Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Lilith Creating Darkness


The Lilith Creating Darkness by F. Lennox Campello c. 2009

The Lilith Creating Darkness
2009 by F. Lennox Campello

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Isla Torturada

"Isla Torturada" Hand-colored monoprint with embedded pins 5x7 inches
"Isla Torturada"
Hand-colored monoprint with embedded pins
5x7 inches


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Isla del Ciervo Herido


Cuba - Isla Golpeada - 1980 F. Lennox Campello
Isla Golpeada
Hand-colored monoprint, c. 1980 by F. Lennox Campello
(Verse by Jose Marti)

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A sailor and his date

A Sailor and his date - a 1986 vintage US Navy cartoon by F. Lennox Campello

A Sailor and his date

1986 vintage US Navy cartoon by F. Lennox Campello


Monday, November 09, 2020

You think that's hard?

 When I was in the Navy I did dozens of illustrations for newspapers (such as The Stars & Stripes), and sketches of his shipmates and other US Navy sailors in ports in the US and European ports.  Most of these drawings and paintings were given away to his shipmates, but I also kept many of them - this one has been in storage for over 40 years and was recently found!

A funny 1983 US Navy cartoon by F. Lennox Campello

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Congrats to President-elect Biden

And so the Orange one appears to have lost... maybe another casualty of the Covidian monster!

I sincerely hope that President-elect Biden can handle the Presidency and this doesn't turn out to be a case of elder abuse, as sometimes Joe seems to be a bit out of it.  

I pray for him and wish him the best of luck - I didn't vote for you, but now that you're about to become President, I will support and respect you and hope that you're not being used as a stooge by the DNC to set up your VP.

I gotta bad feeling about this - keep your eyes peeled Dr. Biden! Protect your husband!

God Bless you Mr. Prez, and God Bless the USA!

Saint Ninian Preaching to the Picts

St. Ninian Preaching to the Picts 1995 Charcoal by F. Lennox Campello
St. Ninian Preaching to the Picts
1995 Charcoal by F. Lennox Campello