Friday, May 06, 2016

Is this new for the Washington Post?

This medical article in the WaPo is a fascinating read and I highly recommend it. I was also startled to find the article illustrated by a series of original artworks (23 of them!) credited to Robert Carter.

Artwork by Robert Carter
The works are actually quite good! See them here.

GRACE Call for Artists

Deadline May 21 ‏

This summer the Greater Reston Arts Center will present its second biennial exhibition highlighting the talents of their artist members.

Juried by a distinguished outside guest curator, this group exhibition will feature multiple artists working in a variety of media and treating a wide range of themes. 

This call is open to all artists. Application fee is a $35 membership to the Greater Reston Arts Center. Read more

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Call for Artists

Deadline: May 6
In association with Woolly Mammoth’s upcoming production of An Octoroon, by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, Sheldon Scott Studios is calling for visual artists to include in their exhibition, Radical Re-imaginings: Our Racialized Past, Present, and Futures. This is an all-media call for a public art project at Woolly Mammoth featuring DC area artists responding to the ways in which America’s racialized past continues to inform our present moment.
Details here. 

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Fox 5’s Shawn Yancy's really, really good artwork

Whodda Thunk It? Local DMV news anchor Shawn Yancy is not only one of the region's top newscasters but also a superbly talented artist!
You have said that journalism is black and white, while art is more of a creative outlet. Do you think journalism and art complement each other, or are they different?
I think they’re different. I don’t think news is as black and white as it used to be, but it’s black and white. We’re supposed to look at the facts. For me, art is my opinion all the time. In TV news, every now and then we can give a little opinion. In art, it’s all my opinion. It’s colorful. That’s not to say news isn’t creative because certainly there’s a lot of creativity and thought that goes into the shows that we produce and air every day. But it’s different. There are certain guidelines that we need to follow. This is the difference: News, basically you stay in [the] lines. With art, you can color outside of the lines. I never liked it when teachers said, ‘Color in the lines.’ I don’t believe that’s what you should do when it comes to art.
Installation paintings by Shawn Yancy

Read a really informative and very well-written piece about Shawn in Bethesda Magazine (which is usually taking the brunt of my ire for their lackluster coverage of the visual arts, but gets an A+ this time) here.

To see more of her work, visit her website at

Tomorrow: Alper Session

May 5th
5:30-7:00 pm

Join the Alper for the second session of Free Parking, a series of salon-style conversations in the Alper Initiative for Washington Art. It could get rowdy as we review the life and art of musicians in the 70s and 80s DC Punk and New Wave music scenes. Special guests Bill Warrell and Michael Olshonsky.

This event is free and open to anyone interested in discussing the art and artists of the Washington Metropolitan area. Space is limited.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Touchstone Gallery celebrates 40 years!

Congrats to Touchstone Gallery! In gallery years, 40 is like 200 years for most other businesses!

May 4 – 29, 2016

Hors d’Oeuvres provided by Acadiana Restaurant
Brazilian music by Tom Rohde, guitar and Pablo Regis de Oliveira, cavaquinho
(Free and open to the public)

40th Anniversary Show including artwork by 50 current and 40 former gallery artists.

Exhibiting Artists: Lina Alattar, Steve Alderton, David Alfuth, Linda Bankerd, Ann Barbieri, David Beers, Harmon Biddle, Jo Ann Block, Jill E. Brantley, Richard Braswell, Dana Brotman, Chica Brunsvold, Roberto Carvalho, Danny Conant, Marcia Coppel, Tory Cowles, Charlie Dale, Lionel Daniels, Mari DeMaris, Anthony Dortch, Susan De Serio Faden, Susan Feller, Connie Fleres, Elaine Florimonte, Michelle Frazier, Pamela Frederick, Jeanne Garant, Judith Giuliani, Robert Goebel, M. Alexander Gray, Marco Gutierrez Zevallos, Patricia Helsing, Angela Herbert Hodges, Carolyn Johnson, Timothy Johnson, Leslie A. Johnston, Peter Karp, Aleksandra Katargina, Nihal Kececi, Makda Kibour, Ai-Wen Wu Kratz, Chee-Keong Kung, Harvey Kupferberg, Michael Lang, Paula Lantz, Cathy Leaycraft, Carl Lennartson, Francine Livaditis, Teresa RobertsLogan, Carol Lopatin, Marge Loudon Moody, Shelley Lowenstein, Rosemary Luckett, Mary H. Lynch, Kate McConnell, Pete McCutchen, JoAnn McInnis, McCain McMurray, Newton S. More, Bill Mould, Georgia Nassikas, Minna Nathanson, Aina Nergaard-Nammack, Leslie M. Nolan, Nancy Novick, Mary D. Ott , Mark Palmer, Cheryl Parsons, Wendy Plotkin-Mates, Lauren Rader, BD Richardson, Ron Riley, April Rimpo, Michelle Rogers, Colleen Sabo, Amy Sabrin, Claudia Samper, Rhona LK Schonwald, Rima Schulkind, Janathel Shaw, Connie Slack, Janos Somogyi, Maureen M. Squires, Tre, Mary Trent Scott, Lisa Tureson, Rosa Vera, Gail Vogels, Gale Wallar, Jonathan Wassom, Ellyn Weiss, Janet Wheeler, Melissa Widerkehr, Patricia Williams.

“Do I Know You?” by Paula Lantz
Paula Lantz presents part of an on-going theme of boldly painted and collaged abstracted figures.

"A Few of my Favorite Things” by Colleen Sabo
This show will feature all new work completed within the past two years in oils. Included will be landscapes, city scenes, florals and still lifes, with an emphasis on French landscapes.

Touchstone Gallery
901 New York Ave NW
Washington DC 20001
Tel: 202-347-2787
Open: Wednesday-Friday 11-6, Saturday-Sunday 12-5

Monday, May 02, 2016

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: Friday, July 1, 2016

Artists wishing to be considered for an exhibit in the Howard County Arts Council (HCAC) galleries are invited to submit a general exhibit application. The HCAC Exhibits Committee meets quarterly to review applications and select artists for the exhibit space. Artists, ages 18 and older, working in all media and styles including time-based and installation artists, are encouraged to apply either individually or as a group. The Committee also welcomes proposals from curators and organizations.
Detailed entry guidelines are available on the ‘Exhibits’ page of the HCAC website, for pick-up at the Howard County Center for the Arts, or by mail by calling 410-313-2787 or emailing The next deadline for submissions is Friday, July 1, 2016.
HCAC manages two galleries at the Howard County Center for the Arts with over 2100 square feet of exhibit space. The HCAC gallery program was established to enhance the public’s appreciation of the visual arts, provide a venue to exhibit the work of local, regional, and national artists in a professional space, and provide leadership in the arts by presenting a broad spectrum of arts in all media from both emerging and established artists.
HCAC presents 11-12 exhibits per year of national, regional, and local artists, including two-person, small and large group, juried, curated, and community shows.
Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 10AM - 8PM, Saturday 10AM - 4PM, and Sunday 12 - 4PM.  To learn more about HCAC programs and exhibits, call 410-313-ARTS (2787) or visit