Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Opportunities for Artists

Non-DCCAH Calls for Artists (lifted from the DCCAH website:

Washington Area Visual Artists Registry

From Bill Roseberry:
Dear D.C. Artists,
I am in the very initial stages of compiling an historical comprehensive registry of Washington Area Visual Artists from pre-1800's to the present.
Besides names and dates, I wish to focus particularly on studio locations in and around the D.C. Metropolitan area, the neighborhoods they lived and worked, and other cultural and educational affiliations artists had or participated in.
I understand that this will be a very large project. But it is my wish that with enough individual responses and support I can demonstrate the need for institution support and funding in desire to create a larger centrally-located, interactive database with links to individual artists archives.
It simply seems to me that we need a shift in the balance the focus of research and funding in the arts from the end-product (objects on display and in collections) to the artist and his or her active community and primary means of moral and creative support.
To this end I have created this short survey to fill out and return:

Please feel free to copy and share the form to as many D.C area artists (including former and current art students) you know and have contact with and ask them to return it. The more responses there are the better likelihood we can revive and reinvigorate the culture of artists in D.C. to fill the cracks and holes in the shared legacy that we've all contributed to create.
If you have ideas and suggestions please email me at bill.roseberry@gmail.com

I would very much appreciate your feedback.
If you know of a deceased artist and can enter the following information please feel free to do so on a separate form.
Also visit and invite artist friends to visit https://www.facebook.com/WashingtonDCAreaArtistsHistorical…/ for updates.
Thank you.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Review of Alma Thomas

Thomas, who died in 1978, at the age of eighty-six, was a junior-high-school art teacher in Washington, D.C., whose own paintings were modernist and sophisticated but of no special note until she retired from teaching, in 1960, and took up color-intensive abstraction.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Call for Artists: Shockoe Artspace

Shockoe Artspace’s mission is to provide a vital platform for both student, emerging and professional artists from local and regional backgrounds as well as international. 
We are looking to promote a diverse array of works and exhibitions. Furthermore we exist to cultivate community through various forms and outlets that will deeply impact our city. We think it is vital to generate new and relevant dialogue surrounding the arts of all kinds that stimulates growth in the artist and increases interest and appreciation from patrons and supporters.
Through a diverse array of exhibitions, forums, and open critiques, we hope to extend the already flourishing artistic foundation and culture here in Shockoe Bottom and Richmond as a whole.

Artist submissions are welcomed. Submissions will be reviewed several times a year. If upon review, we have further interest, we will be in touch with you directly. Artists should include a C.V., and artist statement, along with a personal web address and or 5 to 10 jpeg images with captions. Submissions must be emailed to submissions@shockoeartspace.com.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Art Scam Alert!!!

This scam alert came from a mutant con artist attempting to rip off artists - the email is revd.henry@gmail.com: 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this rip off mutant!
From: Aaron Cooper (aaroncooper425@yahoo.com)
Sent: Thu 7/21/16 5:46 PM
I am making inquiry if you sell and ship international, specifically to our location here in New Zealand and also do you accept card payment?..In addition, I will appreciate if you return to me by email with your price list.
I had a look on your website already and you have a very good collection on there.
Looking forward to your quick response.
Aaron Cooper

Opportunity for artists of LA area African ancestry

Deadline: August 15, 2016
Fee: $15

Through the Emerging Artists Program, MoAD (The Museum of the African Diaspora) is committed to providing local LA artists the opportunities to generate and exhibit work reflecting the cultural and artistic richness of the African Diaspora... Bummer that it's just artists from the City of Angels...

The EAP is a call for artists to submit a solo exhibition proposal of their work. Competitive proposals will present innovative artwork to activate the salon space. 

This multipurpose space is the heart of the museum where they hold public programs, education workshops, and events. 

Four final artists will be selected. Each artist will have a 2 month solo show as part of the Emerging Artists Program to display their work in a solo exhibition.
We will hold two information sessions to review the application process and to answer any questions. These sessions will be held on June 1st and June 29th at 6pm in the MoAD salon and include a gallery tour.
Selected artists will be notified on August 31, 2016, after which artists will then work with the exhibitions team at the museum and have 2 months to finalize and prepare work.
