Saturday, March 28, 2015

On the curious case of Montgomery College and Greenfest

As I noted late last night and updated this morning, the potential censorship situation at Montgomery College has been avoided because of the college's administration refusal to censor the show (this art program goes back to 1974).

A Bravo Zulu to Montgomery College for taking the difficult, but correct road. However, I remain very concerned about what this says about the organization that requested and then demanded the censorship and the County Executive's Office willingness to give in to that kind of ignorance.

I will be formally requesting that my Councilmember, Roger Berliner, investigate this issue and ensure that there are no future reprisals against Montgomery College.

Update: The Gazette's article on this issue here.

The copy that wasn't

A new Peter Paul Rubens painting has been discovered, and it's a castoff from New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Ben van Beneden, director of Antwerp's Rubenshuis, has now declared Portrait of a Young Girl, possibly Clara Serena Rubens to be authentic...
Details here.

MAP's Out of Order

Out Of Order 2015 | April 24, 2015

Maryland Art Place's Annual Spring Benefit, Silent Auction & Party!
Out Of Order (OOO), one of Maryland Art Place's most popular annual events, is just one month away!!! MAP is pleased to present this iconic, annual fundraising event at 218 West Saratoga Street in its newly renovated gallery. OOO is a one-night-only event that provides a space for hundreds of artists to hang their work wherever they please, covering the walls from floor to ceiling! As many as 500 guests filter in and out of Out of Order to view and bid on a wide range of artworks. OOO plays host to a variety of artists from students and emerging artists just getting their start in Baltimore’s creative sector, to established professionals.
Tickets are available for purchase through MissionTix | $45 pre-sale or $50 at the door. Ticket purchase includes an evening of music, body art by Abby Fitzgibbon, plentiful desserts, beer by Union Craft Brewing and admission to the After Party @ Current Space from 10 - midnight with DJ John Eaton.

Want to be an OOO Sponsor, call 410.962.8565 or send an inquiry to:
We Need Your Art! Artist Install Day
Tuesday, April 21 | 7AM - midnight
MAP needs artwork to fill the walls! Out Of Order is open to any all artists willing to install their own pieces. Installation day is April 21, 2015 from 7am - midnight. Installation is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Only one piece per artist permitted. (**Works larger than 40" x 40" will not be permitted) No reservation required, just show up, register, pay your $10 entry fee & find your wall space!

Please read the FAQs for more details

Friday, March 27, 2015

Did Ike Leggett just attempt to censor an art exhibit at MontgomeryCollege?

I am told that allegedly the Chief Executive of Montgomery County has (so far successfully) pressured Montgomery College to censor an art exhibit in the school's Open Gallery. The exhibit is entitled Cindi Hron: Back Pain, and "explores the lingering psychological affects of pain through watercolors and embroidery of abstracted bodies." The Open Gallery is located in the Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Arts Center, and is run by the department of Visual and Performing Arts.

Parts of the exhibit may/will be censored tomorrow, March 28 during the Montgomery County GreenFest event being held at the college. GreenFest runs 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the West Campus of Montgomery College's Takoma Park and Silver Spring Campus.

I am also told that on Wednesday evening, March 25, the GreenFest " administration" requested that the exhibit in the Open Gallery be removed for their event. Vice president and Provost Brad Stewart correctly responded on Thursday that the artwork would not be removed because Montgomery College does not condone censorship, and the Open Gallery is a professional exhibit space hosting an external artist (good for him!). As the GreenFest occurs during gallery open hours, Dr. Stewart apparently saw no way to remove the exhibition without damaging the gallery's and the college's reputation.

However, apparently the administration of the GreenFest then contacted Montgomery County Chief Executive Ike Leggett with their complaint. Allegedly Leggett in turn then contacted administrators above Dr. Stewart and allegedly told them to censor the Back Pain exhibit. Faced by this request from the Chief Executive during a budgetary review cycle, the college administration seems to be considering backing down (according to my source) "for fear of budgetary reprisal." Upper level administration then allegedly directed Dr. Stewart to ensure that Cindi Hron: Back pain is censored during tomorrow's GreenFest event. As of this blog post, a final decision by Dr. Stewart has not yet been released. However, short of a gutsy push-back on the college's part, the exhibition may/will be censored

Cindi Hron: Back Pain
This is all the information that I have currently and as such, I am also contacting Vice President and Provost Brad Stewart (, 240-567-1312) and also Siobhan Quinn (, 240-567-5794), whom as the Director of the Cultural Arts Center would have the most information on this topic. For the gallery's perspective, I have contacted Maureen Kohl (, 240-567-1393), Art Center and Gallery Coordinator, and Wilfred Brunner (, 240-567-1461), Professor and Chair of the Exhibition Committee.

If this is all true, and however it ends, this is not only reprehensible and unacceptable, but once again reveals why the American people are so disillusioned with most of our elected officials. If "Democrat" Leggett, Chief Commissar of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Montgomery County did indeed pressure Montgomery College to censor the exhibition, his alleged art censorship is now on a direction that puts it on a dangerous path to potentially join a notorious set of political art troglodytes that include such monsters as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, the fig-leaf painters of a few centuries ago, and many such other "leaders."  And if the GreenFest leadership did initiate the pressure, it also says something about that organization... doesn't it?

If any of the people that I have/will be contacting can add any further info to this issue, I will publish it here.

Update: (Saturday AM): I now have final word on what's happening. Apparently the college administrators stood their ground against censorship, so the Greenfest decided to pull out of the Cafritz Arts Center entirely rather than having exhibitors near the Back Pain exhibit. Greenfest is now being held in the Cultural Arts Center and Jessup Blair Park only, not in the Cafritz Arts Center.

In defense of Jessica Dawson

Yesterday I noted the mess that former WaPo art critic Jessica Dawson is in due to her recent review of an African-American artist, where she's being accused of being a racist.

Jessica Dawson is not a racist. Her art criticism is almost always negative, often offensive, very snarky and she's unable to give an artistic positive compliment without doing it in a backhanded manner. That, unfortunately for the DC area artists whom she used to review in the Washington Post for years, is a known fact (see here for my empirical evidence). She was once even kicked out of a DC gallery and prohibited from ever entering again! 

This critic is one who, when she departed the Post, noted that over the years she "wised up and recognized that there are kinder ways of saying "shape up" than likening art to "a dental hygienist scaling your tartar with a metal pick."

I seem to also recall when she once compared someone's artwork to "looking at a fat lady's butt" ... 

DC artists will also tell you that she hates realism... She once wrote: "Anyone in the art world will tell you: Realism has been done. Remember those cave painters back in 15,000 B.C.? Could those guys render a bison or what?" 

Her Art History background and depth of knowledge was also questioned often, as a few of her reviews had jaw-dropping art history errors... But a racist? Not a chance... She's simply an equal opportunity Debbie Downer art scribe, and I will always defend, even as I may disagree, for her right to write a negative art review about anyone, regardless of race, and in this case, I think that Jillian Steinhauer is not only showing her youth, but also her formation, and unfortunately using the "race card" in the wrong place, something that she's probably learned due to the ubiquitous use of that card by nearly everyone these days.

Call for Graffiti and Aerosol Mural Artists

The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) in collaboration with the DC Department of Public Works (DPW) seeks graffiti artists and artist teams to design, create and install aerosol murals that inspire the various communities in which they will be placed. Selected artists will be required to work with the young apprentices (ages 14-23) by introducing and refining each student's artistic skill in the discipline of graffiti style sketch work and aerosol mural painting. 
MuralsDC was created to replace illegal graffiti with artistic works, to revitalize sites within communities in the District of Columbia, and to teach young people the art of aerosol painting. This initiative aims to positively engage the District's youth by teaching proper professional art techniques, providing supplies, and a legal means to practice and perform their artistic skill in a way that promotes respect for public and private property and community awareness. 
The three platforms on which the MuralsDC project is based are: 
  • Illegal Graffiti Abatement 
  • Youth Outreach 
  • Community Revitalization 
There are more than 50 MuralsDC projects across the District. Each mural tells a unique story of DC's diverse neighborhoods while deterring further illegal graffiti. 
This commission is open to Graffiti and Aerosol Mural Art Artists and Artist Teams.
All Artists must: 
  • Be 18 years of age or older. 
  • Have Graffiti and or Aerosol Mural Art experience. 
  • Be a practicing professional. 
  • Be in good standing with the MuralsDC program.
  • Be record free.
*Preference will be given to District of Columbia Artists. 
Depending on site dimensions, the total budget for each mural will range from $3,000 to $13,500. 
  • The mural budget must include all artist fees and costs associated with design, fabrication, travel, transportation to the site, insurance, permits, installation, graffiti protective coating, working with young people and documentation of the artwork. 
  • The overall project budget includes the artist's design fees, compensation and travel expenses, all materials and fabrication costs, shipping and transportation of materials to the site, preparation of mural site, installation of the artwork, application of protective coating, and any applicable taxes and/or insurance. 
  • Payments will be made directly to Final Artists. Principals and fiscal agents of any kind are prohibited. 
Funds under this program may not be used to fund colleges, universities, or other government agencies. 
May 1, 2015
Application Deadline 
Mid May 2015 
Application Review
Roster / Semi-Finalist Selections
Notifications Issued 
Late May 2015
Final Artist Selections
Notifications Issued 
Late may 2015
Site Assignments
Early- Mid June 2015
Mural Concept Designs Begin 
Mid- Late June 2015
Final Approval of Mural Designs 
July 2015
Mural Installations Begin
Early Fall 2015
Program Dedication / Culminating Event 
Friday, May 1, 2015 
All materials must be received no later than 4:00 PM. 
This is not a postmark deadline. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. 

To obtain a copy of the prospectus and application, please visit

Call 202-724-5613 or email