Thursday, September 24, 2015

Artomatic Returns!

Artomatic returns for its signature free art event to be held this year in Hyattsville, Maryland. Artomatic draws over 1000 artists and performers throughout the D.C., Maryland and Virginia area to showcase their talents for a six weeks long free exhibition that routinely attracts more than 75,000 visitors.

This year, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) Department of Parks and Recreation welcomes Artomatic to Prince George’s County in a 90,000 square foot space, located at 8100 Corporate Drive in Hyattsville with a Halloween themed opening weekend celebration.
Artomatic is well-known for transforming empty spaces into vibrant arts communities that create unique and exciting events for tens of thousands of visitors - all free to visit. Anyone can show art at Artomatic - it is non-juried and art is selected on a first-come, first serve basis - so it’s a great way to discover new art. In addition to creative art, Artomatic also features a plethora of performing art forms throughout the exhibition – live music, dance, spoken word, comedy as well as professional development series and special events showcases.  Every night of the event, thousands of people visit Artomatic to discover new art, grab a drink, listen to music, go on dates, and mingle with the creative community. No matter what kind of creative events you like, you’ll find something to like at Artomatic.

“We’re excited to be working with the M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation who, like Artomatic, understand the importance of art to help foster community,” said George Koch, Founder and Chair Emeritus. “Our diversity of artwork is unmatched because both emerging and established artists present their work side by side, which helps attract the broadest range of visitors.”
“It is our pleasure to host such a renowned art experience in Prince George’s County which complements the numerous arts offerings of the County and the Department of Parks and Recreation,” says Ronnie Gathers, Director of the M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation. “Artomatic will also help provide visibility for the thriving artists and art districts in the community, like the Hyattsville Arts District.”

Visitors will enjoy easy access to Artomatic with the New Carrolton METRO Station, as well as plenty of parking and bus stops nearby.

For the latest information about the event, how to participate, and when to visit, please subscribe to Artomatic by email or Facebook, or visit our website at

What:  Artomatic 2015

When:  October 30th – December 12th

Where:  8100 Corporate Drive, Hyattsville, Maryland

Metro:  New Carrollton, Orange line

Who:  Artists, and everyone. This event is free.

Event Registration:     Registration details on how to exhibit work, perform, or volunteer at Artomatic will be available soon. Please subscribe to Artomatic by email or Facebook, and check the Artomatic website for updates.

Social Media:  Facebook: Twitter: @ARTOMATIC

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Good bye Yogi

"When you get to a fork in the road... take it." - Yogi Berra

Application Deadlines‏

Two Important Application Deadlines Approaching - Artist Fellowship in Sculpture, and Teaching Artist Roster
Artist Fellowship in SCULPTURE - Applications must be received by the Commission on or before 5:00 pm, October 1, 2015
  • Artists who are legal residents of Virginia.
  • Artists who plan to remain a Virginia resident during the grant period.
  • A legal resident possesses a valid Virginia driver's license and/or pays income taxes in Virginia and/or is a registered Virginia voter.
  • Artist who are 18 years of age.
  • Artists may receive only one fellowship from the Commission within any four-year period.
Amount of Assistance
  • Four artists will be considered for fellowship awards of $3,000.  Artists are not required to provide matching funds.
More Information & Application, here:
Teaching Artist Roster- Completed applications including support documentation are due to the Commission office no later than 5:00 pm on either October 1, 2015
A Teaching Artist applicant must be:
  • 18 years of age or older at the time of applying;
  • a resident of Virginia, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia, and/or the District of Columbia;
  • a professional artist with expertise in one or more arts disciplines;
  • skilled in working with children, youth, teachers, adults, seniors, veterans, and/or other populations; committed to differentiated instruction and effective teaching methods to reach all learners. 

More Information & Application, here:

Monday, September 21, 2015

Foundry Gallery has moved

The Foundry has moved to a cool new space at 2118  - 8th Street, NW. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Now in a modern, ground-floor gallery around the corner from the 9:30 Club and the new Landmark Theater, it will continue to exhibit some of the best new art in Washington.  

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Charity art auction

On Thursday September 24, 2015  Washington ArtWorks 
will be hosting a Silent Auction to benefit a non-profit organization called Mothers 2 Mothers.

click here for the online auction
The  participating artists are:

Andrea Burchette, Barbara Collins, Dee Daly, Steven Dobbin, Mary Elcano, David Heatwole, Jay Hendricks, Liz Holm, Teresa Camacho Hull, Sarah Irvin, Nancy Jacobs, Rebecca Jackson, Nathan Loda, Jeanean Songco Martin, Sheryl Massaro, Caroline Mayer, Ceci Cole McInturff, Jim Mitchell, Joanna Morrison, Sue Moses, Doug Moulden, Natalya Parris, Joan Plato, Lisa K Rosenstein, Richard Schellenberg, Phyllis Jacobs Stripling, Ratha Soumphntphakdy, Eleanor Wang, and Craig Witt.
mothers2mothers (m2m) is an African-based non-profit organization working to eliminate pediatric AIDS and improve the health of mothers and their families. We train, employ, and empower HIV-positive women to work as Mentor Mothers in understaffed health centers and communities. Through this simple and effective model, m2m has reached more than 1.3 million HIV-positive women in nine African countries.
WHEN: Thursday, September 24, 2015
             6:30–9:30 pm
WHERE: Washington ArtWorks
               12276 Wilkins Avenue
               Rockville, MD 20852

RSVP: Contact Theresa Rhodes by Sept. 22
at or
call 202-467-1746

Job in the Arts

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission is seeking an Arts Specialist who will work in Community Arts Services to develop and implement multi-disciplinary arts programs which targets a general and diverse population, as well as providing professional development and opportunities for local artists. The incumbent will oversee the programs for traditional theatre and exhibition settings and non-traditional settings, such as community centers and parks.
The Arts Specialist is responsible for providing performing arts programs for a county-wide audience of all ages consistent with the objectives of the Division’s Community Arts Unit.  Duties for this position include supervising summer day camps at two sites; managing teen arts events and programming at various sites; planning music, dance and theater performances and programs for indoor and outdoor facilities; being a liaison to community center staff to coordinate programs and resources as needed, collect and review program data, and other duties as assigned.  This position plans and supports events, classes, festivals, and programs throughout Prince George’s County in collaboration with colleagues, artist groups, community partners, and arts organizations.  Successful candidates will have experience in youth development, budget management, quality customer service, staff supervision, event planning, program management, and a background in an arts discipline: music, theater, visual arts or dance.
Click on the “Apply” link at the top of the page on the above link, or go to:
An online account is required to apply.