Sunday, December 28, 2014


While listening to La Traviata on the radio yesterday afternoon...

Me to Anderson: "Do you know what this kind of singing is called?"

Anderson: "Screaming woman..."

Friday, December 26, 2014

Call for new mural for the Torpedo Factory

Deadline: March 31, 2015

OPEN CALL FOR MURAL PROPOSALS - Design and execute a mural to cover the exterior of the Torpedo Factory Art Center loading dock (rolling door along Union Street, see diagram for measurements.)

This call is open to all local and regional professional artists (living in the Deleware/Maryland/virginia area). The selected muralist will be awarded $4,000, with a supply budget of up to $2,000. Proposal selection with be conducted by an independent arts professional in consultation with the Torpedo Factory Art Center CEO.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

The Giving Season by David FeBland
The Giving Season, by David FeBland, Oil on Canvas, 2007

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

New Lechon Asado recipe?

There's a disturbance in the Force... The Campello household has run out of cumin! 

Oh well... Just improvised a new marinade and there's a new version of Lechon Asado coming for tomorrow's Nochebuena.

Feliz Nochebuena to all of youse...

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: April 1, 2015 

THE ARTIST'S MAGAZINE ANNUAL ART COMPETITION More than $25,000 in prizes will be awarded, and Top Award Winners will be featured in the December 2015 issue of The Artist's Magazine! All winners will also appear in a special online gallery. There are 5 categories for you to compete and win. Plus, there's a Special Student/Beginner Division for new artists. Entry fee. 

Details: 715-445-4612 OR