Wednesday, May 21, 2014

2015 Maryland Individual Artist Awards

The 2015 Maryland Individual Artist Award guidelines and application are now available. Applicants must be full-time Maryland residents. The funding categories for 2015 include: 
  • Non-Classical Music: Composition
  • Non-Classical Music: Solo Performance
  • Playwriting  
  • Visual Arts: Crafts 
  • Visual Arts: Photography   

All applications must be submitted online. Applicants can click here  to access the guidelines and application. The deadline for 2015 applications is 4:30 PM on Thursday, July 24, 2014.

The Maryland State Arts Council and Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation will offer three webinars for prospective Individual Artist Award applicants that will:
  • Address applicant eligibility, discipline categories, and work sample formats;
  • Provide instructions on how to complete the online application; and
  • Provide information on the submission of digital images for visual artists
Advance registration is required.
To register, please follow the link listed next to your desired webinar date.  

WEBINAR 1: June 19, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
WEBINAR 2: June 21, 2014 
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM 
WEBINAR 3: June 25, 2014 
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM 
An instructional video to assist artists with the application process and work sample preparation guide is also available online here
Questions about Fellowships or webinar registration?
Please contact Kimberly Steinle-Super at 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

(e)merge art fair deadline approaching!

(e)merge art fair NOW ACCEPTING GALLERY, 

The fourth edition of the (e)merge art fair will take place October 2-5, 2014, in Washington, DC, at the Rubell Family’s Capitol Skyline Hotel.

The DC region is home to one of the nation’s wealthiest, youngest, most highly educated populations. (e)merge provides inside access to a rapidly expanding cultural market with immense economic power.



The Gallery Platform application deadline is May 30 and notifications will be sent out in June.

Additional information on the EXHIBITOR SERVICES page: CLICK HERE

For additional questions/information:

Monday, May 19, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Don't sign your next contract without reading this‏...

Contracts are everywhere. Whether you are a struggling artist, world renowned photographer or a gallery owner, you will be inundated with contracts from art dealers, agents, exhibitors, publishers, ad agencies, museums as well as non-art industry members like landlords and contractors. If contracts are supposed to make sure that both parties fulfill their obligations, then why are there so many …

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Send off Luncheon

The Prince George's African American Museum & Cultural Center at North Brentwood in conjunction with the Museums Connect Program, will host a Luncheon on June 7 from 11:30am to 2pm at the College Park Marriott and Conference Center.

The Luncheon is to honor the teen emissaries from the Museum's Culture Keepers program at the Suitland School for the Visual and Performing Arts who journeyed to Sao Paulo Brazil as part of the Department of State's Museums Connect program.  They will share their trip, the experiences they had and the historical research and art projects they produced with their counterparts in the Afro Museo in Sao Paulo. 

Guests will also enjoy the live Steel Drum music played by young students from Pan Jamboree and the wares of talented Arts District vendors for sale.

Luncheon Tickets will be available on line beginning Monday April 28th on the Museum website at PGAAMCC.ORG.

Luncheon Tickets are $45.00 - They encourage Table sponsors of $450 for groups of 10.  Because so many wish to support the wonderful work of these highly talented students, and they can only accommodate 220 guests, they encourage early ticket purchase.

Local artists are invited to display art work for sale during the luncheon. The cost per table for art displays are $100.

For more information contact: Ms. Tracey Jones, Director of Media and Public Programs at

Friday, May 16, 2014


Want to go to a panel discussion and reception held by the Fine Arts Committee of the New York State Bar Association Entertainment Arts & Sports Law Section?

Tuesday May, 27th from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Followed by a Wine and Cheese Reception 

Are brick and mortar art galleries the loss leaders in an art world, potentially spiraling beyond viable limits? More than ninety art fairs now define the rhythm of globalized art business. This development has profoundly altered the relationships amongst artists, gallerists, and collectors. 
The panel will explore and critique the impacts and challenges – legal, ethical and business – of the rise of art fairs. This is part of an initiative to create dialogue amongst lawyers, artists and emerging and established art professionals working in the primary or secondary markets.

Cost for the event is $15 including reception.
Registration is

Gallerist Elizabeth Dee will report on the chances and risks that the art fairs impose, in light of the ambitious expansion that her gallery has recently embraced and her perspective as co-founder of Independent, New York.

Attorney Richard M. Lehun of Stropheus Art Law will examine the plethora of ethical and business issues that art fair participants confront.

Attorney Nicholas M. O'Donnell, a litigation partner at Sullivan & Worcester LLP, will present on the legal issues that art fairs carry with them.

Gallerist Edward Winkleman will offer an overview of the research he is conducting on art fairs in preparation for his upcoming book "Selling Contemporary Art: How to Navigate the Evolving Market" (Allworth Press).

The panel will be moderated by attorney, educator, mediator, and arbitrator Judith B. Prowda, Faculty at Sotheby’s Institute of Art and author of Visual Arts and the Law: A Handbook for Professionals (Lund Humphries 2013).

Heard on Univision

Every once in a while there's a commercial in Univision, where the voice over (in Spanish of course) has a "fake" accent - that is, the voice over is in Spanish as it would be spoken by a stereotypical American person who has learned Spanish.

But it is not a "real" accent, but a fake accent.

It's rather odd.