Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Harry Reid and The Internet Tax Freedom Act

From Ebay...
With the end of the 113th Congress swiftly approaching, Congress has only a few short weeks left in the legislative calendar.  With the clock running out, proponents of the Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) are actively trying to push the legislation through Congress and to the President’s desk by the end of the year. Although the Senate passed the MFA in May 2013, leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives have announced their intention to find an alternative to the Senate-passed Internet sales tax bill and have refrained from moving the Senate-passed bill. Due to the fact that there appears to be little support to move the Senate passed MFA in the House, Senate leaders announced in July that they would try and pass the MFA by attaching it to the must-pass Internet Tax Freedom Act and bypass regular legislative procedure in the House.

The Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA) is an important piece of legislation that would make permanent the law that prevents state and local governments from imposing new taxes on Internet access and prohibits any multiple or discriminatory taxes on e-commerce. The current law is set to expire on November 1st, which means if Congress fails to pass an extension, consumers and businesses across the country could see their Internet access bills go up in November. On July 15th, the House passed a permanent extension of the law by voice vote and sent the bill to the Senate for consideration.

However, instead of agreeing to take up the House-passed ITFA, Senate leadership announced plans to combine ITFA with the Senate-passed MFA.

Although it is unclear if and when the Senate may move the newly combined ITFA/MFA bill, a group of bipartisan Senators has called on Senate leadership not to attach the Senate-passed Marketplace Fairness Act to the Internet Tax Freedom Act. Like eBay Inc., these Senators have expressed concerns with how the Marketplace Fairness Act would impact small tech-enabled small businesses that rely on Internet and mobile platforms to compete in the retail marketplace.

eBay Inc. continues to believe that small tech-enabled businesses should be protected from a new burdensome sales tax regime and opposes the Senate-passed Marketplace Fairness Act, because it lacks strong small business protections. If you share our concerns with the Marketplace Fairness Act, we would encourage you to visit our Action Center and tell your Members of Congress that you oppose Internet sales tax legislation that hurts small businesses.

For more information on the Internet sales tax issue and eBay Inc.’s position, please visit their issues page.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

6th Annual Expressions Portrait Competition

Deadline: Tuesday September 9, 2014 at 2 PM
Finalists from the competition will be featured in the 6th annual Expressions Portrait Exhibit at ArtSpace Herndon Tuesday, October 7 through Sunday November 2, 2014.  This year's judge is Jordan Xu and the jurors are Judith Peck and Michela Mansuino.
Jordan Xu will announce the winners at during the awards reception on Saturday, October 11, 2014. 

First Place - $500
Second Place $200
Third Place $100
Four Honorable Mentions

Artists 18 years or older residing in Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, West Virginia, and Delaware can enter original 2-D or 3-D portraiture. (No photography, electronic or computer generated/ assisted art, or reproductions).
There is a nominal $25 entry fee (non-refundable) for up to 2 entries.

Click on the links below for full details and to enter.
Get more information
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Thumbnails Are Not An Infringement

Monday, August 25, 2014

Judy Collins 1962

Judy Collins. c. 1962 by Lida Moser
Judy Collins. c. 1962 by Lida Moser

Sunday, August 24, 2014

This is why...

If posting has been a little slow lately, it is because my youngest daughter Elise was getting married over the weekend and we've been hanging out in gorgeous Gig Harbor, Washington!

And here's the bride and now Mrs. Elise Torralbo Campello

Saturday, August 23, 2014

rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock

Training the boy to do his Vulcan salute so that he can play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Looking at Maurice Sievans paintings

"Looking at Maurice Sievans paintings from L to R Anna Moser, Lee Sievan, Berenice Abbott."
This is a vintage 1952 Lida Moser photograph. Moser hand-printed all her own photographs and rarely printed more than 5-6 images of any photo.

The photo was hand-printed by Moser on 8 x10 inch paper and it is signed, dated and annotated by Moser in pencil recto on verso. On the verso Moser has written in pencil: "Looking at Maurice Sievans paintings from L to R Anna Moser, Lee Sievan, Berenice Abbott."