Monday, December 17, 2018

Call for art donations


Event Dates: 3/2/2019 - 3/23/2019
Entry Deadline: 2/6/19
Cash awards and a chance to be featured in future Exhibits 
Studio Channel Islands, a 501c 3 non-profit organization, is seeking submissions of artwork to be DONATED. Out of the donated pieces our juror will go through a selection process to choose accepted works. (Note: If you enter more than one piece, each piece may be accepted) the accepted pieces will participate in a month-long exhibit closing with our annual Collectors Choice Fundraising Event at The Blackboard Gallery in Camarillo CA.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

18 year old destroys artwork at Denver Museum

New artwork added to the collection

On Saturday we (as we normally do each year) visited the open studios around Mt. Rainier and while at the Washington Glass School picked up some great original fine art glass by Debbi LoCicero and a cool outsider sculpture by Max DeMulder.

Anderson Campello with a Tim Tate sculpture
Anderson hypnotized by one of Tim Tate's sculptures

Anderson Campello with a Tim Tate sculpture
Anderson and Tate

Lenny Campello with Max de Mulder
My new sculpture by Max de Mulder and a new wall sculpture

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Another great open studio tomorrow!

Please join Pat Goslee, Mei Mei Chang and Kathryn McDonnell for a holiday art sale and party. Come by for wine, hot cider and light refreshments to celebrate the season.

1-5 pm 
Sunday December 16th, 2018

29 King's Court SE, #6

Washington, D.C. 20003

Friday, December 14, 2018

Buy art for Christmas!

This Saturday is Washington Glass School's Annual Open House and Holiday Party is tomorrow! 

12-5 PM

Come on down if you get the chance. Tons of great art glass for sale and lots of new classes to sign up for.

And the best part is that there are a LOT of other open studios within walking distance! Check out the map! If you click on it - it expands!

I always manage to pick up a few pieces of original art to give away as Christmas presents and/or to keep.

See ya there!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

New MSAC Creativity Grant!

The purpose of the new MSAC Creativity Grant Program is to strengthen the vitality and sustainability of artists and small organizations to maintain a strong and stable arts infrastructure in the State of Maryland. 

The Creativity Grant also provides opportunities to serve the growing needs of relevant arts projects and collaborations within Maryland communities.
For more information regarding eligibility and funding timelines, please review the Creativity Grants Guidelines. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Another one bites the dust!

Thank you for submitting an application for the 2019 S&R Washington Award. We received over 600 applications from artists around the world, which made the decision process very difficult. 
We regret to inform you that you have not been selected as one of the 2019 winners of the Washington Award. We hope that this does not discourage you from reapplying in the future. Please note, because of the number of applicants this year, we are unable to give feedback regarding individual applications. 
On behalf of everyone at S&R Foundation, we want to thank you for your time and effort in submitting an application. We wish you continued success in your future artistic endeavors. 
All the best, 
S&R Foundation team