Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Invitational Exhibition at Waverly

There was a time when the streets of Bethesda were paved with art galleries from curb to curb: Fraser, Heineman, Neptune, Osuna, etc. - at one point a decade ago there were 13 galleries in the Bethesda Art Walk!

Waverly Gallery is now one of a handful of Bethesda galleries which has stood the test of time, and is still around since its founding in 1993. Part of that survival skills is the fact that this gallery is a cooperative gallery, riding the capricious tides of the economy on the robust shoulders of its member artists.

The gallery recently hosted its invitational exhibit, with work by Henry Winokur, Joan April, Shaune Bazner, Kyujin Lee, JoEllen Murphy, Jill Cantrill, Paul Guilderson, Lucy Louise Derickson, John D. Antone, Jack Allbrittain, Mariana Kastrinakis, Kim Blue, Carol Barsha, Hunt Prothro, John Paradiso, Sue Osterhout, Andreia Gliga, Sara Parent-Ramos, Courtney Applequist, and Diane Szczepaniak.

Dreams and Shadows by Courtney Applequist
My favorite "new" discovery was the work, the very painterly paintings of Courtney Applequist - I was intrigued by the technique - is it a palette which is delivering these immensely sensual paintings? the brush? or a mixture of both? In any event, the sense of moistness, light and volume is palpable in this elegant work - keep an eye on this artist.

Adrift by Kyujin Lee
I've seen Kyujin Lee's work previously - and I am always impressed by the facility with which this artist tackles such interesting subjects.

John Paradiso
John Paradiso is a DMV artrockstar... 'nuff said!

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Spanglish Update: Keliabundia

Spanglish Update: The other night, as the gods of RF propagation dictate, an AM station from somewhere in the world popped into my van's radio - I could tell from the accent that it was a NYRican speaking into the airwaves. 

He was rather vociferously trashing a certain new and young Congresswoman from NY, but what caught my attention was his use of the adjective "keliabundia" to describe the lady in question. 

As it was clearly some sort of NewYorkism Spanglish, I had no idea what it meant... until I Googled it and it was not found in the vastness of the Internets... but Google's suggestion immediately clarified it for me! 

That nameless voice in the night sky was comparing @AOC to Kelly Bundy!

Not Googling-linking to Kelly Bundy... you're gonna hafta do that!

Monday, March 04, 2019

Call for Proposals

Howard County, Maryland desires to secure the professional services of qualified artists for the purpose of commissioning up to three artworks to be installed at its new Circuit Courthouse, which is currently being designed by Edgemoor-Star America Judicial Partners (ESJP). Permanent public interior and exterior Artwork pieces are planned. 

The Howard County Arts Council will serve as one of the art advisors for the selection process. Selected artists will contract directly with the County and work with the public art project team to oversee all aspects of the artwork from design through project implementation, fabrication and installation. 

All professional artists in the United States may apply. Additionally, to be considered for this commission the artist must meet at least three of the following four criteria: 1) has completed public art commissions; 2) has received awards, grants or fellowships; 3) has had work exhibited in museums or galleries; and 4) has demonstrated artistic merit, excellence and innovation through past work.

Budget Details:
County funding for this artworks project will not exceed $460,000. 

Submission Procedures:
Interested artists may view the complete Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) and apply online at Applications must be submitted no later than 4:00pm EST on March 29, 2019. 

Sunday, March 03, 2019

How to frame your work

It is not that hard people!
Regardless of what your framer or your interior decorator, or your mom tells you, the prime purpose of a frame is to protect the artwork and ready it for presentation and exhibition.
Read the rest of this great piece of advice.

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Open life drawing sessions

Hyattsville Figure Drawing Group

Tuesday, April 2, 6-9pm
Model: Jalene

Welcome to open life drawing sessions every Tuesday, 6-9pm in Pyramid Atlantic's gallery space in the Gateway Arts District, Hyattsville. Bring along your favorite art materials and draw with us! Chairs, tables and drawing boards provided.

All are welcome, under 18 legal guardian permission required. Drop-ins welcome, no experience necessary!

Pyramid Atlantic Art Center*
4318 Gallatin Street, Hyattsville, MD 20781
Free parking in rear of building

Tuesdays, 6-9pm

$20/session or $75/5-session punch card or $15/session for Pyramid Atlantic members (proof required)

For more information:

Friday, March 01, 2019

Self and Others at Olly Olly

Olly Olly Presents

Self and Others - a solo exhibition of new work by Jeff Duka

March 16, 2019 – April 27, 2019

Opening Reception: Saturday, March 16, 2019, 7pm-10pm
In Self and Others, Jeff Duka’s works position and consider the self as nebulous, an ephemeral and temporal network. The muted opacity of his portraits suggests the occult and ever-shifting balance between what we do and do not share about ourselves, as well as between what we are and are not permitted or able to know about others. That we exist in a destructive, image-saturated world is the accepted reality from which these works emerge. Considering his painting to be “post-photographic,” Duka has eschewed the paralyzing quandaries of over consideration in favor of showing up in front of his easel. His series of bruises delves into the vulnerability of self while responding to the expectations of the viewer in this digital world. Step up to Duka’s true mirror: in this moment in which the image is everything, in which people have plastic surgery to look more like their edited and filtered selfies, in which destinations ranging from theme parks to art exhibitions surrender to a cultural mandate to manufacture contexts in which we can shape and sculpt our preferred counter realities, who are you? Who are your friends? How might we understand our multiple ways of seeing and of being? How might we understand the distance and content between the perceived and actual self? How might we know our true self and truly know and relate to others? Let a thousand images bloom. 
Join us at Olly Olly on Saturday, March 16, 2019, 7pm-10pm, for an evening reception with the artist. 
Olly Olly wants to nourish the body and the community as well. We will be collecting healthy non-perishable food items for the Food Bridge Program at Britepaths, which provides short-term emergency food assistance to Fairfax County area residents who are in crisis. We encourage you to bring a healthy non-perishable food item to donate. The Food Bridge Program is most in need of cooking oil, brown rice, dried beans, canned fruit in its own juices, canned tomato products and pasta sauce. 

Olly Olly, located at 10417 Main Street, 2nd Floor in Fairfax, VA, is open for special events and by appointment. During the run of a Self and Others, Olly Olly will also be open for special viewing hours Fridays and Saturdays from 11am to 3pm. Self and Others will be on view at Olly Olly from March 16, 2019 through April 27, 2019. 

Please call 703-789-6144 or visit for more information.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this rip off email artist:
Chris Atkinson
Thu 2/28/2019 5:59 PM

i saw some artworks the last time i visited your gallery 

i took some photos of the artworks

i am interested in purchasing them now 

kindly get back to me if the artworks are still available 


Dr Chris Atkinson