The travel day heading to Florida yesterday was a nightmare, made especially worse by the inexplicable disaster of Thrifty Car Rental at Ft. Lauderdale airport.
It starts with the fact that their counter was closed at 11 PM even though their website says that all their airport locations are open 24/7.
And then, their remote support video kiosks all had a problem reading credit cards. Therefore, thrifty referred all their customers to the neighboring Dollar Car Rental counter, which of course, had a huge line. After over an hour in line, a car was finally assigned. "Follow the counter to your right," said the pleasant young man at the Dollar counter, "and someone will be there to give you your car."
When I got to the parking garage, I noticed two things: It looked pretty empty of cars, but it was full of people, waiting for cars.
By the time I took the picture below, I had already been in line for over an hour, waiting for a car. What made things more egregious, was the fact that the Thrifty employees on duty, seemed to be completely overwhelmed and unprepared to respond.
One of them was a nice guy named Wesley, the other one lady, was a nightmare, always arguing with customers, yelling at them, and completely presenting the ugly side of customer service. What shocked me the most, is that in 1 million years of renting cars, whenever the company runs out of your size car, they just upgrade you to the next size. That appeared to be not the case to thrifty, at least last night, and it wasn't until the customers almost had a riot (which is when I took the photo below, and those are the just people behind me, as the line was just this long in front of me) that eventually someone made the decision to start doing this, and the line finally began to move, as cars were being brought in from other levels, or dripping wet after being washed.
About an hour after I took this photo, I finally got a minivan, and upgrade from my midsize.
This was a giant epic fail for Thrifty. Later on I will expand this post with yet another example of the illogical logic of airlines' rules and logic, as the Spirit Airlines flight from BWI to Ft. Lauderdale had its own epic fail!
@thriftycars #thriftycars #fortlauderdaleairport #carrental #autorental
It starts with the fact that their counter was closed at 11 PM even though their website says that all their airport locations are open 24/7.
And then, their remote support video kiosks all had a problem reading credit cards. Therefore, thrifty referred all their customers to the neighboring Dollar Car Rental counter, which of course, had a huge line. After over an hour in line, a car was finally assigned. "Follow the counter to your right," said the pleasant young man at the Dollar counter, "and someone will be there to give you your car."
When I got to the parking garage, I noticed two things: It looked pretty empty of cars, but it was full of people, waiting for cars.
By the time I took the picture below, I had already been in line for over an hour, waiting for a car. What made things more egregious, was the fact that the Thrifty employees on duty, seemed to be completely overwhelmed and unprepared to respond.
One of them was a nice guy named Wesley, the other one lady, was a nightmare, always arguing with customers, yelling at them, and completely presenting the ugly side of customer service. What shocked me the most, is that in 1 million years of renting cars, whenever the company runs out of your size car, they just upgrade you to the next size. That appeared to be not the case to thrifty, at least last night, and it wasn't until the customers almost had a riot (which is when I took the photo below, and those are the just people behind me, as the line was just this long in front of me) that eventually someone made the decision to start doing this, and the line finally began to move, as cars were being brought in from other levels, or dripping wet after being washed.
About an hour after I took this photo, I finally got a minivan, and upgrade from my midsize.
This was a giant epic fail for Thrifty. Later on I will expand this post with yet another example of the illogical logic of airlines' rules and logic, as the Spirit Airlines flight from BWI to Ft. Lauderdale had its own epic fail!
@thriftycars #thriftycars #fortlauderdaleairport #carrental #autorental