Thursday, January 21, 2021

Wanna work at the Washington Glass School?

The Washington Glass School and Studio is seeking candidates for position of full-time Studio Coordinator!

Details here.

Located just outside of Washington DC, WGS is a privately owned, public access art studio. Washington Glass School and Studio is dedicated to creating and promoting kiln-formed glass and mixed-media sculpture.

 Washington Glass School and Studio has 3 primary missions:

  • 1. Community involvement through engagement of large-scale public artworks
  • 2. Educate through teaching art classes and mixed-media classes
  • 3. Promote and support Washington Glass Studio artists

They are "looking for someone who is excited about fabricating artwork, hands-on glass and art education, community involvement, and managing a studio. We seek someone who wants to learn about the contemporary art world and to expose themselves to  new techniques and mediums. The Studio Coordinator serves two roles: assisting studio artist Tim Tate and coordinating an active mixed media studio and school.. A great candidate will be self-motivated with positive energy, who can independently organize and manage studio activities, as well as collaborate closely with all staff and studio residents."

 Start date: May 1st, 2021.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Isla Golpeada

Cuba - Isla Golpeada - 1980 F. Lennox Campello
"Isla Golpeada"
5x7 inches, c. 1980 by Florencio Lennox Campello
Hand-colored monoprint with embossed surface bumps and poem by Jose Marti


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Frazetta style

 The late, great master Frank Frazetta was one of my very early idols and my main inspiration for applying to art school at the University of Washington.

Little did I know in 1977 that the art world thought little of "illustrators", regardless of their impact, skill and artistic footprint.

The below drawing, titled "The Hunted" is a pen and ink drawing on paper, and was part of my application package to the school. I recall the otherwise affable and nice career counselor denigrating it as "illustration rather than art."


THE HUNTED - A 1977 ink drawing by F. Lennox Campello done in the style of Frank Frazetta


1977 ink drawing by F. Lennox Campello done in the style of Frank Frazetta

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Opportunity for Artists

BlackRock Center for the Arts invites artists from the mid-Atlantic region to submit their work to be considered for two exhibition opportunities. The first is their biennial juried printmaking exhibit, INK IT: Contemporary Print Practices, with online entries due this Sunday, January 17.


$20 - Professional Artists (up to 3 works per entry)

$10 - Student Artists (up to 3 works per entry)

The second opportunity is their annual open call for exhibition proposals, for solo and group shows in all media. Online submissions due by Monday, February 1.

ELIGIBILITY: Resident of MD, DC, VA, PA, DE, or WV. Must be age 18 or older.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 1, 2021 (online submission by 11:59 pm EST)

APPLICATION FEE: $35 (non-refundable)

Details here.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Celia Cruz

While looking for my old passports (don't ask why), as usual I found a lot of other things first...

These are some lithographs that I did for a printmaking class at the University of Washington School of Art, where I studied art from 1977-1981.  They depict The Queen of Salsa: Cuban superstar Celia Cruz.

La Reina - Portrait of Celia Cruz - Signed and numbered lithographs circa 1980 by Florencio Lennox Campello, University of Washington School of Art

Wednesday, January 13, 2021