ARTIVE, a new not-for-profit organization will today launch globally with a stated mission to protect and preserve the world's cultural heritage through the use of technology.
Artive will act as an independent advocacy group for the protection of cultural heritage worldwide and will maintain a universal, digital and searchable archive for works of art and cultural property.
Artive is seeking to unify the vast amount of information about at-risk, stolen, looted and destroyed works of art and cultural property held by a diverse and dispersed range of institutions and organizations. By providing a central, not-for-profit data resource, Artive will create a new, secure and permanent platform preserving cultural heritage for present and future generations.
The platform is aimed at cultural heritage professionals, academic bodies, law enforcement bodies, professional service companies and private individuals, and seeks to address and rectify the information gap that exists between independent, disparate and commercial databases.
Artive's database system and records will also have a pertinent application to due diligence practices in the commercial art market. Artive will be the first not-for-profit, impartial service for identifying claims or taints attached to works of art.
The not-for-profit will be headquartered in the United States but will operate with an international mission. Artive is inviting cultural institutions, law enforcement agencies, intergovernmental bodies, and all holders and custodians of data worldwide to host their records on the new database system, itself the most technologically advanced and agile collection management tool in the world. It also invites organizations and individuals with similar causes to partner with Artive for the protection and preservation of the world’s cultural heritage.
Jason Sousa, CEO of Artive, said:
“This is the most disruptive innovation in the cultural heritage world for 30 years. We believe in the power of community to solve problems by sharing information. Together, we can create and manage the world’s most comprehensive public database to protect and preserve cultural heritage today, tomorrow and for generations to come.”
Artive will act as an independent advocacy group for the protection of cultural heritage worldwide and will maintain a universal, digital and searchable archive for works of art and cultural property.
Artive is seeking to unify the vast amount of information about at-risk, stolen, looted and destroyed works of art and cultural property held by a diverse and dispersed range of institutions and organizations. By providing a central, not-for-profit data resource, Artive will create a new, secure and permanent platform preserving cultural heritage for present and future generations.
The platform is aimed at cultural heritage professionals, academic bodies, law enforcement bodies, professional service companies and private individuals, and seeks to address and rectify the information gap that exists between independent, disparate and commercial databases.
Artive's database system and records will also have a pertinent application to due diligence practices in the commercial art market. Artive will be the first not-for-profit, impartial service for identifying claims or taints attached to works of art.
The not-for-profit will be headquartered in the United States but will operate with an international mission. Artive is inviting cultural institutions, law enforcement agencies, intergovernmental bodies, and all holders and custodians of data worldwide to host their records on the new database system, itself the most technologically advanced and agile collection management tool in the world. It also invites organizations and individuals with similar causes to partner with Artive for the protection and preservation of the world’s cultural heritage.
Jason Sousa, CEO of Artive, said:
“This is the most disruptive innovation in the cultural heritage world for 30 years. We believe in the power of community to solve problems by sharing information. Together, we can create and manage the world’s most comprehensive public database to protect and preserve cultural heritage today, tomorrow and for generations to come.”