Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) Grants Winners

Congrats to all these talented and lucky folks - they are winners of the 2019 Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) Grants!

That "Florence" down there is me - this is my first award since I was an art student at the University of Washington School of Art, when I received Ford Foundation art grants 1977-1981.


Lesa Cook Frederick
Bobby Coleman Baltimore City
Lania D'Agostino Baltimore City
Sally Davies Prince George’s
Brian Michael Dunn Montgomery
Ric Garcia Prince George’s
Hedieh Javanshir Ilchi Montgomery
Jahru Anne Arundel
Matt Klos Baltimore
Kate Kretz Montgomery
Lindsay McCulloch Montgomery
Gregory McLemore Baltimore City
Ping Shen Anne Arundel
Grace Doyle Baltimore City
Jessica Van Brakle Montgomery
Nicole Dyer Baltimore City
Taha Heydari Baltimore
Sam Lacombe Baltimore City
Giulia Piera Livi Baltimore City
Janet Olney Baltimore City
Randi Reiss-McCormick Baltimore
Carolyn Case Baltimore
Maud Taber-Thomas Montgomery
Deborah Tomlin Montgomery
Alice Valenti Baltimore
Karen Warshal Baltimore City
Lauren Frances Adams Baltimore City
Scott Ponemone Baltimore City
McKinley Wallace III Baltimore City

Works on Paper
Erin Fostel Baltimore City
LaToya M. Hobbs Baltimore City
LeJea Williams Howard
Amy Boone-McCreesh Baltimore City
Florence Lennox Campello Montgomery
Deborah Addison Coburn Montgomery
Elliot Doughtie Baltimore City
Ariston Jacks Baltimore City
Kristina King Montgomery
Angelo Kozonis Baltimore City
Mike McConnell Baltimore
Jerry Truong Montgomery
Lu Zhang Baltimore City
Amanda Burnham Baltimore City
Jackie Milad Baltimore City
Leslie Suzanne Shellow Baltimore City
Julie Wills Kent
Jowita Wyszomirska Baltimore City

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

On Alexandria’s Torpedo Factory Art Center

A decade ago I wrote this about the Torpedo Factory in Old Town Alexandria - one of my fave places in the DMV... how much of it has come to pass?

Read my 2009 thoughts here...

Monday, April 15, 2019

At the CATO Institute

Should art offend? Does it matter if people are offended? Should offensive art be displayed? Should it be censored? Who decides what is offensive or appropriate? Join us to hear a discussion of these questions and more.

A discussion panel featuring Philip Kennicott, Chief Art and Architecture Critic, the Washington PostJanis Goodman, Panelist, WETA Around Town, Associate Professor of Fine Arts, Corcoran School of the Arts and Design, George Washington University; Lenny Campello, Author, Daily Campello Art News; and Jason Kuznicki, Research Fellow, Cato Institute and Editor, Cato Books; moderated by Caleb O. BrownCato Daily Podcast host, Director of Multimedia, Cato Institute.

May 22, 2019 
6:30PM to 8:00PM EDT

Cato Institute

1000 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20001-5403

Phone (202) 842 0200

Sunday, April 14, 2019



It’s about a child suffering from insomnia and anxiety. It’s a topic not often addressed in children’s books, but something that the author - Susanna Fields-Kuehl, a licensed therapist and artist in Maryland sees daily in her practice. 

I Hope you can all support the project and spread the word! Kickstarter end April 24!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Lyrical Flight | Barbara Januszkiewicz

My good friend Barbara is opening at the gorgeous Athenaeum in Old Town Alexandria - easily one of the most beautiful art spaces in the DMV!

Lyrical Flight | Barbara Januszkiewicz

April 18 – June 2, 2019

Artist Reception: Sunday, May 12, 4 - 6 pm

Collaboration: Light Exists, Sunday, June 2, 1 pm

Artist Talk: Sunday, June 2, 2 pm
Barbara Januszkiewicz luminous and elegant paintings evolved out of her early work in watercolor, a progression evident in the almost liquid flow of colors across her large compositions. In these acrylic works, tones melt together and "veils of pigment appear to fold over one another, creating illusory creases and hollows. The overall affect is one of slow, powerful visual rhythms. Januszkiewicz semi-translucent colors floats across her surfaces, soaking into the unprimed canvas and paper to create tactile fusions of paint and support that envelope the viewer in diaphanous veils of paint. 
Januszkiewicz pure abstract forms call to mind the stained canvases of Morris Louis and Helen Frankenthaler, but her work embodies a unique elegance that differentiates it
from that of her color fields with wonderful abstract shapes that are rendered loosely with a great feeling of fluidity and motion. "My brushwork is applied in waves of curving, color shapes, submerged in translucent washes. My goal is to achieve the highest degree of richness, with a light source that comes not from applied paint, but rather from the luminosity of the brilliant white paper or canvas," said Januszkiewicz. Here we see Januszkiewicz produce zen-like brush strokes across large formats with watercolor-like acrylics effortlessly.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Saint Joseph's University galleries says NO!

Another layer of thick skin added:
Dear Mr. Campello,
Thank you very much for sending us your resume and images for consideration in our 2019-2020 exhibition schedule.  The committee was pleased to learn about you and view your work.  Unfortunately, we are unable to exhibit your work at this time.
There were close to three hundred applications and only five available slots this year.   We thought that many of the applicants this year would show well in our gallery, and as you can imagine, it was very difficult to limit our choices. 
We wish you the best of luck with your artistic endeavors and thank you again for your interest in our program.  
Jeanne Bracy
Jeanne Bracy
Gallery Curator
The University Galleries, 
Merion Hall and Boland Hall
Saint Joseph's University
5600 City Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19131

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this art scammer!
From:  "Jill Welberg"
Do you ship to Switzerland and accept US issued credit card as payment?, you will contact my shipper who handles all of my shipment, they pick up the items at your location and deliver directly to my store doorstep without hassle. Let me know if i can e-mail you what am interested in ordering. 

Jill Welberg