Sunday, March 22, 2015

Glen Kessler at Hillyer Art Space

Friday, April 3 – Sunday, April 26, 2015
Opening Reception: Friday, April 3  6-9pm

Artist Talk: Saturday, April 18  1-3pm

Closing Reception: Sunday, April 26  3-5pm

“CircuitScapes”, an exhibition by the painter Glen Kessler, will be on display from Friday, April 3 through Sunday, April 26, 2015 in the main gallery of Hillyer Art Space, located at 9 Hillyer Ct, NW Washington DC 20008.  The Opening Reception is scheduled for Friday, April 3 from 6-9pm. An Artist Talk with Glen Kessler is scheduled for Saturday, April 18 from 1-3pm. A Closing Reception is scheduled for Sunday, April 26 from 3-5pm.   

The Gallery Hours are Mon 12-5pm; Tue-Fri 12-6pm; Sat 12-5pm; and by appointment.

“CircuitScapes” will feature over twenty new oil paintings from Rockville, MD painter Glen Kessler in the newly renovated Hillyer Art Space during the month of April. Kessler paints images that initially appear to be urban and industrial landscapes, but are, in truth, magnified views of circuit boards.  In his “CircuitScape” series, the analogous nature of these two worlds is formally and conceptually explored.  Similarities between city design and circuitry are obvious, each exerting a bias towards efficient geometric utility, but at the ‘street level’ which Kessler paints the connection becomes uncanny, leading viewers to contemplate how the hidden world of the microchip is increasingly the engine that powers our familiar macro urban centers.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Art Fair week!

Car renting in Miami

Waking up at four AM in order to make the 7:20AM flight to Miami from BWI is no way to start a weekend; but, sacrifices must be made in order to get there in plenty of time to take Anderson to visit his 92-year-old abuela, spend some time with his cousins and make it back to the DMV in time for him to make it to bed not too late on Sunday.

No matter where you land in Miami's gorgeous but enormous airport, it take a hike to get out, and a train ride to get your rental car. Renting a car in Miami must be disorienting to most people, but especially foreigners. And it is not just the somewhat complicated and surprising lack of good signage at the airport to direct you to the car agencies, but also the amazing cheapness of renting a car there.

I've rented cars in Miami for as little as five bucks a day (last March); the taxes were essentially as much as the car rental! In most of the world, auto rentals are pretty expensive, but it seems that competition has found an optimal environment in Miami in favor of the visitor.

The first thing that I always do (after renting the car) when I get to Miami to visit my mother, is to stop at Casablanca Bakery on 4th Street in Hialeah to get some Cuban pasteles, some croquetas, a couple of papas rellenas, some yuca rellenas, Cuban coffee, and a Cuban bread - all for for my mother.

After spending some time catching up with abuela, Anderson helps to eat some of the pastries, but waking up at 4AM is having the expected results in all of us, so we say our Adioses and head out to Little Havana, where we will be staking at my cousin's walled compound just a few minutes from Calle Ocho.

Friday, March 20, 2015


I'm not screaming!!! I'm Cuban-American!!! meme

Thursday, March 19, 2015

From the 90s: Michael Auld at Fondo del Sol

For TBT, this is one of my reviews originally written and published in the late 1990s. I've updated the links.
Michael Auld at Fondo del Sol: An Art Review
By F. Lennox Campello

Originally Published in Visions Magazine for the Arts
I remember as a little boy the story of Hatuey, told to me by my grandmother, who had been raised as a little girl in Cuba. Hatuey was a Taino Indian Chief from the island of Hispaniola who was a witness to the atrocities the Spaniards were committing upon his people. 

The Hispaniola Tainos had received Columbus and his fellow Europeans with open arms, and the Spaniards had brutalized the Indians in return. Hatuey sailed to neighboring Cuba and warned the Cuban Tainos about the Europeans. 

When Columbus and his ships showed up, they were received not with open arms but with armed resistance. Eventually Hatuey was captured by the Spaniards and prepared for burning at the stake. 

A Spanish priest asked Hatuey if he wanted to repent from his sins and be baptized before being burned at the stake. The baptism, promised the priest, would ensure that Hatuey go to heaven and live happily among the Christians. Hatuey asked if the bearded white men would go to heaven when they too died. The priest nodded yes and said that the Spaniards would go to heaven because they were good Christians. 

"In that case," replied Hatuey as the flames began to lick at his feet, "I want to go to hell."
Just like my grandmother, I have always believed and been told that the Caribbean Indians, comprised of the peaceful Tainos, the warlike Caribs and the Arawaks were all extinct as a result of mass suicide, murder, disease and Spanish enslavement. 

We were all wrong! The Fondo del Sol Visual Arts Center in Washington currently has on display an extraordinary exhibit by sculptor Michael Auld which not only pays homage to many of the Caribbean Indians' legends and stories, but also offers (via two fascinating videos), clear evidence that descendants of the Caribbean Indians still live in isolated, mountainous areas of the Caribbean islands. 

The exhibition's center piece is an extraordinary wooden sculpture of Itiba Cahubaba, the legendary Earth mother of Taino legend. This stunning piece depicts the Earth mother giving birth simultaneously to two sets of twins, who became the fathers of mankind. This is a gripping piece not only because of its artistic value, but more importantly because it marks the rebirth of Taino culture after nearly 500 years of being nearly forgotten, erased and virtually destroyed. 

Also on display are three large wooden totemic sculptures depicting three stories in the Spanish conquest of the islands. The Hatuey story is here, as well as the story of the rape of a Carib woman by Spanish Conquistador Miguel de Cuneo, recorded in his own words: "I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, who the Admiral gave to me... I conceived a desire to take my pleasure... but she did not want it... I beat her with a rope...Finally we came to terms...She seemed to be brought up in a school of harlots."
The third piece represents the drowning of a Spaniard by Cuban Tainos. The Spaniards had passed themselves as Gods, and the Cuban Indians decided to test this claim, and one day submerged one of the Conquistadores under water in a river. When he died, the Indians realized that he was a mere human, and the word quickly spread to other Indians on the island and the Europeans had to fight from there on. 

There are many great pieces on exhibition at the Center, and the show establishes Michael Auld (who was born in Jamaica) as one of the best sculptors in the city, but it equally re-affirms the importance of a place like the Fondo del Sol, which gives artists like Auld an opportunity to exhibit work which most commercial galleries and museums would ignore. 

Furthermore, the evidence recorded in video by Auld (during a visit to the island of Dominica in 1992), which depicts visual evidence of a supposedly "extinct" people holding on to a remote enclave in the north of the island, is a visceral reminder of a people nearly destroyed, almost erased and yet shouting to be heard. 

This is an extraordinary, seminal yet important show, which for the first time in art history presents a people's cultural ancestry being rediscovered via contemporary art. Mr. Auld, and just as importantly, the Fondo del Sol Visual Arts Center are to be complemented and honored for delivering this exhibition, and I hope the Smithsonian anthropologists and historians are listening! 

The Fondo del Sol (which is run by its exuberant, Havana-born director Marc Zuver), is an artist-run alternative museum located at 2112 R Street, NW in the Dupont Circle area of Washington, D.C. The exhibit closes on February 10, and the museum can be reached at (202) 483-2777.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Come join me tonight

Covering the Arts
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday March 18, 2015
VisArts at Rockville
Kaplan Gallery
155 Gibbs St.
Rockville, MD 20850
Details here.

Come and pick my brain about developing your resume, art fairs, dealing with art galleries, the press, curators, documenting your work, grants, residencies, contracts, etc. Free!

Call For Submissions: UnBound4!

Deadline:  April 17, 2015

No entry fees!

Candela Books + Gallery announces their fourth annual invitational and juried exhibition: UnBound4! The summer group exhibition will feature work from a wide range of fine art photographers. 

An UnBound4! gala (as in good times) event, will raise funds to purchase select works from the exhibition. Works purchased by Candela through this event will subsequently be included in the Candela Collection.

The Candela Collection mission is to support photographers through the purchase of their original photographic work and to actively pursue future opportunities to donate said works to notable permanent collections.
UnBound! generates opportunities and exposure beyond the traditional group or juried show. Our hope is that photographers will support us with their active participation just as we hope to support their work and careers in return. All accepted photographers will have their artwork featured at Candela Books + Gallery, a gallery space in the downtown arts district of Richmond, Virginia.
For a look at last year’s exhibition, go here: Unbound3! 2014

To celebrate the opening of the exhibition, on Saturday, July 11th, Candela will host its annual UnBound! event which will include food & drink, live music, and curious entertainment …along with incredible photography. The ticket and raffle sales from this event will be used exclusively to purchase work from the exhibition for the Candela Collection.

All artwork accepted for exhibition will be selected by the Candela founder, Gordon Stettinius, and Associate Director, Ashby Nickerson.

Details here.