear Member of Congress,
As your constituent and one of the millions of Americans concerned with this issue, I'm asking you not to impose any new sales tax laws on small businesses operating on the Internet.
In the 1992 Quill Decision, the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to allow state tax enforcement authorities to impose their sales tax laws on small businesses located in other states.  However, an effort backed by giant retailers and a group of state legislators is trying to push Congress to overturn the Quill Decision and establish an unfair tax regime that would force small online businesses to be subject to sales tax laws all across the country, regardless of where the small business is actually located.
Millions of American small business retailers, would be directly impacted by any new Internet sales tax system. It would increase the cost of doing business and shopping on-line, which would hurt sellers and buyers alike. I believe that small businesses selling via the Internet should only be subject to the tax laws of the states in which they operate. Instead of imposing new tax burdens on small businesses, I would encourage Congress to do EXACTLY the opposite and look at new policies that encourage small business growth and development on the Internet, which in turn will spur job growth and increase consumer choice.
As your constituent, I would ask that you please oppose any efforts to impose new tax burdens on small businesses operating on the Internet.
Thank you for your support.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

This is what a real hero looks like

Cuban Dissident Blogger Yoani Sanchez Visits Washington D.C.

Everytime that this hero blogs, she puts her life on the line in the Castro Brothers' Workers Paradise... she's a real hero in a place where heroes usually end up dead. 

And she's in DC today meeting with members of Congress!

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: April 12, 2013

Southern Regional Technical/Recreation Complex, Public Art Project #3 - Inter-active Technology Artwork
Project budget: $50,000

Eligibility: Individual artists or artist teams from Maryland, Washington, DC or Virginia are eligible to apply. All must be 18 years or older. An onsite pre-application briefing will be held March 25, 2013 from 10am to 11am at Southern Regional Tech/Rec Complex 7007 Bock Road, Fort Washington, MD 20744

Contact Person:
Alec Simpson, Arts and Cultural Heritage Division; 301/446-3232 (VOICE)

Affordable Dental Care for Artists!

Maryland Art Place is partnering with students of the dental hygiene program at The Community College of Baltimore County – Dundalk Campus. Patients pay $20 for a professional checkup and cleaning (no insurance required). X-rays available at an additional cost. Please ask about discounts for current students and senior citizens.

Take advantage of this special opportunity if you are an artist in need of:
  •      dental checkup
  •      teeth cleaning
  •      x-rays
For more information visit or contact Julie Smith, 443.717.1617,

Monday, March 18, 2013

Self Portrait as Spiderman

Self Portrait as Spider-Man
2013 Andrew Wodzianski
26 x 24 inches. Oil on canvas
Will be exhibited at The Affordable Art Fair New York 2013 next month

Sunday, March 17, 2013

(e)merge art fair now accepting applications


The third edition of the (e)merge art fair will take place October 3 – 6, 2013, in Washington, DC, at the Rubell Family’s Capitol Skyline Hotel.

Last year, 80 exhibitors presented rising talent from the Americas and Europe at (e)merge. More than 5,500 art supporters engaged with painting, sculpture, digital media, performance and installation works by 152 artists from 24 countries in both our gallery and our artist platforms.

The DC region is home to one of the nation’s wealthiest, youngest, most highly educated populations. (e)merge provides inside access to a rapidly expanding cultural market with immense economic power.



The Gallery Platform application deadline is May 31 and notifications will be sent out in June.

• Exhibitors may present 1-3 artists in each room
• Art being presented may include works in all media: installation, painting, photography, new media, performance, sculpture, works on paper, and video
• Artists presented should not have had a solo exhibition in a major museum or Kunsthalle.

The Artist Platform application deadline is May 18 and notification will be sent out in June.

(e)merge is the only art fair that gives free exhibition space to artists without gallery representation. If you are an artist who is currently unrepresented by a gallery and has not yet had a solo exhibition in a major museum or Kunsthalle, (e)merge is your forum for discovery.

Artists whose proposals are accepted by the selection committee will be provided with exhibition space at the Fair free of charge.

To be eligible for artist exhibition space artist applicants must:
• Be currently without gallery representation
• May have had solo gallery shows, but may not have had a solo exhibition in a major museum or Kunsthalle.
• Whereas work in all media will be carefully considered, projects involving experimental works in non-traditional formats are especially encouraged. Such work may include installation, conceptual art, performance, new media, or the inventive use of materials to express challenging concepts.

Additional information on the EXHIBITOR SERVICES page: CLICK HERE

For additional questions/information:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: May 1, 2013

The Artraker Fund celebrates and awards artwork which makes a direct positive change in countries that have experienced social upheaval and violent conflict. The Fund was created in 2012 by International Conflict and Security (INCAS) Consulting Ltd.

An international panel of judges from both the art and peace-building disciplines assesses submissions for the Artraker Award. They look for experimentation and engagement, audacity, change and capacity to inspire.

The final prize of GBP2,500 is awarded to the winning submission in London each year on 21 September (International Peace Day).

A further ten short listed projects / artists will be invited to join the Artrakers network. These projects / artists are promoted to peace-builders, curators and other art world professionals. They are featured on the Artrakers section of the Fund's website and in other Fund outreach publications.

The Artraker Fund Advisory Committee is a mix of members from both the art and conflict world: Susanne Bosch, Dr. Bernadette Buckley, Beatrice Catanzaro, Sandrine Crisostomo, Htein Lin, Olufemi Terry and Jason Waite.

The Fund welcomes submissions from artists of all nationalities and at any stage of their careers. See for more information and application guidelines.