Saturday, December 22, 2018

Opportunity for art students!


Fee: $0.00
Event Dates: 2/17/2019 - 3/3/2019
Entry Deadline: 1/15/19

Bowling Green State University School of Art cordially invites all eligible undergraduate art students to submit work produced in courses taken at the School of Art for the 2019 Undergraduate Student Art Exhibition.
This exhibition is open to all freshman, sophomore and junior students who have been formally admitted to the University in a degree-seeking program, and who have been enrolled in the School of Art between Summer 2018 and Spring 2019. Senior art students not participating in the 2019 BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition are also eligible.

Students may enter work, not previously shown at BGSU, that was made within the past two years in an art course under the supervision of a BGSU School of Art faculty member. Long-term projects or works-in-progress will not be shown. Work of extraordinary dimensions or requiring special equipment or space may be rejected due to Gallery limitations.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

King Kong

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Art forgeries....

Art forgeries of African American artists on the rise...
Rosenfeld says he first started to see forgeries of work by artists such as Lawrence, Bearden and Horace Pippin “20 to 30 years ago”, when their works first started to appear on the secondary market. 
See Art Newspaper expose here.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Call for art donations


Event Dates: 3/2/2019 - 3/23/2019
Entry Deadline: 2/6/19
Cash awards and a chance to be featured in future Exhibits 
Studio Channel Islands, a 501c 3 non-profit organization, is seeking submissions of artwork to be DONATED. Out of the donated pieces our juror will go through a selection process to choose accepted works. (Note: If you enter more than one piece, each piece may be accepted) the accepted pieces will participate in a month-long exhibit closing with our annual Collectors Choice Fundraising Event at The Blackboard Gallery in Camarillo CA.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

18 year old destroys artwork at Denver Museum

New artwork added to the collection

On Saturday we (as we normally do each year) visited the open studios around Mt. Rainier and while at the Washington Glass School picked up some great original fine art glass by Debbi LoCicero and a cool outsider sculpture by Max DeMulder.

Anderson Campello with a Tim Tate sculpture
Anderson hypnotized by one of Tim Tate's sculptures

Anderson Campello with a Tim Tate sculpture
Anderson and Tate

Lenny Campello with Max de Mulder
My new sculpture by Max de Mulder and a new wall sculpture

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Another great open studio tomorrow!

Please join Pat Goslee, Mei Mei Chang and Kathryn McDonnell for a holiday art sale and party. Come by for wine, hot cider and light refreshments to celebrate the season.

1-5 pm 
Sunday December 16th, 2018

29 King's Court SE, #6

Washington, D.C. 20003