Saturday, January 24, 2015

Primal Connections

Deanna Schwartzberg’s exhibit of paintings; Primal Connections, will hold an opening reception at The Art Museum of the Americas, OAS/ AMA F Street Gallery, 1889 F street, NW, Washington, DC 20006, on  Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 6:00 to 8:00 PM.  


In the paintings of Deanna Schwartzberg we contemplate the sensuality of nature and the human form.  In her larger works elements of nature merge with the figure reaffirming her belief that humankind and the environment are inseparable.  Included in the exhibit is an installation of 28 small paintings of faces inspired by her poem, “Primal connections”.   In the poem she uses a female voice, her own, to express our relationship with nature.  These works don’t seek to illustrate the poem as much as to find their own poetic rhythm to illuminate the flux and flow of humanity and the natural world.  Schwartzberg’s art sets up a dynamic of color, light and form that sweeps through the canvas suggesting the sweep of natural phenomena and the role of humanity as part of this display.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Opportunities for Artists

EMULSION 2015 is East City Art's second annual regional juried exhibition and are privileged to have none other than my good friend and hard-working DMV gallerist, the wonderful Adah Rose as their juror this year!

The deadline to apply is February 15.  Here are the links to the webpage, the prospectus (in PDF) and the online application site:


"Friducha" by F. Lennox Campello,  Hand-colored stone lithograph, c. 1980, 2 x 1.75 inches. Edition of 10  Done as an assignment at the University of Washington School of Art
Hand-colored stone lithograph, c. 1980, 2 x 1.75 inches. Edition of 10
Done as an assignment at the University of Washington School of Art

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Washington Post's continuing the downward path

One day I will tell the story of how the Washington Post's anemic presence in the area's visual arts essentially entered Zombie-land during the disastrous years that Eugene Robinson was the Style Section editor... Part of me understands the financial reasoning behind this latest decision... but here's another nail in the coffin for the WaPo's "if you don't get it" attitude towards our area's galleries:
From: "Orndorff, Amy" <>
Date: January 22, 2015 at 5:38:38 PM EST
To: "Orndorff, Amy" <>
Subject: Changes to the Weekend section
Hi all,

I wanted to reach out to everyone before our section hits doorsteps tomorrow and let you all know about significant changes to the listings.

This was a free service for many years and we loved doing it, but for various reasons we are having to make significant changes to the way we do it. We have to cut newsprint due to rising costs, and we see the most value for our readers in the stories that we do.

With that in mind we are eliminating the following lists: Et cetera, For Families, Galleries and Art Spaces.

In the coming weeks we will be dramatically reducing the rest of the lists -- Nightclubs, Concerts, Museums, Theater and Film. For those of you with venues that have multiple kinds of events, you will be seeing more emails from me soon about what is going to happen next.

Anything already submitted for the Style and Arts Guide will be printed and/or published online.

Thank you,

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Opportunity for Photographers

Submission Deadline: January 25, 2015 (11:59PM)

A Juried Photography Exhibition About Washington, DC

Juror: Peter Garfield, Award-Winning Photographer for Washingtonian, Smithsonian, The Washington Post
"MY LITTLE TOWN" is a juried photography exhibition about Washington, DC.  We are all familiar with the iconic images of Washington, DC.  But what does our city mean to you?  Show us the neighborhoods.  Send us pics of your favorite haunts.  Show us how you have made the big city "your town."
1.  Submit up to five (5) jpg images photographs to
2.  Pay submission fee of $40 at
3.  Visit glenechophotoworks on Facebook for rules and guidelines:


Artomatic 2015

There will be an Artomatic in the DMV this year... stay tuned and I will tell you where soon... meanwhile, if you want to participate, sign up and stay in tune with Artomatic here.

Forgery ring busted

Spain's Civil Guard has arrested three people in the cities of Zaragoza and Tarragona for trying to sell fake Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso, and Henri Matisse drawings, El País reports. They have been charged with crimes against intellectual property and fraud.

It is the culmination of Operación Mirones (Operation Voyeurs), launched in July 2014 to put an end to an art forgery ring. The investigation kicked off during a routine check at the border control in Lleida, when the Civil Guard stopped an Andorran resident carrying a series of Miró drawings and their certificates of authenticity. The agents, suspicious, asked experts to analyze the works, which were confirmed to be fake.