Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Context Day One

Today was the VIP opening at Context Art Miami in Wynwood... we got there a little early, in order to get some time to walk the fair before the opening.

After parking I got me a cortadito on the walk from the parking lot to the fair. I am convinced that Cuban coffee is the real reason that crack never took hold in Miami. The cortadito was $1.87 in Wynwood... In most places in Hialeah you can get one for a quarter.

Booth 326 looked really good - there was Dulce Pinzon, Audrey Wilson, Jodi Walsh, Georgia Nassikas, Tim Vermeulen, Elissa Farrow-Savos and Alma Selimovic - and my art - rocking the booth!

Meanwhile, over in Miami Beach's SCOPE Art Fair, Tim Tate was manning our booth at that fair showcasing his new work... but more on that later.

Opening night was the usual stroll of impossibly slim women in impossibly high heels, and handsome young dudes in tight pants and sockless long shoes. There was also a lot of very good tasting food and plenty of Prosecco flowing.

My family started arriving in waves, and I spent much of the night speaking to them... collectors also came by, most notably Texas ubercollector Ardis Bartle.

Audrey Wilson, Ardis Bartle and Jodi Walsh

With most of my family members in one place together, I brought out a folder with around 100 lithographs and etchings that I had done 1977-1981 while a student at the University of Washington School of Art... I wanted to give them a choice of some of them as gifts.

Soon my familial peeps were spreading out the prints on the table and selecting them as a group. A few minutes later I noticed that several other people were also gathering around the table and selecting work. When I say "other people" I mean strangers.

Before my mind got this fact clear, I realized that people were helping themselves to the artwork - just anyone... not just my family.

By the time that I reached the folder, about 20 prints remained - I say maybe a third of those were in my family's new art collection; the rest now belong to perfect strangers who never bothered to ask a question, but just angled in, got some prints and left.

I guess that my artistic collectors' base just got expanded! cough... cough...

The big ABMB Week Art Dance starts tonight!

Alida Anderson Art Projects invites you to the

VIP Opening Receptions of


Tuesday, November 29th @ 5:30-10pm

Alida Anderson Art Projects is proud to participate for the fifth year in a row, in this year's CONTEXT ArtMiami fair, taking place November 29 - December 4 in the Wynwood Design District of Miami.

The gallery will feature work by Dulce Pinzón (Mexico), Jodi Walsh (Canada), Alma Selimovic (Bosnia), Elissa Farrow-Savos (US), Tim Vermeulen (US), Georgia Nassikas (US), Audrey Wilson (US) and F. Lennox Campello (US via Cuba).  We are located in booth 326, near the fair’s center collectors’ lounge.

Intemperance Detox Simulation... by Audrey Wilson - Context Booth 326 (Photo by @peted301)
The gallery is also proud to sponsor a gorgeous public art spaces installation by New York City artist Matthew Langley in space SP10. On display are 35 of his small artworks – the largest presentation ever!

Detail from Matthew Langley installation
We are also at the SCOPE ArtFair in Miami Beach, where we’re showcasing a solo booth by Washington, DC artist Tim Tate. His work is in booth D29 at SCOPE. Their VIP opening is also Tuesday, November 29 from 4-8PM.

Tim Tate at SCOPE Art Fair
The gallery has a few complimentary passes for the art fairs left, please contact us at info@alidaanderson.com for more information.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Let me count the ways...

How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnets to The Portuguese) Charcoal on Paper by F. Lennox Campello
How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnets to The Portuguese)
36x36 inches, circa 2016
Charcoal on Paper by F. Lennox Campello

How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnets to The Portuguese) Charcoal on Paper by F. Lennox Campello
How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnets to The Portuguese) - Detail
36x36 inches, circa 2016
Charcoal on Paper by F. Lennox Campello
Come see it at the CONTEXT ART MIAMI fair in Wynwood - booth 326!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Context Art Miami... booth 326

We are wild, beautiful things II by Elissa Farrow-Savos

Art Scam Alert!

Be aware of this SOB trying to steal artwork from artists!
From: John Marcus
My name is John Marcus from NC. I actually observed my wife has been
viewing your website on my laptop and i guess she likes your piece of
work, I'm also impressed and amazed to have seen your various works
too, : ) You are doing a great job. I would like to receive further
information about your piece of work and what inspires you. I am very
much interested in the purchase of the piece (in subject field above)
to surprise my wife. Kindly confirm the availability for immediate
sales. Thanks and best regards, John Marcus
My name is John Marcus from NC. I actually observed my wife has been
viewing your website on my laptop and i guess she likes your piece of
work, I'm also impressed and amazed to have seen your various works
too, : ) You are doing a great job. I would like to receive further
information about your piece of work and what inspires you. I am very
much interested in the purchase of the piece (in subject field above)
to surprise my wife. Kindly confirm the availability for immediate
sales. Thanks and best regards, John Marcus

Raul Castro is just as bad (if not worse)

The man being tied to a tree by Fidel Castro is a Cuban peasant from the Sierra Maestra. He refused to give his crops to the Cuban revolutionaries, and was "condemned" to execution for refusing. The man covering his eyes is Raul Castro.

Here he is being executed. The man firing the rifle is Raul Castro

The aftermath of the execution - all duly recorded by the camera. The man standing in the background by the collapsed victim is Fidel Castro. The man to the left of Raul Castro is Che Guevara.
And before anyone starts justifying or explaining - this execution (one of many) was well documented by the Castros in the official history of the Revolution - they didn't "back away" from the murder, but used it as an example to those unwilling to cooperate with the regime.

At Scope installating

It all starts today as Audrey Wilson begins installation of Tim Tate's pieces at the Scope Art Fair in Miami Beach!

Come see his new work in booth D29!

A Silence Opens 2016 by Tim Tate. 24 x 18 x 4, silver plates and colored frame, mirror, ceramic, LEDs