Thursday, April 21, 2016

The art of money

The recent decision to replace Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman, like nearly anything in the last few years, seems to have multiple political and social angles and views, depending on where your dogma lies.

The right wing should be rejoicing, as Tubman was a strong supporter of gun rights, and a vibrant activist for the Republican Party.  Jackson, on the other hand, was a Democrat.

As a result, essentially a Republican has replaced a Democrat on the twenty spot... not just any Democrat, but the founder of the Democratic Party!... cough, cough.

Personally, I'm more interested in the art angle aspect of this decision, hoping against all odds that the new Tubman $20 bill will be a bit more "artsy" than existing US money.

While the US dollar is the king of the hill when it comes to money, there's a vast chasm in art appeal in American money from many other countries.

Don't get me wrong, most countries have pretty boring bills, more often than not copying the style of the US dollar. Even the dirty, rotten Commies in Cuba use the "dollar style" here and there, such as in the case of the homophobic, racist, mass murderer Che Guevara three pesos bill:

And OK, the twenty Euro bill doesn't even look like money, but more like a coupon that you get in the mail or a ticket to a soccer game, or 20% discount at AC Moore's.

But before the Euro took over, European denominations were works of art in their diverse and colorful beauty. Check out the beautiful landscape in this Spanish 1000 peseta bill:

Or art!  See how Delacroix and the other figures look like rough drawing sketches from his Liberty Leading the People (La liberté guidant le people) 1830 painting?, not to mention bare tits, on this French 100 francs bill:

We will never see a woman's breasts on any American money - ever!

In Latin America, a few decades ago, most currency bills had the same style as the US dollar - but the introduction of technology to reduce fake bills also brought an opportunity to revamp their bills, and even to introduce women imagery - an interesting accomplishment in these macho societies. My favorite? Frida Kahlo in the Mexican 500 pesos bill. She's on the back, and her husband, the very ugly Diego Rivera, is on the front... cough, cough.

African countries also have gorgeous money, and plenty of females on their currency. Cameroon, in particular, has some beautiful women on their bills, although they seem to have an odd fixation with blue-eyed African women?

And then Costa Rica rocks the animal world with this super cool image of a Great White:

Or this beautiful butterfly:

But to get back on topic (boring US currency design), perhaps the new $20 bill could start by taking baby steps. How about if the image of Tubman breaks the usual compositional plane of the rectangular dollar note? Have Tubman really breaking out of the composition and leading American currency to new design heights?

Nearly all the suggested designs here are boring, although a few do take my suggestion and break the compositional plane.

This image below (via) begins to really re-composition US money, although it stands a snowball's chance in hell to ever be in any bill - but it has the artistic compositional elements that I visualize (breaking the plane of the rectangle).

Baby steps...

Opportunities for Artists

Artists Can Apply to Plein Air Festivals
Plein Air painting is a phrase borrowed from the French meaning "open air” and is used to describe the act of painting outdoors where an artist reproduces the visual conditions at the time of the painting. Maryland is home to a dozen Plein Air festivals. Below are upcoming opportunities for artists to participate:

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Campello at auction

This gorgeous framed 1999 limited edition print of mine just showed up for sale on the secondary market, and they're taking offers. Check it out here.

Limited Edition Print
Framed to 16x20 inches
c. 1999 by F. Lennox Campello

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Scary dude

Florencio Lennox Campello
Self Portrait, c. April 16, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

DCCAH Launches FY17 Arts and Humanities Grants

On Thursday, April 14, 2016, the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) launched its project and arts and humanities fellowship grant programs for funding in Fiscal Year 2017. Funding opportunities are available for District artists and humanities professionals and non-profit organizations.

"Public funding for the arts and humanities is an investment in our local artists and cultural organizations that actively support and grow our creative economy," said Arthur Espinoza, Jr., Executive Director of DCCAH. "These grant funds will help support a wide range of activities and programs for the benefit of District residents."

Applications for nine different grant programs are currently being accepted, with deadlines to apply beginning May 18, 2016. Grant applications are reviewed by independent panels of arts and humanities professionals and community members who make recommendations to the DCCAH Board of Commissioners.

DCCAH will offer workshops in April and May to provide assistance for applicants. Additionally, applicants may schedule a meeting with a member of the DCCAH grants department for assistance in preparing an application.

For a complete listing of grant programs and guidelines, and to submit an application, visit

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation through its Creative Fellowships program annually supports residencies for writers, composers, and visual artists at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. The visiting artist is provided with a private studio, room and board, and the company of other artists from around the nation, for an intensive period of self-guided creative exploration and development. In addition to sponsorship support, a modest travel subsidy is awarded to the selected artist.

Interested artists in Delaware, Maryland, New York, and West Virginia should apply directly to the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. More information is available

The next deadline for applications is May 15, 2016.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Richard Weiblinger: Hard work pays off

A common complaint from artists is "lack of exhibition opportunities." I usually address this in my Bootcamp for Artists seminar, but (at least in the DMV) there are plenty of exhibition opportunities.

Empirical data? Look at the enviable number of yearly shows that DMV area photographer Richard Weiblinger has been part of since 2011. Check out his work here.

Hard work pays off.
  • Delaplaine Visual Arts Center Frederick, MD Solo invitational exhibition November 2016
  • ArtSpace Herndon Gallery group invitational juried exhibition Herndon, Va. September 2016
  • "Water" SE Center for Photography juried exhibition Greenville, South Carolina April 2016
  • "Red" A. Smith Gallery invitational juried exhibition Johnson City, Texas April 2016
  • "Blossoms of Hope: Moving Forward" 7th Annual juried invitational exhibition Columbia, MD April 2016
  • Weinberg Center for the Arts solo invitational exhibition Frederick, MD April 2016 
  • Marymount University Barry Gallery Arlington, Va. two person invitational exhibition January - March 2016
  • 47th Annual LAG juried exhibition at Montpelier Arts Center Main Gallery March 2016
  • Circle Gallery juried invitational exhibit Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD Janaury 2016
  • “Maryland State of Mind” Maryland General Assembly Maryland House of Delegates Lowe House Office Building Annapolis, MD January -April 2016 

  • "Magical Realism" The Arts Barn  juried invitational exhibition Gaithersburg, MD December, 2015
  • Washington Artworks Gallery Rockville, MD juried invitational Exhibition Decemberl 2015
  • Montpelier Art Center Library Gallery  Solo invitational exhibition September 2015
  • "Au Naruel" DelRay Artisans Gallery juried invitational exhibition Alexandria, VA August, 2015
  • Washington Printmakers Gallery juried national small works exhibition Washington, DC August 2015
  • University of Maryland The Art Gallery: Maryland Federation of Art juried invitational exhibition College Park, MD June 2015
  • McLean Project for the Arts juried invitational exhibition Mclean, VA. June 2015
  • Hill Center Galleries juried exhibition Washington, DC June 2015
  • "Transformations" Pyramid Atlantic Art Center juried invitational exhibition Silver Spring, MD May 2015
  • Gallery at Penn Place juried invitational exhibition Bethesda, MD May 2015
  • Washington Artworks Gallery Rockville, MD solo invitational Exhibition April 2015
  • "My Little Town" Photoworks Gallery, invitational juried exhibit Glen Echo, Md April 2015
  • ArtSpace Herndon Gallery "Fine Art Photography Exhibit" Herndon, Va. March 2015
  • "Focal Point" Circle Gallery juried invitational exhibit Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD March 2015
  • “The Guild” Maryland General Assembly Maryland House of Delegates Lowe House Office Building Annapolis, MD February 2014 
  • “What’s On Your Mind” Strathmore Mansion Gallery North Bethesda, MD 24th Annual Strathmore Fine Arts juried exhibition February 2015 
  • "The White Show” Washington Artworks Urban by Nature Gallery Rockville, MD juried Exhibition January 2015

  • Montpelier Arts Center Main Gallery PAL 24th Annual Juried Exhibition Laurel, MD December 2014 
  • “Focus” Delaplaine Visual Arts Center Frededrick, MD juried Exhibition Juror: Frank Van Riper August 2014
  • Glenview Mansion Gallery Rockville, MD invitational Exhibition September 2014 
  • Hill Center Galleries Washington, DC juried Exhibition Juror: Phiip Kennicott Art Critic The Washington Post October 2014 
  • “Beach Comber Art” AnnMarie Art Center Dowell, MD juried Exhibition August 2014 
  • “Florally Inspired” Dorchester Center for the Arts Cambridge, MD invitational Exhibition June 2014 
  • University of Maryland Art Gallery "MD Art at College Park" College Park, MD juried Exhibition June 2014 
  • "A Burst of Color” Washington Artworks Urban by Nature Gallery Rockville, MD juried Exhibition May 2014 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD juried Exhibition April 2014 
  • 37th Annual Art on Paper Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD juried Exhibition March 2014 
  • “Unique Visions” Hodgson Art Gallery Frederick Community College Frederick, MD Solo Exhibition March 2014 
  • “Warmer” Whitaker Gallery Hood College Frederick, MD invitational Exhibition March 2014 
  • Montpelier Arts Center Main Gallery LAG 45th Annual Juried Exhibition Laurel, MD March 2014 
  • ArtSapce Herndon Fine Art Photography juried exhibition Herdon, VA March 2014 
  • Strathmore Mansion Gallery North Bethesda, MD 23rd Annual Strathmore Fine Arts juried exhibition March 2014 
  • “Love is in the Air” Photoworks Gallery Glen Echo, MD juried exhibition March 2014 
  • “A Case of the Reds” Maryland General Assembly Lowe House Office Building Annapolis, MD January 2014 
  • “Color in January” iDorchester Center for the Arts Cambridge, MD invitational Exhibition January 2014 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD juried Exhibition January 2014 
  • “A celebration of Color” Washington Gallery of Photography Rockville, MD juried Exhibition January 2014

  • Montpelier Arts Center Main Gallery PAL 23rd Annual Juried Exhibition Laurel, MD December 2013 
  • “Up Close and Personal” BlackRock Center for the Arts Main Gallery Solo Exhibition November 2013 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD juried Exhibition September 2013 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD 13th Annual American Landscapes juried Exhibition August 2013 
  • “Local Color 2013” Artists' Gallery Columbia, MD juried Exhibition July 2013 
  • MD Art at College Park University of Maryland Art Gallery College Park, MD juried Exhibition June 2013 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD juried Exhibition 2nd Place Award May 2013 
  • “Drawing for Art” Strathmore Mansion Gallery North Bethesda, MD juried exhibition April 2013 
  • Montpelier Arts Center Main Gallery LAG 44th Annual Juried Exhibition Laurel, MD March 2013 
  • Maryland General Assembly Lowe House Office Building Annapolis, MD “On The Verge” invitational Exhibition February 2013 
  • “Points of View” Strathmore Mansion Gallery North Bethesda, MD juried exhibition January 2013 
  • “Nature in Focus” Howard County Center for the Arts Ellicott City, MD invitational Exhibition January 2013 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD juried Exhibition January 2013

  • Montpelier Arts Center Main Gallery PAL 22nd Annual Juried Exhibition Laurel, MD December 2012 
  • Delaplaine Visual Arts Center Frederick, MD 2nd Annual Juried Photography Exhibition November 2012 
  • “Focus on Color” The Arts Barn Gaithersburg MD invitational Exhibition November 2012 
  • “Under the Influence” Harmony Hall Arts Center Gallery Fort Washington, MD invitational Exhibition October 2012 
  • “Let There be Color” BlackRock Center for the Arts Main Gallery Solo Exhibition October 2012 
  • York Art Association Woodward Gallery York, PA 42nd Annual Juried Exhibition October 2012 
  • “Xl-XS University of Maryland Art Gallery College Park, MD juried Exhibition August 2012 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD “12th Annual American Landscapes juried Exhibition August 2012 Jurors Choice Award 
  • “Unique Visions” Bernice Kish Gallery at Slayton House Columbia, MD Solo Exhibition September 2012 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD juried Exhibition July 2012 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD juried Exhibition May 2012 Honorable Mention 
  • Gallery West Alexandria, VA 15th Annual National juries Exhibition June 2012
  • “Photographic Visions” Ratner Museum Bethesda, MD invitational Exhibition June 2012 
  • Gettysburg College Schmucker Art Gallery Gettysburg, PA 9th Annual ACAC Juried Exhibition June 2012 
  • “Lotta Art” School 33 Art Center Baltimore, MD invitational Exhibition April 2012  
  • Art Association of Harrisburg Harrisburg, PA invitational Exhibition April 2012 
  • Montpelier Arts Center Main Gallery LAG 43rd Annual Juried Exhibition Laurel, MD March 2012 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD “35th Art on Paper” National juried Exhibition March 2012 
  • “Focus on Color” Gardiner Gallery Delaplaine Visual Arts Center Frederick, MD Solo exhibition February 2012 
  • “Memories from all Directions” Maryland General Assembly Lowe House Office Building Annapolis, MD  invitational Exhibition January 2012

  • “Small Wonders” Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD National juried Exhibition December 2011 
  • “Visions” Washington Gallery of Photography Rockville, MD Juried Exhibition November 2011  Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD juried Exhibition June 2011 
  • Academy Art Museum Easton, MD “Focus on Flowers” Solo exhibition June 2011 
  • Maryland Federation of Art Circle Gallery Annapolis, MD juried Exhibition May 2011
  • Fraser Gallery Bethesda, MD 10th International Fine Art Photography Exhibition March 2011 
  • Montpelier Arts Center Main Gallery LAG 42nd Annual Juried Exhibition Laurel, MD March 2011 
  • Strathmore Mansion Gallery North Bethesda, MD “20th Annual Fine Arts Exhibition” juried exhibition February 2011