Sunday, May 31, 2020


Anderson Lennox Campello

Saturday, May 30, 2020


Space-X launch: For me it launched memories of me as a kid watching them on TV with my Dad in Brooklyn and us cheering when those Apollos lifted off.

At one point it also reminded me of the horror of watching the Challenger blow up on live TV when I was in Postgraduate School in Monterey in 1986.  I hope it all remains going great for the crew and the program!

Thursday, May 28, 2020


I've got an ass-kicking epic article coming in the Crier Media newspaper chain this June - as soon as link is up, will publish it -- get a hard copy anywhere... loads of illustrations.


Here's a taste of the article:
In the nation, the pandemic has had an interesting, if not unexpected American twist: it has become a political issue of sorts. The angry left blames the President – just the President – for everything, and the angry right mirrors it right back to whoever is/are the leaders of the Democrat party these days.
Leave it to artists to actually do something positive not only with these two political interpretations of a disease, but also with a myriad of interpretations of the Covidian Age and Covidism – and I suspect that a millennia from now, when perhaps even more dark events have been survived by the human race, it is the First Covidian Age artwork which will truly tell the story and mark the crowning spot (pun intended) of the Coronavirulization of art.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

TILA Studios COVID-19 Fund: Support for Black Women Artists

Deadline: July 1, 2020

Award Info: $1000
Type: Grants & Fellowships
Eligibility: National
Categories: Craft/Traditional Arts, Photography, Drawing, Film/Video/New Media, Mixed-Media/Multi-Discipline, Painting, Sculpture

TILA Studios is launching a recurring monthly fund beginning at $1,000 to support black women artists nationwide.

Experienced a stalled gig or opportunity
Lost of income from day job being temporarily closed
Stipend for on-going art project with a specific purpose and direction

Friday, May 22, 2020

Artist Relief Emergency Grants

Deadline: June 18, 2020

Artist Relief Emergency Grants: Cycle III
Organization: Artist Relief
Submission Deadline: June 18, 2020
Award Info: $5,000
Type: Grants & Fellowships
Eligibility: National
Categories: Craft/Traditional Arts, Photography, Drawing, Film/Video/New Media, Mixed-Media/Multi-Discipline, Painting, Sculpture
Online Only: Yes

Details here.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Creative in Quarantine conversations

Join Hirshhorn Museum curator emerita Phyllis Rosenzweig for a Creative in Quarantine conversation Thursday May 21 4-5pm. 

This is one in a series of weekly conversations produced by Day Eight’s Arts Writing Fellowship project and Cove Coworking during the corona quarantine. 

All events are free and to ensure interaction among attendees attendance is capped at 10. After registering a private link is provided to join on Zoom. The events are hosted by Robert Bettmann.

Phyllis Rosenzweig - Thur May 21 4-5pm

Phyllis Rosenzweig is curator emerita at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. At the Museum she organized exhibitions by contemporary artists such as Byron Kim, Louise Lawler, Sherrie Levine, Sol LeWitt, Glenn Ligon, Thomas Struth, and Lawrence Weiner. She has taught at George Washington University and at the Corcoran College of Art + Design and remains active in curatorial and publication projects. Register here.

Full series is in the “event” on Facebook and the next ones are:

Edward Winkleman - Wed May 27th 4-5pm

Edward Winkleman is Director of Digital Operations at John Wiley and Sons, an American multinational publishing company founded in 1807. He began his career in the art world with a series of guerilla-style exhibitions organized in New York and London under the name 'hit & run' and in 2001 co-founded Plus Ultra Gallery in the Williamsburg district of Brooklyn, New York. Moving into Manhattan's gallery district in Chelsea in 2006, he changed the name of the gallery to Winkleman Gallery and the gallery's exhibitions were reviewed in the New York Times, Artforum, Art in America, Flash Art, the New Yorker, TimeOut New York, and Art on Paper, among others. He authored an eponymous and highly influential blog about the art world and politics and was a contributing editor to the international blog Art World Salon. He lives in New York City.

Ron Charles - Tue June 2nd 4-5pm

Ron Charles is a book critic at The Washington Post. Prior to joining the Post, Charles was the book review editor and staff critic for seven years at The Christian Science Monitor. In 2010 he began a series of video book reviews for The Washington Post called "The Totally Hip Video Book Review". Sometimes featuring his wife, high school English teacher Dawn Charles, the videos are humorous reviews of books in the news and the art of book reviewing.

Maura Judkis - Thursday June 11 Noon-1pm

Maura Judkis is a features reporter covering culture, food, and the arts for the Washington Post. She has also received recognition as a humorist, essayist, food taster, and video presenter. In 2018 she won the James Beard Foundation media award for humor for her article about pumpkin spice. Since 2011, she has written for the Washington Post as a general assignment reporter in the Style section.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Covidian Age: $5,000 grants

Artist Relief will distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19; serve as an ongoing informational resource; and co-launch the COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers, designed by Americans for the Arts, to better identify and address the needs of artists. 

No Entry Fee. 
