Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Opportunities for Artists at Montgomery College

EXHIBITION OPPORTUNITY: Themed exhibition series
Interactivity: Sight and Sound

Colored hearing: sounds, music or voices seen as colors is referred to as synesthesia. Synesthetic art refers to multi-sensory experiments in the genres of visual art, music visualization, audiovisual art, abstract film and other multi-and intermedia. The concept of synesthesia has long been a source of inspiration for artists, composers and writers. The work produced by artists attempting to provoke simultaneous perception by different senses has suggested the idea of "interactivity": between sight and hearing in particular, but not necessarily excluding interactivity among the other senses. Artists are invited to consider this concept and propose an exhibit of works that might connote or express it.

The Department of Visual and Performing Arts is calling for exhibition proposals for the Open Gallery in The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Arts Center that address the theme, "Interactivity: Sight and Sound." Four exhibitions will be scheduled for the 2015–2016 academic year.

Proposals must be received by April 17, 2015.  Applicants will be notified by June 1.

For detailed information about the exhibition space and the application process please visit:


Deadline: Postmarked by March 31, 2015

Montgomery College Artist in Residence Program
The Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus of Montgomery College offers semester-long residencies for visual artists.  Fall residencies run from mid-August through mid-December.  Spring residencies run mid-January through mid-May.  This program provides artists with a dedicated space to pursue their professional art practice within an academic environment populated by art students and faculty.  Resident artists may also be granted access to the many other studio facilities available in the Cafritz Foundation Arts Center on a case-by-case basis.  No living accommodations are provided.

Applications are being accepted for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Deadline for applications is March 31, 2015.  There are no fees for participation in this residency.

For further information and the application forms, please visit:

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Another oak falls

"Hoy se ha caido otro roble en la selva del amargo exilio" is how I always thought that my father's eulogy would begin once he died.

"Today another oak falls in the jungle of bitter exile," began the eulogy for the man whose bloodlines my children and I carry on.

Florencio Campello Alonso died today at age 90 in Miami, the heart of the bitter Cuban Diaspora. Like many Cubans of his generation, he was the son of European immigrants to Cuba. His Galician parents left the scraggy mountains of northern Spain's ancient Celtic kingdom and in the first decade of the 1900s migrated to the new nation of Cuba upon its liberation from Spain.

Galicians have always been uneasy subjects of the Spanish crown, stubbornly hanging on to their ancient Celtic traditions, to their own language and to their bagpipes, so it is no historical surprise that they left their mountain homelands en-masse and headed to the new tropical paradise of Cuba, free from the heavy hand of the Spanish monarchy.

And thus it was never a surprise to me that my father was both a fighter against heavy-handed rulers, a lover of freedom, and one who was never afraid to re-start a life for the better, even if it involved discarding the old.

My father could have been one of the privileged few who currently rule atop the food chain of Cuba's Workers' Paradise. But instead of accepting the benefits of oppression, this most valiant of men chose the harsh path of right over wrong.

And he paid for it dearly (he spent years in Concentration Camps), but when he died, his soul was clean.

In his youth, my dad worked the brutal hours of the son of an immigrant who was slowly building a small financial empire in eastern Cuba. My father was pulled from school as soon as he learned to read and write, and like his two other brothers and eight sisters, he was expected to work and contribute to building a familial empire.

And he did, as my mother relates the stories of my father's childhood in the fields of eastern Cuba, a blond creole in a land of jingoist natives... he trying to out-Cuban the "real Cubans"... how he organized a labor union of the exploited Haitians who worked almost as slaves at the Los Canos Sugar Mill, how he joined a group of bearded rebels in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra in the fight against a tyrant, how he ran for the leadership of the Sugar Workers' Union and beat the Communists to the post, and how he spent years in a Castro Concentration Camp, jailed for the crime of refusing to join the Party, because he believed in Democracy and not Communism.

And because of that stubbornness, in the 1960s he was offered the bitter pill of exile, and this brave man decided to choose family... and left his birth place, and thus became another immigrant within two familial generations and brought his wife and child to another new land.

And it is to him that I owe the greatest gift that a father can give a son: the opportunity to grow in freedom in the greatest nation in the history of this planet.

It is because of my father's courage that I was raised in this country and not in a land bloodied by brutality and oppression.

It is because of my father's teachings that I was raised with the conviction that freedom is not free and never to be taken for granted; after all, he fought for freedom and then Castro, the man who inspired the fight, ended up being a worse dictator, eventually destroying all notions of freedom for all of his people.

It is because of my father that I was taught that every citizen owes his nation some form of service, and that's the main reason that I signed (at age 17) to serve in the US Navy.

It is because of my father that I despise anyone who hides behind the mask of victimism to excuse failures and shortcomings.

When our family arrived in New York in the 1960s, my father began to work in a factory three days after he landed at the airport; my mother (who came from a privileged Cuban family and had never worked a day in her life) found a job as a seamstress five days later. That pattern was repeated for decades as they worked their way in a new nation.

"We thought we'd be back within a few years," was the answer given to me when I once asked the question about leaving their birthplace. When that didn't materialize, they became fierce Americans in the "United States of Americans" sense... these were the "America None Better!" set of immigrants, and in my Dad's case, you better be ready to fight if you dissed the USA.


Always a fighter he was... and always for the right reasons.

Cubans are archaic immigrants... we love this great nation because we recognize its singular and unique greatness; perhaps it is because our forebears had the same chance at greatness and blew it.

And my Dad loved this nation even more than he once loved Cuba... perhaps it is the genetic disposition of the serial immigrant. After all, his father had left his own ancient Celtic lands and kin for a new land... which he learned to love dearly.

My father always wanted to make sure that I knew that I was an "Americano" and not another forced-on label.

"Labels," he'd say, "are just a way to separate people."

By labels he meant "Hispanic" or "Latino" or anything with a "-" between two ethnic words.

I also remember as a kid in New York, when he bought a huge Hi-Fi record player-color-TV console... that thing was huge. He bought it "lay-away" and he'd pay $10 a week to the store and him and I would walk all the way from our house on Sackman Street to the store on Pitkin Avenue to make the payments every Saturday - he never missed a single payment, and that taught me a lesson.

It was soon playing my Dad's favorite music, which oddly enough was Mexican music (Cuban music was a close second)... and he knew all the words to every charro song.
Guadalajara en un llano, Mejico en una laguna...
Guadalajara en un llano, Mejico en una laguna...Me he de comer esa tunaMe he de comer esa tuna.... aunque me espine la mano.
That Jorge Negrete song... being shouted often on weekends at the top of his lungs from our apartment in a mostly Italian neighborhood in East New York in Brooklyn must have raised some eyebrows.

My dad and I watched Neil Armstrong land on the moon on that TV set... we also watched loads of Mets games... and in 1969 and 1972 went to Shea Stadium to see the Mets win in '69 and lose in '72. He really loved baseball and he really loved those Mets!

When I joined the Navy at age 17, my first duty station was USS SARATOGA, which at the time was stationed in Mayport in Florida, so my Dad decided to migrate south to Florida and moved to Miami... just to be close to me.

He and my mother spent the next 40 years in the same apartment while I was stationed all over the world.

When I visited him today in Miami, he looked good and freshly shaven... this is a good thing, as my father was a freak about hygiene... and that's a common "creole" trait.

The Hospice nurse almost teared up when I told her that my parents have been married for 60 years.

I looked at this old "gallego"... his skin as white as paper, his eyes as blue as the sky, and his head (once full of blond hair) as bald and shiny as the old Cuban sing song ("Mira la Luna, mira al Sol... mira la calva de ese.....") and I saw the generations of Neanderthals, Denisovans and Gallego Homo Sapiens that led to my bloodlines... the generations of fighters, of strugglers, and of tough guys who didn't take no for an answer and who made a better place for others. 

And I felt at peace and grateful.

And as my father died tonight, after an extubation,  all that I can think to say to him is "Thank you for your courage... from me, and from my children... and soon from their children. You opened a whole new world for them."

I love you Dad... Un Abrazo Fuerte! Thank you for your gifts to me and my children and it is no coincidence that you died on El Dia de Los Reyes.

Monday, January 05, 2015

More Cubans head to jail

Emboldened by the Obama Administration's diplomatic recognition -- and its pledge of inconditionality -- the Castro regime continues to arrest political dissidents.

Yesterday it arrested Lisandra RobertMiraida Martin and Yamile Rodriguez -- all members of the Cuban Patriotic Union (UNPACU) in Santiago de Cuba -- and Melkis Faure and Emilio Serrano in Havana.

Faure and Serrano were arrested as they inquired about Sonia de la Caridad Gonzalez Mejias, who was arrested on December 28th. Gonzalez Mejia is currently on a hunger strike protesting her unjust imprisonment.

Meanwhile, Cuban artist Danilo Maldonado ("El Sexto"), arrested on Christmas Day, was transferred to the Valle Grande prison. His crime? Intending to attend artist Tania Bruguera's performance, which never took place, as she was also arrested!

And Marcelino Abreu Bonora, arrested on December 26th, was beaten and placed in a "special" punishment cell for conducting a hunger strike.

Tragically, there are already more political prisoners in Cuba today than on December 17th.

SELECT 2015: WPA Art Auction Exhibition and Gala

SELECT 2015: WPA Art Auction Exhibition and Gala   

GALA: March 7, 2015, 7-11pm   
EXHIBITION: January 29 through March 6, 2015 
OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, January 29, 7-9pm 
CURATOR TALKSThursday, February 12 and Thursday, February 19, 6:30-8pm
at Artisphere1101 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 
Free parking with validation on evenings (after 5pm) and all day on weekends 

Metro: Rosslyn 
Circulator: Georgetown - Dupont  

Exhibition, opening reception, and curator talks are free and open to the public.

For Auction ticket information, please CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE or contact
Nathalie von Veh at 202.234.7103 x5 or

WPA's Annual Art Auction Gala is the highlight of DC's contemporary art world season! DC's longest running and most-established contemporary art auction, SELECT is an annually anticipated event that supports WPA and the artist community.  

SELECT 2015 features works available for purchase chosen by 8 of the region's top and emerging curators as well as selections by WPA's Board of Directors. Featuring works by established and emerging artists from DC, Baltimore, Richmond, and beyond, WPA's selection of exquisite, engaging, and exciting art works offer something for collectors both seasoned and aspiring.  
Auction Co-Chairs: Jessica Naresh, Judy & Andrew Sherman, and Robert Shields
Auction Host Committee: Martha Blalock, Heather Davis, Ayanna Dunn, Eric Hilton, Dr. Giselle Huberman, Jessica Naresh, Jill Pearlman, Amanda Phillips, Judy Sherman, Robert Shields, Henri Siblesz, Jessica Stafford-Davis, Vikki Tobak, and Blair Wunderlich

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Opportunity for Artists

26th National Drawing and Print Competitive Exhibition
Gormley Gallery-Notre Dame of Maryland University

Eligibility and media
Drawings and prints (not photography) in any medium are eligible with no limitations as to color, surface or materials. All drawings and prints must be original works of art. Each artist may submit up to 3 works on online only. No mailed or emailed entries will be accepted.
Brian Young
Curator, Arts Program,
University of Maryland University College  
A minimum of $1,500 available in purchase prize money.

Enter online at:
Additional Information:

Entry fee

A non­refundable entry fee of $36 entitles the artist to submit up to three entries.

Selection process

Initial jury will be of online submissions received by January 31, 2015. Notification will be by email. Be sure to add to your contacts so that notification email is not sent to your spam folder. Accepted drawings and prints received by March 2 will be juried for purchase prize awards at the value set by the artist. Works selected for purchase prize awards will become the property of Notre Dame of Maryland University.
 Entries due
 January 31, 2015
 Notification of acceptance
 February 13, 2015
 Work due at gallery
 March 2, 2015
 Exhibition Dates
March 23 through April 24, 2015
 Reception and Gallery Talk
Saturday, March 28 from 4 to 6 p.m.


All accepted works must be ready to exhibit: framed with plexiglass (no glass), wired and ready to hang. Ship by either UPS, no FedEx, using strong, re­usable crates or cardboard cartons. No packing peanuts please. Include return shipping document with a scannable barcode. Ship prepaid to: Drawing and Print Competitive Exhibition, Notre Dame of Maryland University, 4701 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210.

Hand delivery drop-off dates TBA
No phone calls please

Saturday, January 03, 2015

List of detained Cuban artists

This is the list of artists detained in the Castro Brothers' Workers Paradise; remember this the next time that you think our own "political art" has cojones... these heroes put their freedom on the line for their beliefs in the simple rights of humankind.

1. Tania Bruguera
2. Antonio G Rodiles
3. Ailer Gonzalez
4. Eva Baquero
5. Boris González Arenas
6. Camilo Ernesto Olivera
7. Andrés Pérez Suárez
8. Carlos Manuel Hernández Jiménez
9. Vicente Coll Campagnioli
10. Joisis García
11. Nelson Rodríguez
12. Agustín López Canino
13. Ernesto Santana
14. Delio Rodríguez Díaz
15. Pablo Pascual Méndez Piña
16. Waldo Fernández Cuenca
17. Raúl Borges
18. Yaneisi Herrera Cabrales
19. Ariovel Castillo Villalba
20. Carlos Manuel Hernández
21. Miguel Daniel Borroto
22. Raisel Rodríguez Rivero
23. Lázaro Montesino Hernández.
24. Oscar Casanella Saint Blancard
25. Dayron Moisés Torres
26. Danilo Maldonado Machado, el Sexto

Friday, January 02, 2015

Update on Tania

From Tania's sister:
URGENT // ‪#‎Cuba‬ ‪#‎TaniaBruguera‬ released by State Security.
Tania would not leave until all detainees because of the artistic performance were released. She was held at the Police Station Acosta y Diez de Octubre.
"I can not allow people remain prisoners on my account. I can not accept that the public of a work of political art be repressed, censored and suffering for my sake," said the artist.
Bruguera is already at the apartment of her family in El Vedado. She will take a rest immediately and to share some time with her mother. By the time she will do no additional statements, and appreciates the immense support and affection she received. According to sources in the family, she is psychologically exhausted.
Security agents themselves have acknowledged in talks with Tania the echo and support obtained. Not yet she has been returned her passport. Her case will be heard by a prosecutor in the days to come.