Friday, May 19, 2017

JFK at the NPG

Today the National Portrait Gallery will install a pastel portrait of President John F. Kennedy by Shirley Seltzer Cooper in honor of the centennial celebration of his birth.
The Portrait Gallery joins the nationwide celebration of the life and legacy of President Kennedy on the centennial of his birth, illuminating his contributions, policies and challenges he feared in the wake of the civil rights era and present. Kennedy’s portrait will be on view from May 19 through July 9 in the museum’s “Celebrate” space in the first-floor north gallery.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Lida Moser photos acquired by the NPG

The National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC just acquired four more photos by the amazing Lida Moser (may she rest in peace). Lida's work is already in the collection of the NPG as well as the National Portrait Galleries of Britain, Canada and Scotland! We miss her and love her and are honored to run her estate.

They've acquired these photos:
  • Judy Collins, gelatin silver print, 1961
  • Charles Mingus, gelatin silver print, 1965
  • Nell Blaine, gelatin silver print, 1968
  • Aaron Siskind, gelatin silver print, 1949
 Lida once told me the story of how she photographed Siskind... apparently they were all in Central Park in New York to photograph a zoo or carousel that was being built, and Lida got more interested in Siskind's gestures as he prepared to frame his photographs, and started shooting him, instead of the assignment!

Look at the photo and see the clear and empty surroundings around Siskind, the mud, the water, the stream??? Does anyone know where in Central Park that would have been in 1949?

By the way, that photo is in the permanent collection of many museums, including 3-4 "local" museums here in the DMV. 

One day I will tell the story of the Judy Collins shoot... or even better, the Charlie Mingus shoot.

Aaron Siskind by Lida Moser, circa 1949
Aaron Siskind by Lida Moser, circa 1949

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Thriving Artists - The Business of Art Workshop

In August Artists and Makers are hosting a "Thriving Artists - The Business of Art Workshop" with Carolyn and Wendy Rosen. It is an intensive two day workshop that provides amazing knowledge, resources, and guidance to artists at all stages of their careers. Details at the link:

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Worm Rescue Squad

With so much rain over the weekend, the Campello clan usually wanders around the neighborhood after the rains rescuing worms from the road and putting them back on the dirt - when I say "squad", I mostly mean that I point the worms out and Little Junes picks them up and puts them back on the lawn.

Anderson Lennox Campello and worm - May 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017

The Hat Show

If you are a DMV area artist, gallerist, art dealer, college/university art faculty, museum director or curator, and do not know who Steven Krensly is, then you are woefully out of tune with the DMV art scene.

Krensky is easily one of the most visible faces at nearly every DC area art opening or event - not just because he's a good looking feller (which he is), but mostly because of his haberdashery... and also one of the DMV's premier art collectors.

To say that the Krenskiester stands out in a crowd is a gross under-estimattion.

Krensky is really plugged into the scene - he attends nearly every student/MFA art show around the region, and often discovers artists waaaay before most gallerists, curators, etc.

And as a result, he also has the planet's largest art collection focused (mostly) on DC area artists. And when I say large... I mean humongous collection: 100s and 100s of artists.

Anywhooooo.... Krensky, together with his wife Linda, also often dabbles in curating some exhibitions and he's got a really interesting call for artists for his next one:
Artists and Makers Studios is proud to host The Wearable Hat Show – with Steven Krensky at both A&M locations

This exhibit, curated by Steven Krensky and a mystery juror, will offer artists in the metro area an opportunity to make a statement through the art of the hat. Pick a hat form, any hat will do. Paint it, stitch it, weld it, glue it, glass it, bead it, weave it together with wire or string or any old thing. Your hat can be a reflection of your daily creative process, make a political statement, it can be whimsical, flattering, or funny. It must be functional, but need not be comfortable. Your hat must be for sale!
Artists whose work has been selected will be shown at both locations – the Reception Gallery at Parklawn, and in our Wilkins Avenue Merge Gallery for this month long exhibit. Hats will be pinned to the walls, or displayed on pedestals, at the gallerist’s discretion. Artists & Makers Studios will take a nominal 25% commission on sales from this exhibit. The artist should insure their own work for the duration of the exhibit if necessary.
Submission Requirements
****Submissions due on or before August 1st before 4pm, notification by August 9th.
Accepted work must be delivered to/and picked up from the assigned gallery, no shipments of artwork will be accepted.
Delivery date deadline, Sept 5th – 10-4 (Parklawn or Wilkins in Rockville)
Opening, Sept 8th from 6-9pm
Show ends Sept. 27th
Pick-up of unsold work Sept. 28th, 29th, 30th – 10-4
Artists may submit up to 5 jpegs of their work for consideration. The curator will choose works appropriate for public display from among all of the works submitted, and will include as many artists as possible. An artist may have one or more works accepted for exhibit. All work must be available for sale, and functional.
All entries must be submitted electronically in JPG format only. Email your images along with the completed form below to: Please type Hat Show and your last name in the email subject line. For example: Hat Show/heartsong.
Images should be sized at no more than 1024 by 768 pixels, and less than 1 megabite in disk space size. Image file names must include artist’s last name and title of the piece in the following format: 
(ArtistLastName_ImageTitle.JPG) example: vanGogh_StarryNight.jpg
Click here to get a pdf of HAT Call for Entries 2017

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Artists & Makers Studios' shows!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Bethesda Fine Arts Festival is today and tomorrow

Bethesda Fine Arts Festival
May 13, 10am - 6pm and May 14, 10am - 5pm

Located on Norfolk, Auburn & Del Ray Avenues, the Bethesda Fine Arts Festival will feature fine art created by 130 of the nation's best artists, live entertainment and Bethesda restaurants.

Admission to the festival is free and free parking is available in the public parking garage on Auburn Avenue. This event is held rain or shine.

Join them for a unique shopping experience in downtown Bethesda. Browse jewelry, furniture, painting, photography, sculpture and more. 

Again: Admission to the festival is free and free parking is available in the public parking garage on Auburn Avenue. This event is held rain or shine.

Cool date opportunity! See ya there!