Thursday, June 15, 2017

Bummerstein... or why artists (and writers) need a thick skin!

Dear Florencio L. Campello:

Thank you for sending "The Mother of All Rock Fights." Your work received careful consideration here.

We've decided this manuscript isn't right for us, but we wish you luck placing it elsewhere.

Kind regards,

The Editors

P.S. Without submissions like yours, we'd lose the sense of discovery that keeps AGNI fresh. Please click here for a discounted subscription rate offered as a thank-you to our submitters:

Dear Florencio,

Lunch Ticket receives a number of excellent submissions each reading period, and while yours is one of them, it was not chosen for the upcoming issue. This is not a reflection on your work or on your worth as a writer. Our direction for the next issue of Lunch Ticket was simply different than the vision of your work.

Rejections are never easy—for you the writer, or for us, the editors. But as we both know, they are part of being a writer. We are sorry that we weren't the right market for The Mother of All Rock Fights, but we know that there is another market waiting for you, and to them, this piece is exactly perfect. We hope you know that this letter doesn't mean "no forever", and we hope you will submit to Lunch Ticket again.

Best of luck, and take good care,

The Editors of Lunch Ticket

You can go here to view the submission:

Dear Florencio,

Thanks for letting us read The Mother of All Rock Fights. Unfortunately, we've decided this one's not right for us. We wish you the best of luck in finding a home for the essay elsewhere, and in your continued writing.


Team Barrelhouse

You can go here to view the submission:

Dear Florencio Campello,

Your submission was received successfully.

writer: Florencio Campello
title(s): The Mother of all rock fights
genre: nonfiction

Thank you for your submission. You can check the status of your submission at any time by visiting and logging into your account.

Thank you for your submission to Bethesda Magazine’s Short Story Contest. The judges have made their selections, and your story was not among those chosen this year.
We encourage you to enter the contest again in the future.
Kathleen Neary
Bethesda Magazine

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Wanna go to an opening this weekend?

SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 4:00-6:00pm

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Art Scam Alert

Beware of this rodent trying to scam artists:
James Thomas

Good day,

Flying Solo

Flying Solo: An exhibition of photographs by Tanguy de Carbonnières
June 30 – August 6, 2017
Reception and Gallery Talk: Saturday, July 8, 2017, 5-7 PM
Gallery Hours: Sat 1-4pm and Sun 1-8pm
Abstracted shapes and brilliant colors and light patterns captivate the viewer of this exhibition of photographs by Tanguy de Carbonnières. Taken from an aerial perspective, de Carbonnières's images are studies in the wonders of nature. Soar above the plains of southern Africa and across the dynamic Victoria Falls. Mystical skies, the scorched earth of the bush, the luscious grass of the Okavango Delta, Victoria Falls' roaring waters and elusive wildlife await.

Photo by Tanguy de Carbonnières

7300 MacArthur Blvd, Glen Echo, MD 20812

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Library fines

I hate library fines... Don't get me wrong..... I understand why they exist and why we have to pay fines if we don't return books and movies back on time.

One needs official ID to get a library card...

One needs official ID to get a library card...

One needs official ID to get a library card...

Why aren't Progressives upset about this?

Edzell, Scotland