Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Opportunity for Artists

Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 before midnight
VisArts invites artists working in all media to apply for 2016 Solo Exhibitions in the Gibbs Street Gallery and Common Ground Gallery.

The Gibbs Street Gallery offers exhibitions that explore the breadth of contemporary art featuring emerging to mid-career artists. Exhibits reflect a wide range of media and experimental approaches that offer the viewer unexpected interactions with art. The gallery is approximately 1,100 square feet with 16 ft. ceilings. It is on the street level with floor to ceiling windows along one wall. International, national and local artists are welcome to apply.
The Common Ground Gallery features exhibitions that reflect the creative pursuits of artists from our community. The gallery is located on the second floor and is approximately 300 square feet. Artists must live in the DC/Baltimore metro area to apply for a solo exhibition in this gallery.

Applicants who have participated in a solo exhibition at VisArts within the past two years are not eligible to apply.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 before midnight
*Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

All application materials must be submitted online through our website no later than 11:59 pm EST on 03/25/2015. Application materials submitted by mail or hand delivery must be received in our administrative offices (3rd floor) no later than 5:00 pm on Wednesday, March 25, 2015.

Required Application Materials
Application Form
Images Submit 5 – 10 images of work produced during the past 3 years. Work samples can be a combination of high resolution photos and time-based media.
Media Requirements: Images must be in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif file format. Minimum image resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. Maximum file size 5MB per image. 2 minutes of video, film, sound or performance documentation = one work. Up to 10 minutes total.

List of Works Form
Artist Statement (1 page maximum)
Artist Biography (1 page maximum)
Exhibition Proposal: Briefly describe the exhibition, installation or project for the gallery space.
Application Fee ($15.00) – online application will require payment by credit card or Pay Pal

Submission Guidelines

Apply online : Complete the online application and submit all images and required documents on the VisArts website, Click Here.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 before midnight
Apply by mail: All required application materials must be RECEIVED in our Administrative Offices (3rd floor) no later than 5:00 pm on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. Download Application Forms.

Send or deliver all required application materials to:
Exhibitions Department
VisArts at Rockville
155 Gibbs Street, Suite 300
Rockville, MD 20850
Make payment of Application Fee by check made payable to: VisArts (Please write “Solo Application 2016″ in the memo line)

Applicants will be notified of the status of their application via email by April 13, 2015.

Please send any questions via email with “Solo Exhibitions 2016″ in the subject line to Susan Main, Exhibitions Coordinator at:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Art censorship???

Welcome to the solipsistic world of equality activism, in which the removal of sloganeering in chalk on the pavement, which might have been wiped away by routine maintenance, if rain didn’t get it first, is equated with the censorship of a faculty artist.

Read  Franklin Einspruch 's superb piece When Artists Fear their Audience here.

I think there's a current confusion in the world left of center that needs some distinction: There is a huge difference between a "liberal" and a "leftist."

Liberals generally embrace diversity, discussions amongst different opinions and points of view, protection of our basic rights, and an open, receptive ear to all.

Leftists, on the other hand, are generally aligned with the Marxist dogma that prohibits all but one voice and seeks to silence all others and endorses only the "approved" form of art. Some of the biggest mass murderers in modern history (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro) have all been leftists.

Fine Arts Workshops

The Sandy Spring Museum is hosting a series of fine arts workshops – colored pencil, gouache, plein air, water color.

Check them out here.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Does Photography Help Artists Cheat?

This question is as old as the invention of photography itself... and yet, it is still being asked... this time by Sarah Cascone at artnetnews.

Cough, cough, yawn... read it all here.

Bottom line is the bottom para in this tired argument: "... artists get into trouble when they view a photograph as the truth, rather than as a tool."

PS - Asskicking portrait of Putin by Dubya though!

"Putin" by President George W. Bush
"Putin" by President George W. Bush

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Jacobson on Photoworks

The CP's Lou Jacobson goes yard with a nice review of Photoworks retro at AU:
It took four decades, but Photoworks—the photography center at Maryland’s Glen Echo Park—has become enough of an institution to have a retrospective of its own. The location of the exhibit, a large, airy space at the American University Museum, is quite a bit fancier than what Photoworks had in its early days.
Back then, according to the retrospective, “the facility was rustic. Entering the Photoworks space felt like passing through a tiny Alice in Wonderland door… into a deep, dark cave, a room with bare bulbs and wet floors.” By contrast, the retrospective, which includes the work of both current and past artists affiliated with Photoworks, is impressively large and sprawls across the museum’s first floor.  
Read it here. 

Andrei Trach at Bernice Kish

The Bernice Kish Gallery at Slayton House, 10400 Cross Fox Lane, Columbia, Maryland has announced a solo exhibit in the galleries for February and March 2015. Andrei Trach will exhibit his oil and wood work, titled “Relentless Spirit” in the Lobby and Bill White Room Galleries. The exhibit will run from February 19 – March 28, 2015. 
Andrei Trach, of Laurel, Maryland, has exhibited in solo and group shows throughout the region, including the Mill River Gallery in Ellicott City, the Morris Mechanic Theater, the Montpelier Arts Center in Laurel, the Howard County Center for the Arts and the Laurel Art Guild. Mr. Trach was also commissioned to build public sculptures for the City of Baltimore and the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission. He also has a permanent outdoor sculpture at Centennial Park in Hyattsville, titled “Vainglorious Bluebird”. Mr. Trach has received several awards for his work, including first place by the Laurel Art Guild’s Spring Show at Quiet Waters and an honorarium from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Division of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Division. 

There will be a reception on Sunday, February 22, 3-5pm. The public is invited to attend. Refreshments and music. For more information call 410-730-3987 or 301-596-4883. 

Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 9pm
Friday 9:00pm - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm
Sunday CLOSED 

The Bill White Room Gallery is also used for meetings and classes. Please call to check availability of viewing artwork in this gallery.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Local Visual Artists presented by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities

Contemporary Art by Local Visual Artists presented by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities

Exhibition features works by grantees of 2015 Artist Fellowship Program 

I STREET GALLERIES - 200 I (Eye) Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003
EXHIBITION: February 20 - March 27, 2015
Opening Reception: Friday, February 20, 2015, 6 PM - 8 PM
Gallery Hours: Open Monday-Friday, 9 AM - 6PM 

The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) is proud to announce the 2015 Artist Fellowship Program (AFP) Exhibition. This exhibition presents some of the District's finest visual artists, who each were awarded a FY15 Artist Fellowship Program (AFP) grant from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. The exhibition and its programs are free and open to the public. 

The 24 AFP artists will each exhibit a small body of work that illuminates their unique artistic perspective. The collection of these artworks within the I Street Galleries underscores the importance of establishing the first District government-operated public gallery, and captures the broad scope of the dynamic, Washington, DC art scene. The gallery provides an opportunity for artists to share their work with the public on a daily basis, especially with those that may not visit museums or galleries regularly. While on display, the work will receive exposure from residents, art patrons and the press. Many works are available for purchase directly from the artists.

"Our grantees are integral to improving the quality of life in Washington, DC, and the Commission is pleased to support them," said Edmund C. Fleet, Chair of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. "Funding is vital, and our support allows these artists to produce quality art and programs for District residents and visitors." 

"Promoting excellence is a key part of our mission," said Lionell Thomas, Executive Director of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. "The AFP grant program and this exhibition are prime examples of how the Commission supports diverse artists and artistic disciplines."

The AFP offers grants of up to $10,000 to individual artists who make a significant contribution to the arts and who strive to promote the arts in the District of Columbia. 

Exhibiting Artists include: Sondra Arkin, Jessica Beels, Anne Bouie, Adam Davies, Anna U. Davis, Christopher Dolan, Nekisha Durrett, Mary Early, Cheryl Edwards, Rik Freeman, Rania Hassan, Ian Jehle, Timothy Johnson, Rachel Kerwin, Gediyon Kifle, Nate Lewis, Alex Mayer, Kathryn McDonnell, EJ Montgomery, Mike Osborne, Marta Perez Garcia, Carmen Torruella-Quander, Joyce Wellman and Martine Workman.