Monday, November 18, 2013

Opportunity for Virginia Artists

VIRGINIA ARTISTS, the opportunity to make new waves in your art career is closing. The New Waves 2014 deadline is midnight December 1, 2013 - just two weeks away! If accepted, your work will be displayed co-currently with the Vik Muniz: Poetics of Perception exhibition, juried by Charles Moffett of Sotheby's AND you could win up to $2,000!
New Waves 2014 will celebrate its 19th year showcasing the Commonwealth's vast array of artistic talent, diversity of materials and approaches in contemporary art. The exhibition will run from January 31-April 27, 2014 co-currently with the Vik Muniz: Poetics of Perception exhibition.

Last year over 185 artists from across Virginia submitted work of which 33 were selected to show. Shaun Whiteside was awarded New Waves 2013 'Best in Show' for his Rise painting along with a cash prize. Past exhibiting New Waves artists have also been selected for solo shows at MOCA's new Satellite Gallery at Towne Pavilion II.
Charles Moffett of Sotheby's will be this year's honorary juror. Charles is presently the Head of the Afternoon Sale in the Contemporary Art Department at Sotheby's maintaining key client relationships throughout North America and Europe, securing consignments for auction, as well as private sales.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Gallery space available...

Gallery Space Available
The Anacostia Arts Center has galleries available for short-term and long-term rentals in Historic Anacostia. Daily, weekly, and monthly terms available, starting at $125/day or $1,200/month. We are open to innovative ideas and arrangements. Email Kate ( for more information.

Getting ready for Miami...

Working overtime trying to get ready for the Context Art Miami fair next month in Miami. I'd like to finish two more pieces before the shipment leaves. If anybody wants some free tickets - and these are good as they you in to not only Context, but also Art Miami and Aqua.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A new idea and a new series begin

Recently I was approached by the chief curator for an outfit that is hired by firms all over the world to acquire artwork for their spaces. In this case this curator was acquiring art to include in the collection of a brand new luxury liner currently being built.

She wanted me to submit a proposal that fit a particular theme for one of the decks of the ship. I struggled with an idea that has been growing little by little in my brilliant mind... cough, cough. 

Here's the proposal:

In response to the request for an art proposal for _____________’s collection for the ship’s third deck along the theme “_______________” I hereby submit the following proposal. It should be noted that the concept is adaptable since it will be created specifically for this project.

“Rock, Paper, Scissors.” This work would be a mixed media piece with three embedded video components. The painting part of the work is a large, colorful drip painting done in the style of Jackson Pollock. Embedded in the piece are three video windows, which start as “part” of the painting (in other words, the video starts as a drip painting window as well, and at first sight it is just a continuation of the painting). After five seconds of the video windows being part of a Pollock-style painting, they all fade into three individual videos of (1) rock, (2) paper and (3) scissors. In all three cases the video will be customized to show a falling object (i.e. a rock, or a sheet of paper, or the scissors) falling in slow motion and bouncing on a hard surface. The video loops and starts all over again. The size of the piece is adaptable to the space, but will be framed under glass and requires access to electricity. The largest dimension that it can be is 40x60 inches.

A variation to this approach could be a Piet Mondrian approach, where one, two or three of a Piet Mondrian-style painting’s squares shift colors, thus forever showcasing an ever changing work. This can also be approached in the same “Rock, Paper, Scissors” playful idea discussed above; that is, three of the painting’s windows shift to videos of rock, paper, scissors.

Installation of this work requires access to US electric wall outlet standards, which all ships generally have. The electrical cord and connection will require an electrician to hard-wire the piece behind the wall, or it can also be channeled on the wall itself to the nearest electric outlet. The work comes with a remote control, which allows the piece to be turned off and on as desired.

The artwork and framing can all be done within the budget assigned for this project ($______ USD), and installation would be the responsibility of ________.

I am honored to be considered for this project. Please feel free to contact me at my cell (301/_______) or via email ( if there are any questions.
After I submitted this proposal I decided to see if I could create a variant on the idea for the Miami art fairs... I will be at the CONTEXT Art Miami (within Art Miami) fair in Wynwood in booth E-82. In the variant, I've created a large painting in the style of Jackson Pollock, with a window in the middle where a video plays and shows that part of the painting (where the window has been cut) as it is being created... below is the video itself (still being edited).

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Nude art censored

Just in case you thought this only happens in post-1800s American public art:
A GROUP of Bundaberg artists are out to show that art cannot be censored in the region by announcing plans to hold a nude-only art exhibition.
The move comes after vision-impaired artist Dennis Mealor's naked photograph of a mature-aged woman, titled Viva Italia, was suddenly withdrawn from the Bundaberg Arts Festival without an explanation last month.
Jacky Poulter, and about seven other volunteers with the Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery (BRAG), will hold "Just Nudes" at the Dirty Linen Artspace next March.
The group is calling itself the BRAG Traders, and has created the independent exhibition because of the expulsion of Mr. Mealor's artwork from the 2013 festival.
Details  here...

And (Oh yeah...) Bundaberg Arts Festival: You suck! The winners of the 2013 festival are here, and "Placoderm" by John Olson actually rocks!

PS - Anybody knows what "acquisitive" means? Cough, cough...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kessler & Weiblinger at BlackRock

Up Close and Personal: Opening Reception

Main Gallery | Thursday, Nov 21, 2013 | 5:30 PM | $ Free

Up Close and Personal: Opening Reception
Artists: Glen Kessler (painter) and Richard Weiblinger (photographer)
A modern perspective through the eyes of a photographer and a painter
Exhibit: November 13 –December 20, 2013.

These two hardworking artists are great examples of DMV artists who work hard at exhibiting their work and don't waste time complaining about lack of exhibition opportunities... go check them out! 

Details here.