Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A hidden Cupid in one of Vermeer’s most famous paintings?

Say whaaaaat?

From Artsy:
Johannes Vermeer’s Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window (1657–59) was recently undergoing restoration when conservators made a groundbreaking revelation. Forty years ago, X-rays had discovered an earlier version of the painting was dominated by a large image of Cupid that comes in the form of a painting within the painting. It was assumed that Vermeer himself had painted over the figure before the work was finished.
Read the whole fascinating article here... 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Don't miss this panel next week! Free!

Should art offend? Does it matter if people are offended? Should offensive art be displayed? Should it be censored? Who decides what is offensive or appropriate? Join us to hear a discussion of these questions and more.

A discussion panel featuring Philip Kennicott, Chief Art and Architecture Critic, the Washington PostJanis Goodman, Panelist, WETA Around Town, Associate Professor of Fine Arts, Corcoran School of the Arts and Design, George Washington University; Lenny Campello, Author, Daily Campello Art News; and Jason Kuznicki, Research Fellow, Cato Institute and Editor, Cato Books; moderated by Caleb O. BrownCato Daily Podcast host, Director of Multimedia, Cato Institute.

May 22, 2019 
6:30PM to 8:00PM EDT

Cato Institute
1000 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20001-5403

Phone (202) 842 0200

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Call for proposals

Deadline: July 1, 2019

The Rosemary Duffy Larson Gallery of Broward College is currently seeking proposals for the 2020-2021 exhibition season. 

Group exhibitions and curatorial proposals are welcomed, as well as solo exhibition proposals. 

Please submit the following materials to the email address below: 

1) Resume or CV (include artist website address if available). 
2) Detailed proposal of the exhibition.
 3) Artist statement.
 4) Artwork samples, using the following specifications: a) 15-20 digital images (JPEG) - 72 dpi, 1024 x 768 pixel maximum. 
b) Up to 5 minutes of time-based work with a description of no more than one page in digital format contextualizing the work. 
5) Image list (including title, medium, dimensions or duration, and date). 
6) Indicate if you are interested in being included in a group exhibition if you are not chosen for a solo exhibition. 

Please email the submission to Angel Clyman – Gallery Director: rosemaryduffylarsongallery@gmail.com

More information can be found at: http://www.browardvpa.com/call-for-proposals/  

Friday, May 10, 2019

Bethesda Fine Arts Festival is this weekend!

This weekend! May 11 and 12!

Delight in fine art created by 130 of the nation's best artists, live entertainment and Bethesda restaurants. Located in Bethesda's Woodmont Triangle, along Norfolk, Auburn and Del Ray Avenues. Festival hours are Saturday, May 11 from 10 - 6pm and Sunday, May 12 from 10am - 5pm. Loads of parking garages right on top of the show!

Admission to the festival is FREE and free parking is available in the public parking garage on Auburn Avenue. This event is held rain or shine.

You can see all the artists here.  My faves from that group are:
By Teresa Haag

Zhiyi Li from Enfield, CT in Booth #83

Teresa Haag from Phoenixville, PA in Booth #51 

Cassie Taggart from Rehoboth, DE in Booth #55

Loretta Petraitis from Saint Petersburg, FL in Booth #99

Both printmakers in the show (Edward Bordett from Fincastle, VA in Booth #108 and Joseph Craig English from Washington Grove, MD in Booth #104 ) are absolute masters of the art, and easily one of the best deals in contemporary art on the planet.

By Cassie Taggart
The Bethesda Fine Arts Festival features live entertainment! Some of the region's best bands will be featured on the stage this year. Make sure you stop by to hear live rock, jazz, reggae, Latin music and more!

Bethesda Fine Arts Festival restaurants will be on Norfolk Avenue next to the stage. Drop by during the festival for sliders, sushi, barbecue, Indian cuisine, ice cream, beer, wine and more!

Best in show? Cassie Taggart from Rehoboth, DE in Booth #55 - go buy one of her amazing paintings!

15th Annual Gateway Open Studio Tour this weekend!

Join us for the 15th Annual Gateway Open Studio Tour!

Saturday, May 11th
11 am - 5 pm

Explore the largest concentration of artist studios in the in the region! The Gateway Arts District (comprised of Mount Rainier, Brentwood, North Brentwood, and Hyattsville ) is a hotbed of artistic energy, and May 11th is a great time to check it out in a self-guided tour! 

Over 200 artists will be open to the public on the same day and the same time. This one-day, FREE event gives you behind-the-scenes access to the creatives and their work spaces in this exciting cluster of artists and organizations just over the DC line.

More details, a map, and artist links at GatewayOpenStudios.org

PS: After the tour, join the artists for an after party held at the NEW culinary arts incubator, Savor at Studio 3807!

Thursday, May 09, 2019

NUE Magazine

My article in NUE Magazine on a couple of NYC art fairs is up... check it out here.