Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The 2017 Athenaeum Invitational: GLOW

Submission Deadline: July 21
Exhibition: September 24 - October 29

Underwritten by TTR Sotheby's International Realty, The Athenaeum Invitational celebrates the visual arts of Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. It is a theme-based event featuring the works of both specially-invited artists who have exhibited in the Athenaeum Gallery in the past, as well as works selected through an open call for submissions. A $1500 prize for the best work will be awarded to an invited artist, and $1000 to an artist from the open call. 

The 2017 Athenaeum Invitational: GLOW

Art selected for this show will convey a sense of lightness or hope emanating from something dark.  Entries may be literal, figurative, or allegorical, or abstract. Works will be selected based on artistic excellence, innovation, creativity, mastery of craft, and a demonstrated relevance to the theme as revealed in a brief artist statement

Athenaeum Gallery  | 201 Prince Street, Alexandria, Va 22314  |  703.548.0035 /

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Putin missed this one state

Former Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte lost her Senate race by 743 votes in New Hampshire, but did not challenge the results; Hillary Clinton defeated Trump in New Hampshire by less than 3,000 votes.

Putin! You let the Orange one down in NH!

Wasted rotten tomatoes

I have this dear friend who is a Senior Chief in the US Navy... he is African-American... 

On Inauguration Day he was part of the military/naval guard along the parade route... 

Today I was talking to him and he was telling me how for the few hours that he was at parade rest, and then at attention while POTUS drove by, some people were yelling at him calling him a "Nazi."

It made me sick to hear that... 

This hardworking, noble, smart man, doing service to his country, and an example to us all...

I was so furious for a while... the Cuban in me wanted to be there by his side and kicked some butt... and then I calmed down as I realized that I should not spend calories on mutant fools....

And to whoever was ignorant enough to have called my friend a Nazi, wasting that insult on an intelligent... no brilliant progressive man... FUCK YOU IGNORANT ASSWIPES! 

Ignorant is soooo much more an effective insult than Nazi.


The Perils of Iguanaing

Both my hands were very dirty from charcoal, as I had been rubbing a drawing for the longest time... and I was hungry.

Upstairs, the smell of freshly cooked steak wafted down to the basement. I went up, and soon there was a nice plate of steak, onions and mushrooms all ready to be eaten.

I was alone, and so I took the plate down, intending to eat while I continued to work.

Downstairs I realized that I had left the utensils upstairs... but the steak had been sliced into somewhat manageable portions.

I decided that I would iguana-eat a piece, so that I could eat it while I went back upstairs... and so I iguana'd the chunk of steak, but I was so hungry that I ate it too quickly... 

What to do?

Master iguana-eaters perfect their eating craft while carrying one of those giant buckets of pop corn (at the movies) in one hand, and a giant soft drink in the other.

No one can resist waiting to be seated to start on the pop corn, and so many of us iguana the pop corn en route to our seat... the head dips, the mouth opens and pop corn is iguana into the gullet.

As a master iguana-eater, I decided to grab another piece of steak, and then head upstairs for the utensils.... my head dipped down into the plate... black charcoaly hands spread out for balance.

I iguana'd the steak bite, raised my neck, and a smaller piece of meat, which had been barely attached to the larger piece in my mouth, went flying... and landed squarely on the middle of the drawing.



March 17 – May 5, 2017
Opening Reception, Friday, March 17, 7:00-9:00 pm
Benefit Reception, Friday, April 28,
7:00 - 10:00 pm
 Closing Reception, Friday, May 5, 7:00 pm
 All Benefit tickets will go on sale March 1st at
10:00 am
 Log in HERE to purchase your Benefit ticket
       This year not only marks Smith Center for Healing and the Arts' 20th anniversary, but also the 5th Alchemical Vessels exhibition and benefit. This year's concept for A-V-5 is The Night's Journey: 125 artists, chosen by 20 curators, have been asked to create or choose a vessel to tell their story about the cyclical passage from pain to healing - a journey that resonates with all of us.
       Once again we are offering the opportunity to take home one of these unique artworks and this year we've added an additional ticket option based on your feedback. Each ticket sold directly supports our mission as Washington DC's only independent integrative cancer support organization.
This years participating artists include:
        Lina Alattar, Jennifer Anderson, Kasse Andrews Weller, Sondra Arkin, Rushern Baker IV, Julia Mae Bancroft, Marilyn Banner, Joan Belmar, Michael Booker, Lenny Campello, Sally Canzoneri, Elana Casey, Mei Mei Chang, Hsin Hsi Chen, Schroeder Cherry, Vachu Chilakamarri, Travis Childers, Mara Clawson, Irene Clouthier, Ellen Cornett, Brian Dailey, Lama Dajani, Richard Dana, Delna Dastur, Ana U Davis, Rachel Debuque, Rex Delafkaran, Nehemiah Dixon III, Jim Doran, Spencer Dormitzer, Sarah Eargle, Mary Early, Cheryl Edwards, Lauren Emeritz, Heloisa Escudero, Lisa Farrell, Gregory Ferrand, Mary Freedman, Emily Fussner, Ric Garcia, Mark Garrett, Shaunté Gates, Donovan Gerald, Janis Goodman, Stefan Greene, Matthew Grimes, Adam Hager, Mia Halton, Key Han, Mansoora Hassan, Caroline Hatfield, Sean Hennessey, Jeffery Herrity, Mary Higgins, Leslie Holt, Jackie Hoysted, Aaron Hughes, Melissa Ichiuji, Sarah Irvin, Charles Jean Pierre, Wayson Jones, Jessica Kallista, Sally Kauffman, Don Kimes, JT Kirkland, Micheline Klagsbrun, Catherine Kleeman, Reagan Lake, Kyujin Lee, Liz Lescault, Yue Li, Erin Lisette, Nathan Loda, Steve Loya, Tsedaye Makonnen, Marty Ittner, Jenee Mateer, Carolina Mayorga, Freda Lee McCann, Olivia Morrow, Kristine Moss, Minna Nathanson, Nahid Navab, Nasrin Navab, Thien Nguyen, Shanti Norris, Sarah O'Donoghue, Javier Padilla, Anthony Palliparambil, John Paradiso, Nara Park, Judith Peck, Lyric Prince, Susana Raab, Carol Reed, Mojdeh Rezaeipour, Jamea Richmond Edwards, Lisa Rosenstein, Kevin Runyon, Jac Rust, Nancy Sausser, Gretchen Schermerhorn, Alma Selimovic, Samantha Sethi, Alexandra Sherman, Ellen Sinel, Anne C Smith, Michael Snowden, Susan Stacks, Hillary Steel, Dafna Steinberg, Anneliese Sullivan, Martin Swift, Lisa Marie Thalhammer, Mars Tokyo, Patricia Underwood, Andrea Uravitch, Mark Walker, Jenny Walton, Leslie Weinberger, Ellyn Weiss, Josh Whipkey, Millicent Young, Helen Zughaib
Thank you to this year's curators:
Joan Belmar, Adah Rose Bitterbaum, Jim Doran, Nekisha Durrett, Tim Fleshner, Helen Frederick, Judith Heartsong, Phil Hutinet, Jessica Kallista, Kunj Patel, Gloria Nauden, Henry Thaggert, Anne C. Smith, Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, Dolly Vehlow, Zoma Wallace, Ellyn Weiss, Nikki Brugnoli Whipkey
Here's what's new this year:
Benefit Tickets for sale:
Premium - $300  TICKETS # 1-15
Admission for one to the benefit event and a priority ticket number to choose your favorite vessel (1-15).  *Tickets  1-15 are assigned first come, first serve beginning March 10th, 10:00 am – The 1st purchaser of a premium ticket will receive 1st choice of a vessel, 2nd purchaser will get the 2nd choice and so on.
Standard - $175                     TICKETS # 16-125
Admission for one to the benefit event and a standard ticket number to choose your favorite vessel (16-125).  *Tickets 16-125 are assigned first come, first serve beginning March 10th, 10:00 am – The 1st purchaser of a standard ticket will receive 16th choice of a vessel, 2nd purchaser will get the 17th choice and so on.
Benefit only - $50
Admission for one to attend the Alchemical Vessels benefit, a lovely and lively evening of catered food, live music and complimentary wine and beer all night. This ticket does not include the purchase of a vessel.
Please contact our Alchemical Vessels coordinator Deirdre Darden for any questions or more information. Thank you!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Opportunity for Artists

Artists wishing to be considered for an exhibit in the Howard County Arts Council (HCAC) galleries are invited to submit a general exhibit application. The HCAC Exhibits Committee meets quarterly to review applications and select artists for the exhibit space. Artists, ages 18 and older, working in all media and styles including time-based and installation artists, are encouraged to apply either individually or as a group. The Committee also welcomes proposals from curators and organizations.
Detailed entry guidelines are available in the Exhibit Opportunities section of the HCAC website at, for pick-up at the Howard County Center for the Arts, or by mail by calling 410-313-2787 or emailing The next deadline for submissions is Saturday, April 1, 2017.
HCAC manages two galleries at the Howard County Center for the Arts with over 2100 square feet of exhibit space. The HCAC gallery program was established to enhance the public’s appreciation of the visual arts, provide a venue to exhibit the work of local, regional, and national artists in a professional space, and provide leadership in the arts by presenting a broad spectrum of arts in all media from both emerging and established artists.
HCAC presents 11-12 exhibits per year of national, regional, and local artists, including two-person, small and large group, juried, curated, and community shows.
Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-4pm, and Sunday 12-4pm. To learn more about HCAC programs and exhibits, call 410-313-ARTS (2787) or visit  

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Heard it on the radio

Usually during the week, on the way home after I pick up Little Junes from school, we listen to Sports Talk radio... 

He loves the discussions about football... 

Today a song was playing on the radio - clearly about someone leaving someone - and he piped in: "They should call Cordell & Cordell" - FYI, that's a divorce law firm that caters to men and advertises on ESPN Radio... gotta be on watch ALL the time with little ones... Feh!