Friday, June 30, 2017

Ric Garcia and Fierce Sonia

August 2 - 27, 2017
               Opening reception:  Saturday,  August 5,  5 - 8 pm
                           Artists' talk: Sunday, August 20, 5:30 - 7
Foundry Gallery
2118 - 8th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC  20001
Hours:  Wed - Sun 1 - 7 pm, except Fridays 3 - 9 pm
    Juror Jack Rasmussen will speak at the opening and moderate the artists' talk.
    Guest artists Ric Garcia and Fierce Sonia populate their images with iconic superheros, princesses, damsels in distress and empowered queens, all portrayed in contemporary and re-imagined ways.  Their collective vision explores new narratives about struggle, power, and heroism.  Who has been the hero in traditional stories, comic books and fairy tales?  And how do changing roles affect these stories?
Fierce Sonia - Mirror-Mirror - 12 x 12 - mixed media, acrylic and collage
Fierce Sonia - Mirror-Mirror - 12 x 12 - mixed media, acrylic and collage
    Says Fierce Sonia, "I often work on many pieces at once, obsessively re-telling the story much like a folk tale is folded over the mouth many times.  The images remain decidedly feminine.  I am most interested in universal and unifying narratives found in fairy tales, mythology, advertisement, and religion."
Ric Garcia - GI Cash - 30 x 30 - oil on canvas
Ric Garcia - GI Cash - 30 x 30 - oil on canvas
     Ric Garcia sees his appropriation of images as a meditation on identity.  "I infuse my art with references to various mythos, focusing on hero worship, literary works, Latino and gender cultures, creating images about Americana filtered by my bi-cultural experience," Garcia says.
     Jack Rasmussen is Director and Curator of the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center.

The Business of the Arts - You're Invited!

Topic: Crafting the Case: Learn to Write a Case to Raise Funds & Win Support
Do you want to dramatically increase your contributed income by turning prospects into donors? Then you need a case for funding. A strong case. The kind that incites goosebumps. The kind that pulls heartstrings. The kind that leads to support.
Join Leila Fitzpatrick and Nadine Gabai-Botero, CFRE for an in-depth
workshop to crafting an effective case for funding.
You will learn...
  • How to write a compelling "Problem Statement" and a powerful solution
  • Effective storytelling techniques that inspire donors 
  • Tactics to cast the donor as the star of your story 
Monday, July 10, 2017
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 
Location: 200 I (Eye) Street, SE, Multipurpose Room Washington, DC 20003 
Metro: Navy Yard/Ballpark (Green Line)RSVP via Eventbrite

The Business of the Arts
The Business of the Arts Professional Development Series refers to workshops organized by The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (CAH) that aim to provide CAH grantees (past, present, and future) knowledge and skills that will increase capabilities for successful grant writing, networking, advancing cultural democracy, and improving operation sustainability.
For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Kali Wasenko at or (202) 724-1445 by Wednesday, July 5, 2017.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

The curious saga of Bringing in the Turf by William Conor

Art Recovery International has announced the successful recovery of an important Irish painting, stolen under mysterious circumstances from a private residence in Belfast in 2008.

Bringing in the Turf by William Conor
Bringing in the Turf
by William Conor is considered among the leading works in the Irish folk art movement, popularised by portrayals of working-class life in Ulster. It was purchased in 1948 by Frank and Turid Malpress and was displayed in their family home for 50 years.

In 2003, the Malpress family received warning from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) that thieves were known to be operating in their area and that the Malpress collection may be at risk. In an innovative plan, the PSNI arranged for copies of two paintings to be created and installed in place of the originals, acting as bait for potential thieves while the family were away. When no theft was attempted, the originals were replaced and the fakes destroyed.

In 2008, Turid Malpress, now 95 years old, fell victim to a home-invasion and two artworks were stolen. The thieves left a token sum of money in the family home: a method common to thieves known as ‘knockers’. Mrs Malpress immediately called her grandson and the PSNI to report the crime and complete an incident report. The location of the paintings remained a mystery for 5 years.

In May 2013, Bringing in the Turf was offered for sale at Whyte's auction house in Dublin and, with no claim to the painting revealed by the saleroom’s due diligence processes, it was sold to a collector based in Chicago, USA.  In August 2013, Robin Thompson, the victim's son-in-law, noticed the sale record for Bringing in the Turf listed on Whyte's website and contacted his insurance company who turned to Art Recovery International to recover the painting.

Christopher A. Marinello, CEO of Art Recovery International, led recovery efforts by bringing together the saleroom’s owner, Ian Whyte, along with representatives from the PSNI, An Guarda Sionchana and the FBI. Following almost four years of negotiations, Ian Whyte agreed to return the stolen Conor to the Malpress family, over nine years after the theft.

Christopher A. Marinello said: "The recovery of this painting could not have happened without the extraordinary efforts of FBI Special Agent Luigi Mondini. A member of the FBI's Art Crime Team, Agent Mondini went above and beyond the call of duty to aid two foreign police forces and the Belfast based victims in this extremely complex matter.  This case shows that auction houses need to perform due diligence, not only on the artwork consigned for sale, but on the consignors themselves.  Ian Whyte's eventual cooperation was a welcome turn of events."

Robin Thompson added, ‘We are absolutely delighted to have ‘Bringing in the Turf’ back in our family over 9 years after the original theft.  This would not have been possible without the professional expertise of Chris Marinello, and his team at Art Recovery International, and their persistence in the matter when all seemed to be lost. We are eternally grateful to them for their supreme efforts.”
The Malpress family are still seeking the other stolen painting by Daniel O'Neil, entitled The Prodigal Son

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Art Scam Alert!

Do not fall for this mutant trying to rip off artists:
From: "Kyle Aylen"
Date: Jun 26, 2017 9:55 PM

   My name is Aylen Kyle from New York.. I actually observed my wife has been viewing your website on my laptop and i guess she likes your piece of work, I'm also impressed and amazed to have seen your various works too,You are doing a great job. I would like to receive further information about your piece of work and what inspires you.. Kindly confirm the availability for immediate sales..
Thanks and best regards..

A Sense of Renewal: A Group Show

June 29 - August 13, 2017      Goldman Art Gallery

Featuring: Miguel Perez Lem, Nancy Nesvet, Terry Svat, Pauline Jakobsberg and Felisa Federman

Reception with the Artists

Thursday, July 13 | 5:30 – 7:30 PM

Felisa Federman
RSVP to Lisa Del Sesto

About the Exhibit

A Sense of Renewal presents images that long for the past, portend the future, and examine our present world. Through their work the artists convey the sense of renewed depictions of what was, what is, and what will hopefully remain.
  • Miguel Lem passionately recreates scenes of the great beauty of his beloved Argentina’s mountainous landscape.
  • Nancy Nesvet’s seascapes long for the fast disappearing wildlife and glaciers of the northern seas.
  • Terry Svat’s inquiry into the marks and symbols conveys a sense of connectivity to her past, present and future.
  • Pauline Jakobsberg’s prints construct poignant narratives of personal and cultural memory.
  • Felisa Federman delves into her cultural and personal memories of landscape and folk legends.
For more information please contact Lisa Del Sesto at or 301-348-3756.

The Goldman Gallery is open when the Bender JCC is open.