Thursday, September 25, 2014

Opportunities for Artists

Deadline, On-Line Gallery:  February 1, 2015
BRASH, Washington, DC area poet of Artomatic fame, has written a poem titled "The Journey" that addresses recovery.  BRASH and the team at now challenge visual artists to follow suit.
Submission guidelines for the challenge and the on-line gallery are at - a site inspired by the book Addiction and Art (Santora, Dowell and Henningfield - Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010).  
This site, which in turn has inspired addiction related art exhibitions nationwide, receives significant traffic and the site's images are used (non-commercially) worldwide for the good of mankind by schools, treatment centers, community programs, and the general public.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Julian Navarro to direct Context Art Miami

Art Miami LLC has announced the appointment of Julian Navarro as Director of CONTEXT Art Miami - Miami's international emerging, mid-career cutting edge art fair which launched in 2012. Art Miami LLC annually presents CONTEXT during Miami Art Week, in addition to their International Contemporary and Modern Art Fair, Art Miami, which is celebrating its 25th year along with Aqua Art Miami. And most importantly, that's the art fair that we will be doing this coming December!
After a comprehensive selection process, involving several national and international candidates, it was determined that Julian Navarro was the appropriate choice to continue to grow and elevate the importance of the CONTEXT Art Miami fair.

"The appointment of Julian Navarro to the position of Director of the CONTEXT fair will strengthen the importance of the relationship between participating galleries, artists, collectors, curators, art professionals, the Fairs selection committee and the overall curatorial program", said Art Miami LLC Partner & Director, Nick Korniloff. Julian Navarro has been promoting the work of established and emerging artists focusing on contemporary art, from conceptual work to large-scale installation, performance and sound art. Since 2001, Julian has developed art projects nationally and internationally in collaboration with galleries and art institutions.

CONTEXT is the sister fair to Art Miami dedicated to the development and reinforcement of emerging and mid-career artists. CONTEXT Art Miami's open atmosphere creates a meaningful dialogue between artists, galleries and collectors while providing the ultimate platform for the presentation of cutting-edge and emergent talent. Eighty international galleries, vetted by the CONTEXT Selection Committee, exhibit highlights from their gallery programs, solo artist exhibitions and curated projects. The combined efforts of CONTEXT and Art Miami provide a unique and alternative opportunity for leading primary dealers and their artists to be marketed and promoted internationally during the most important week for contemporary art in America.

In addition to its roster of international exhibitors, CONTEXT Art Miami will present curatorial projects, solo and special exhibitions as part of its 2014 edition. The full list of exhibitors and programming will be announced later this month.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Opportunity for Artists

LINES DRAWN: America's Artists Look Beyond the Politics of Red and Blue

LINES DRAWN: America’s Artists Look Beyond the Politics of Red and Blue 
Artists resident in the United States are invited to submit original works of art for a juried exhibit timed to the 2014 Congressional elections; the exhibit will open Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 at CHARLES KRAUSE/REPORTING FINE ART Gallery in Washington, DC.
Works of art submitted for this exhibit should provide visual evidence of social, economic or political issues which the artist believes are being ignored or inadequately addressed by our Government and political leaders due to the extreme partisanship and political paralysis which characterize Washington today. Artists may also submit artwork which examines the causes of the current political paralysis and/or focuses attention on those political leaders the artist holds responsible for the current paralysis/breakdown of our political system.
SUBMISSIONS: Please send no more than 2 high resolution jpegs of each work, its dimensions, suggested retail price (gallery commission 40 per cent) and Artist’s Statement for each work to
ARTIST’S STATEMENT: Please limit your statement to 150 words. It should state the issue the art work addresses and why the artist believes the issue is important to the future well-being of our country.
SELECTION PROCESS: All work submitted for this exhibit will be reviewed, and the winning entries selected, by a jury of experts selected by Washington’s Millennium Arts Salon.
NOTIFICATION OF WINNING SUBMISSIONS: Artists whose work has been selected for the exhibit will be notified on Sunday, October 5th and will be expected to have their work delivered to the Gallery no later than Thursday, October 9, 2014.
THE EXHIBIT: LINES DRAWN: America’s Artists Look Beyond the Politics of Red and Blue will open on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at CHARLES KRAUSE/REPORTING FINE ART Gallery /1300 13th Street NW, Washington,. DC 20005
FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE See Future Exhibitions at or contact Charles Krause at

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Art studio space to rent in Bethesda...

Space available for rent NOW.  

Great group of women artists... Collegial atmosphere and a great location— Easy access to Bethesda Metro and public parking.  $201 per month for one year (+ insurance), with additional year on current lease.

For more information and to see space please contact Jane:

Saturday, September 20, 2014

2014 Marvel 75th Anniversary Iron Fist sketch card by Campello

2014 Marvel 75th Anniversary sketch card 
The card is officially licensed by Marvel

Friday, September 19, 2014

Art All Night: Nuit Blanche DC

The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) has announced the programming for the annual art festival Art All Night: Nuit Blanche DC -- it will be expanding across the city on September 27, 2014.
Art All Night presents an eclectic evening of music, visual and performing artists. Based on a festival concept that began in Paris, Art All Night offers residents and visitors an exciting opportunity to engage with DC arts and artists. Programming includes live painting, performances by local musicians, poetry readings and exterior lighting displays. Art All Night activates and enlivens neighborhoods with arts and cultural activities, contributing to the vibrancy of the city.

Art All Night: Nuit Blanche DC will begin at 7:00 pm on Saturday, September 27 and conclude at 3:00 am Sunday, September 28. A full listing of programming is available online at Additional information can be found at

The DC festival was founded in 2011 by Creative Director Ariana Austin, who is this year's project coordinator and was presented by Shaw Main Streets.This year, through the efforts of DCCAH, the festival will also include the Dupont Circle, North Capitol, H Street NE, Congress Heights, and Shaw Main Streets. Each of the five neighborhoods will host their own unique mix of artistic programming for audiences to enjoy free of charge. The DC Main Streets program is funded by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development. DCCAH hopes to build on the success of previous events that attracted audiences of up to 15,000 people in one night.

"The Commission has supported Art All Night since its first activation, and we are thrilled to be able to expand it across the city for even more to participate," said Judith Terra, Chair of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. "Art All Night is a fun and festive event that engages all residents across the city. With this festival, Washington, DC joins a global network of Nuit Blanche all-night arts events, that started in Paris in 2002 and has captivated audiences from Montreal to Melbourne."

"Art All Night is a great example of how the arts drive economic development through creative place-making," said Lionell Thomas, Executive Director of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. "The event is a great mechanism for increasing foot traffic to the neighborhoods and businesses, while spotlighting local arts and culture."

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Scotland Independence Vote

Scottish voters (starting at the age of 16) are voting today in an attempt to once again secede from the 307 year-old union with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. A union that was started by a Scottish king, not an English king.

I love Scotland - I lived there from 1989-1992 and was seduced by one of the most beautiful nations on the planet and some of the hardest working, smart, people on the same planet... when you are in Scotland, and walk around the glens, and see the sun poke a hole in the clouds and shine on this planet's greenest pastures, one understands why people believe in magic. And thus my my heart says yes to independence, but the Scottish National Party -- like most politicians on the planet - are a bunch of crooks with half lies, empty promises and jingoistic fervor that history teaches us leads to no good end! What they have promised the Scots, if they vote yes, has been built mostly on deceit and promises of a super nanny state funded by disputed oil resources in the North Sea.

In spite of that, I would think that I would let my heart rule and I would vote yes to secede and take my own chances as an independent nation of very tough, brilliant people... same for the Catalans, who are in a similar situation in Scotland's ancestral home in Spain...

Here's what I'm afraid of -- if they secede...

1. The English will force them off the pound - as they should! Why would Scotland vote to leave, but keep the old currency?

2. They will also boycott any attempt by Scotland to join the European union - Even if they don't, it will take years for the Scots to join the EU.

3. They will actively work to isolate Scotland and teach those Celts a lesson!

4. Scotland is essentially a rural country with a very strong sense of identity, but lacks an industrial infrastructure - because the English have designed it that way for centuries; even the shipbuilding in Scotland is dependent on English imports.

5. The international courts will rule against Scotland for the oil wells outside of the CTML 12 mile limit - this is where future funding for the SNP nanny state is supposed to come from...

6. Scotland will depend on imports to form an industrial base.

7. The English will work to make that difficult.

8. A desperate Scotland will present a BRILLIANT opportunity for China (or Putin) to step in and "help the Scots."

Result? English arrogance and ethnic insolence (they consider Scots as WOGS) - will push the Scots into the arms of the old Reds and the new Reds; Mark my words... So I hope the Scots vote no. And of course... "IF IT'S NOT SCOTTISH ---- IT'S CRAP!"