Thursday, January 19, 2017

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this rip off art scammer:
From:   "Dave Gordon"
I would like to make an order for some works.
Do you ship internationally?
Let me know if payment is accepted by Master card or Visa card.

Dave Gordon
 The scam works like this.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Opportunity for PG artists!

Deadline to Apply: January 30th, 2017, 4:00PM
$500 Honorarium
The Prince George’s County Traffic Box Art Wrap project, coordinated by the Hyattsville Community Development Corporation (Hyattsville CDC), funded by The Prince George’s County Executive’s Community Partnership Grant, with the support of Prince George’s Department of Public Works and Transportation (PGDPW&T), is announcing a Call for Artists.  

Hyattsville CDC seeks five (5) designs for reproduction on vinyl wraps to cover 11 traffic boxes, at pre-determined sites within Prince George’s County. Traffic signal cabinets – the grey metal structures located at every signalized intersection – are vulnerable to graffiti and vandalism.  This project will utilize a public art application to address community blight and enhance the visual landscape, focusing on boxes located in the county’s T.N.I (Transforming Neighborhoods Initiative) communities.
This call is open to all artists, graphic designers, illustrators, and photographers who currently live or work within Prince George’s County.  Submitted designs must be original artwork and can be created in any medium, so long as it can be represented in, and is submitted as, a high-resolution digital image without loss of integrity or quality.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017

17 graduating artists!

Artists & Makers Studios Presents
“Compass Atelier Thesis Exhibition”
with seventeen graduating artists

Artists & Makers Studios on Parklawn in Rockville will present one exhibit in three galleries for the month of February. The first 17 member graduating class of The Compass Atelier’s Master Artist Program will present their Thesis Exhibition. The Compass Atelier is an art school located within the Artists & Makers Studios flagship studio center on Parklawn Drive. The Atelier runs a unique program of study called the Master Artist Program (MAP). The MAP is a 3-year fully comprehensive course of study for painters looking to master their craft and achieve a professional practice. Students spend their entire third year developing a thesis—a series of paintings exploring a personal and well-executed concept.

“Compass Atelier Thesis Exhibition”
with seventeen graduating artists
Opening Reception
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Friday, February 3, 2017
Artists & Makers Studios
11810 Parklawn Dr., Suite 210
Rockville, MD 20852

Additionally A&M is proud to also present exhibits at Artists & Makers Studios 2 at 12276 Wilkins Avenue in Rockville, just 9/10’s of a mile from the flagship location.
Desolate Beauty: Desert Landscapes with photographer Alex Keto - an exhibit of desert landscapes that captures the desolate beauty of the American Southwest. Although deserts are known for their wide-open vistas and immense horizons, the land features a sense of light found nowhere else. Additionally “What’s Your Passion” in the New Masters Gallery and “5 by 5” with five members of the Montgomery County Camera Club will fill the galleries at Wilkins, along with artists’ open studios.

Exhibits at both locations open Friday, February 3rd, and continue through Thursday, February 23rd, 2017.  Viewing hours are 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Tuesday-Friday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Saturdays, and Sundays/Mondays by chance or appointment.

Artists & Makers Studios on Parklawn Drive in Rockville, established in October 2014 by artist and arts community builder Judith HeartSong, is a 13,000 sq. ft. facility is home to 68 resident artists. Newly opened Artists & Makers Studios 2 on Wilkins Avenue in Rockville is a 23,000 sq. ft. facility with 49 resident artists and more to come. A&M Studios is dedicated to providing a supportive and vibrant environment for artists to realize their creative goals - through studio practice, collaboration, education, opportunities, networking and connecting with the community beyond their doors. 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Auction Good Deals!

These two signed framed prints (each from a tiny edition of 2) are being offered at a starting bid that is less than the cost of the frames!

See them here...

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Anatomy of a another commission

Background: At the 2016 SOFA art fair in Chicago, a local Chicago collector acquired one of my large drawings, and told the gallery that he'd like to discuss possibly commissioning two additional pieces in the same size to create a full wall.

Subsequently the collector and I get in touch, and via email we begin coordinating the commission(s). Essentially he wants two additional pieces that can work together... almost like a planned triptych.

The work that the collector already has, depicts a nude woman, jumping from the upper left of the composition into open space. He actually comes up with an excellent idea: The left-most piece would be the same figure, but walking from left to right; the middle piece is again the same figure, but climbing a ladder to the upper right. His piece, then would show her jumping into space.

I really like the idea, and he also tells me that he's open to other suggestions... I tell him that I'll do some rough's what I've come up with:

Rough sketch for a commission - 2017 F. Lennox Campello

That's his idea above, and then I come up with a couple of different versions:

Rough sketch for a commission - 2017 F. Lennox Campello
In this version, the center figure is on a swing... I also send him a rough sketch of that center piece:

Rough sketch for a commission - 2017 F. Lennox Campello

And one last version, where the center figure is on stilts:

Rough sketch for a commission - 2017 F. Lennox Campello

And a rough sketch of the "new" middle piece:

Rough sketch for a commission - 2017 F. Lennox Campello
And now... let's see where we go next!

Tania Bruguera Brutalized Again

The criminals of Castro's Cuban Workers' Paradise have once again...
Bruguera and Casanella were pulled over due to an alleged technical or administrative problem with the van they had rented, which was laden with donated mattresses and rice destined for citizens of Baracoa, a city that was pummeled by Matthew in October...
...Casanella was allegedly physically attacked during his detention, and Bruguera was questioned for six hours by four counterintelligence officers and Lieutenant Colonel Kenia, who has monitored the artist’s activities in the past. The point of the questioning and the pretext for the pair’s detention remain unknown, but Bruguera will not be permitted to deliver the donated goods to hurricane victims in Baracoa. She plans to travel back to Boston to teach her class at Harvard University today, assuming Cuban authorities allow her to leave the country.
Read the whole report here, and put your own artistic issues in perspective.